Indeed... the sky hasn't fallen down on us and the demons haven't risen up to dance the hokey-pokey on our bones. In fact, life is going on pretty much as before (except for the fact that some people can now get married who couldn't before, which only increases the overall level of societal benefit and happiness... so, hooray!).
2007-07-16 09:53:14
answer #1
answered by prairiecrow 7
These are crazy times and if countries decide to legalize same sex marriage then that's how it will be.
People have a choice to live however they please.
i would never persecute homosexuals, they are people too. Persecution of anyone or group is unacceptable.
Just that we need to realize that God is watching over us.
You'd be surprised what unconditional love can accomplish
2007-07-16 10:11:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The ball is already rolling in that direction. There will be a time soon when Christian preachers and teachers can not teach certain TRUTHS of the Bible because of fear of being arrested. The only way I see this reversing is if many Christian preachers don't cave in and actually get arrested for preaching against such things as homosexuality and enough of them band together to make a difference. A change like this will only open up the door for many other terrible circumstances such as the toleration and legalization of pedophilia. We are slowly approaching the immoral atrocities of the ancient Roman and Greek empires.
2007-07-16 10:03:40
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You come across as being the persecutor here, simply because you misunderstand the message most Christians are sending to this nation. The message: Hate the sin, love and embrace the sinner. Get it right, and stop persecuting those who do not agree with your way of thinking.
2007-07-16 09:56:54
answer #4
answered by Jimbo 2
Statistically if America were to legalize same-sex marriages divorce rates would go up.
Look it up.
2007-07-16 10:04:34
answer #5
answered by Kris 6
1. "Christians," for the most part, aren't bigoted and discriminatory toward gays. Most Christians are 'WAY too intelligent and tolerant to be that hateful and stupid. And since I'm a Christian (and one whose father was a minister in a mainstream denomination), I speak first-hand.
2. The most noisy (and noiSOME) faction in America that IS that hateful and moronic is the doltish RRR Cult... the "Religious" Radical Right... whose PSEUDO-Christians (who lyingly claim to be Christians, and thus give actual Christians a bad name) support loathsome agendas against the rights of tens of millions of girls, women, and gays -- for NO good reason. Not **one single FACT** supports their agendas.
So God will almost surely do NOTHING to the 94% of *professing* Christians who comprise most of the USA's population, for their being fair-minded and sensible. But if He gives the RRR cultists a hard time after they die, for their hatefulness, it will be a delicious irony!
Obviously, Canada and those other nations are doing just FINE, since same-sex marriage (SSM) is totally HARMLESS. All that "defense of marriage" hate-babble emanates from CLUELESS bigots. NO opposite-sex couple's marriage could EVER be harmed in any way by a same-sex couple's getting married.
2007-07-16 10:02:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
When god said let he who is without sin cast the first stone, god was joking. In reality, god wants holier-than-thou christians to cast all stones possible to punish people that they think god would disapprove of. Why wait for god to hand out the punishments. Isn't it far better to cast stones upon others before they cast them back at you?
2007-07-16 10:04:22
answer #7
answered by Fred 7
You cannot be atrue Christian if you persecute and denigrate others. Jesus will be very annoyed with you, and perhaps the gates of Heaven will be slammed in your face..get it?
2007-07-16 11:16:07
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
um....I dont persecute gays, i think there living in sin.
Like anyone else living in sin.
They just expect that they can do what everyone else can even when there not doing the same thing.
they calim wheres the fairness....I say the same thing.
they have a choice to chose to be with who there with, they should take what comes with it.
2007-07-16 10:11:18
answer #9
answered by robertt223 4
We don't "persecute" gays, we accept gays and are kind to them, treat them like any other person. but we are told nto to be gay in the bible, becuase what would hapen to teh world's population if woman and woman and man and man were together? it would be one messed up world, and the population would die out. canada's population is still at large, yes, because there are gays, but there aren't a BUNCH or BILLIONS and BILLIONS of gays. that's what we want to prevent and people are doing it ==]=]
2007-07-16 09:57:40
answer #10
answered by Anonymous