I would tell him he is right and he should make sure the Christians know the real meaning of that verse.
2007-07-16 10:27:47
answer #1
answered by ? 6
if it is on the internet it must be true right?
Jesus was addressing an issue that is pretty strait forward.
He asks the question, why do you call me good. Good is an attribute of God. He points that out.
This is a challenge to the man to make a decision about whom Christ is.
Now for those who would say Jesus is not God, you need to find out. If he is not God, then he is a liar, or worse a demon.
make your choice but don't call him a moral teacher, he has not left you that choice.
those words from c.s. lewis
2007-07-16 15:36:12
answer #2
answered by magnetic_azimuth 6
If he said that in front of me, I'd probably say "Amen!"
Yes, people tend to conveniently interpret the Bible to justify their own desires and beliefs. While this verse is quite clear on its face, it might be less clear when you bring in other parts of the Bible that differ or even contradict this quote.
IE, the Bible denounces arrogance and promotes humility. Wouldn't you be more surprised replied, "Yes, I am good. If you take God out of the equation, I am actually the greatest." Which statement "fits in" with the rest of the Bible and its teachings?
2007-07-16 10:34:02
answer #3
answered by William C 2
Because no matter how other people say or how people reinterpret the Bible..., we Christians always believe that GOD abide in Jesus (meaning that God lies with Jesus altogether (spiritually). And Jesus is part of God. In regular English, this means like Father like Son.
2007-07-16 10:38:57
answer #4
answered by Joseph 3
If Jesus stood in front of me and said that, I would reply that he is far more good than me or any other person on earth.
Yes, Jesus the Son is not God. Isn't it strange that people think that he could be his own father? Such concepts just drive athiests further into their unbelief and serve no good purpose.
2007-07-16 10:32:40
answer #5
answered by Candidus 6
Let us take your question in context:
"As He was walking by the way, a young ruler came running to Him, and kneeling, reverently saluted Him. "Good Master," he said, "what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?"
The ruler had addressed Christ merely as an honored rabbi, not discerning in Him the Son of God. The Savior said, "Why callest thou Me good? There is none good but one, that is, God."
Jesus was saying: On what ground do you call Me good? God is the one good. If you recognize Me as such, you must receive Me as His Son and representative.
Then Jesus continued: "If thou wilt enter into life," He added, "keep the commandments."
The character of God is expressed in His law; and in order for you to be in harmony with God, the principles of His law must be the spring of your every action.
Jesus was merely correcting that ruler. Jesus substantiated His divinity by using Creative power, raising the dead, healing the lame, restoring the sight, and then He said, If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.
The disciples knew how to interpret the Bible, and they called Jesus LORD AND MASTER. So should we.
A Bible code proves Jesus is exactly who He says He is, the Messiah.
Select http://abiblecode.tripod.com
Blessings, Balaam
2007-07-16 10:43:52
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You need to read the verses before and after to find out what Jesus meant by this particular question.
2007-07-16 10:39:06
answer #7
answered by Sharkman 1
I would simply reply, because I find you to be a good person.
Gee, it appears as if your question is direccted to christians alone? It does tend to make me wonder why you pose it? Lest you forget, not everyone who visits here shares a christian belief. So I would simply suggest that you examine your motive for posing the question. If indeed it is meant to be devisive rather then thoughtful, perhaps you would be better served by re-directing your queries inwardly...as in "Why am I so concerned about what other people believe?" "why does it matter to me so much?"
2007-07-16 10:43:02
answer #8
answered by Stevie 3
Jesus was speaking to people who already believed He was NOT God. He was trying to make a point. Also, if you read this verse in the NIV translation, it's a bit different. There are many other places where He makes it very clear that He IS God, such as "I and the Father are One."
2007-07-16 10:31:57
answer #9
answered by JesusFirst2Day 3
How many times does this have to be explained to you!!! Jesus is NOT GOD, He is "God as a human" with all of our humanly traits except for sin. Have you ever heard that a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle is not a square? Same thing here, God is Jesus, Jesus is not God! He came here to give us a way to be with Him when we die. We, on our own, could never measure up to Gods standards so He gave us a way to be with Him. Get saved, it is the best "Life Insurance" you could ever have. Finally, a question for you: What will you tell God when you meet Him and your name is not in the Book of Life that Jesus has?
2007-07-16 10:44:18
answer #10
answered by Bill D 3
When Jesus was on earth, even he called himself the son of man, totally human but also totally God, Now that he has risen from the dead and sits at the right hand of the Father he is now King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Anymore Questions???
2007-07-16 10:36:40
answer #11
answered by victor 7707 7