Because you are living in guilt. Get over it. HE has.
2007-07-16 12:06:07
answer #1
answered by Y!A P0int5 Wh0r3 5
Have faith, and believe what He says. A lot of us have gone through that, Satan's' job on that matter is to tell you that God has not forgiven you. I had to take him back to where I was saved, and said, "Satan, here is the spot, that I received Jesus, and asked Him into my heart, now you go and don't bother me any more, I rebuke old Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ." I have not had any trouble out of him since. Some times you have to run the pest off.
2007-07-16 23:33:58
answer #2
answered by Auburn 5
Because you must still be too busy judging yourself to let God judge you. If I were you, I'd let God do the judging, because He knows more than you, and He might be able to let a lot of punishment slide, that YOU think you deserve! So try to relax and 'Let it be'. It might not turn out bad for you, at all! (Then you can run all around, singing and praising with the rest of them) And when it doesn't, why drag yourself through the muck of your own judgement again, when God has dropped the charges?
2007-07-16 19:16:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If you repent of sin and have put your faith in Christ, then you are qualified for the promise.
Is 55:6,7 Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way,
And the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the LORD, And He will have mercy on him; And to our
God, For He will abundantly pardon.
Consider Paul's example which is a precedent for those who would come to faith.
1Tim 1:12-16 I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service. Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners— of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life."
2007-07-16 19:16:16
answer #4
answered by Steve Amato 6
Forgiveness doesn't come with a feeling, unless you in turn forgive yourself.
It's really not forgiveness if you think of it as such. Forgiveness means that there was something to forgive. Which means that the mere mention of it means there is a record of a transgression not forgotten. God forgets. You haven't.
Sit down quietly somewhere, take a deep breath and imagine that a large, warm flame of love is in front of you. Then it moves slowly into your heart, it engulfs the rest of you until any coldness is gone from your being. Feel the love as it sinks into your inner most being. All the cells in your body are bathed in this light. Feel the tingling of joy as it moves into your hands and feet, and deep within your heart cell. It streams through you and out from your belly. Flowing like a river into the room you are sitting in, and filling the whole house, and flowing into anyone that has wronged you. Cover them with this love. Speak to them of love, peace and goodwill (in your mind.) Tell them how God wants to wash away all negative feelings, and to fill them with the pure light of love, (as you yourself feel.) Bathe in this until you feel any coldness or emptiness is gone from your heart.
Now, soak in this as much as you can.
2007-07-16 19:37:48
answer #5
answered by Blank 4
If you are sincere in your sorrow, God has fogriven you, I think the problem is that YOU have not forgiven you. That is a very difficult thing to come to terms with.
2007-07-16 19:12:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The enemy is sitting on your shoulder screaming in your ear. Stop listening to the enemy. God's grace is enough. He offers grace to everyone...only some accept it.
Perhaps another reason is that you haven't forgiven yourself. Jesus tells us that we are forgiven in the measure in which we forgive. Wouldn't include ourselves?
Peace and grace to you.
2007-07-16 19:08:18
answer #7
answered by Salvation is a gift, Eph 2:8-9 6
Guilt? I can understand how hard it is. But God says if you repent of your sins, He puts them as far away as the east is from the west, and remembers them no more. Trust His word and allow His forgiveness and restoration to wash over you. It is a gift that needs to be accepted.
2007-07-16 19:06:51
answer #8
answered by Esther 7
"if your heart condemns you remember God is greater than your heart".God doesnt base his love and forgiveness on how you feel (feelings) have faith believe his word.
i know you came to him fro the onethosanth time like me.Its okay confess ask god to change you and that you have no pwer to change. Cheer up
2007-07-16 19:15:22
answer #9
answered by Mr. Clean 2
Gods main purpose of the bible was to show that God will forgive anyone who seeks out his name with a sorrowful heart.
2007-07-16 19:06:56
answer #10
answered by Charles E 3
Because you keep dwelling on yourself and not looking into His word in trust.
You need to focus on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of Faith.
( Hebrews 12)
Everytime you expect to make yourself better for God you deserve to fail. Look to Him, NOT yourself. You are right by seeing spiritual failure in yourself!
LOOK TO HIM!!!!!!!
2007-07-16 19:07:31
answer #11
answered by Christian Sinner 7