No comments because humans can never be too sure...It's all up to God. We may think we are doing soemthing right and not even know we are doing something wrong. Its the little fibs and cursing that makews me unsure of myself and people. Lies are so easy to tell. Truths arent.
2007-07-17 04:45:09
answer #1
answered by ? 4
I have said already several times on this lovely site: I do not want to go to heaven. I think it will be a dull place with lots of bigots and boring music.
Again: I want to give up my right on a place in heaven as an act of charity
Again: anybody who says I will go to hell for this will be reported for harassment and playing god.
Do not forget to water the plants today!
2007-07-17 15:56:16
answer #2
answered by kwistenbiebel 5
I would go to heaven if I died this minute because over 36 years ago God revealed Himself to me when He opened my heart to believe that His Son Jesus Christ came down from heaven and died on a cross for my sins so I could receive the gift of eternal life. I was born again into the Kingdom of God on that day and became a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Ever since that day I have purposed to live for Him who died for me. I have fallen short 10,000 times, but He has never failed me.
2007-07-16 11:11:39
answer #3
answered by wefmeister 7
I'm already in eternity and on my way to heaven by grace.
Years ago when I was a youngster, I used to visit an old lady. One day, out of the blue, she asked me what heaven is like. When I said I didn't know, she looked me in the eye with a twinkle in her own and told me: "O, but you do".
I didn't realise she was right until the following weekend. We chatted about her wish to see her family one more time and she told me her son was visiting soon. The next Sunday evening, I got a call from her son. He described taking her round to visit with family she hadn't seen for years. They got back after a long day and she lay on the sofa while he made a brew.
I came back in, he told me, and she was dead with a huge smile on her face. The last thing she said was to tell you she was going to the place you know about. What did she mean?
That old lady made me think about things a little more deeply. There is a line in the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam about "I am myself am both heaven and hell". Life really is what you make it. I don't think, I know - but each one of us has to find out for themselves.
Sometimes it's a matter of definition.
Good wishes.
2007-07-16 11:54:19
answer #4
answered by pilgrimspadre 4
Do I think I will go to heaven? I do not 'think,' I know: I will not go to a heaven because no such thing exists. No hell either. Six-feet under, a feast for maggots and other underground critters, and in a relative short time, except for some bones, a few rags, and a skull, that's all, folks.
2007-07-16 11:34:57
answer #5
answered by Yank 5
The place to which I will go when I die will be perfect for my being - God will not send me there, but he will meet me there. My God does not discriminate and will not make judgement on me, but will comfort and console me in any difficulties that I may experience, I will always be and feel surrounded by unconditional love, for that is the God in which I believe.
I do not believe in hell, so I will not go there.
I believe you will go to the place you believe you will go upon death, so any atheist should note that if one realises one is still thinking in the blackness of death, there is a very good chance that there is a life after.
2007-07-16 11:14:39
answer #6
answered by Jewel 6
I know I will go to Heaven -- but don't get me wrong, it's not that I am a really super wholly person, but I have accepted Jesus as my Saviour. This means that he has taken the punishment I deserve and in exchange given me eternal life. The good news is that the offer is out there for everyone.
2007-07-16 11:08:10
answer #7
answered by nettyone2003 6
everybody goes to heaven. murderers go to heaven. christians, bhuddists go to heaven. Hitler, or whatever soul was him, will eventually go to heaven. Unless due to other circumstances, almost everyone is going to heaven. If not, Hell exists but its a personal hell. God never told us to form churches of different religions. he didnt write the bible either-duh, for whoever still says that. not saying he had no influence on it. plus, read misquoting jesus and open the mind. If your true soul is nothing but good, and you earn it, you are going to heaven
2007-07-16 11:21:39
answer #8
answered by xcrun99 3
May I answer if I'm living in my heaven now,and since I decided not to wait until I die to go there?We can you know....
2007-07-16 11:25:26
answer #9
answered by stones 3
I don't think...I don't hope...I Know I'm going to Heaven. What makes me think it...Well I know I accepted Him as my savior..and thats the only way... I'm going to Heaven without a doubt!!! Even though I must say the Devil tried to make think I wasn't...that was another way I know..because the Devil just say nothing but Lies!
2007-07-16 11:17:38
answer #10
answered by ~*Lucy*~ 3