Very interesting question! I thought about the same thing, and you got me wondering about the answer to this question! I had given it some thought. I decided to look at it, from God's perspective, althought this will be hard to do, because no one can completely understand Him, cause His wisdom is too great for us to completely understand Him. There is a way! God, can only give us His understanding, thur the Holy Spirt. Its this spirit, helps guide us, and allows us to think like God, and know Him. Without the Holy Spirit, we will never know . .based on our own understanding.
I believe, this is why God tests us:
Its okay, if you don't understand everything about God, because I don't quite understand it, myself. No one ever will! Only God can reveal His wisdom to us, Christians . when we truly want to know Him, more and more. In order to do so, we must always keep seeking His truth (wisdom) thru the Holy Spirit, by reading His word in the Bible, praying to Him, and thru fellowship with other Christians.
God is not the cause for suffering and pain, Satan the devil is. Satan causes all the evilness in this world, today.
God has already planned our destiny, according to His plan (LIFE), but the truth is . .we don't know this . .because of Satan being present on earth and always trying to deceive us. We are not truly holy, as God . .only can be like Him, thru His power. That is how God created us.
When God banished Satan, God sent him to earth, along with Adam and Eve, his living creations . .because all of them went against God's first, and far most important commandment: You shall love the LORD, your God will all your heart, all your mind, all your strength . ." Because both Satan, and His living creations disobeyed this law, God punished them, and was going to put them to death, by one strick of His hand. But, Satan did not want to die, and begged God to send him to earth, because God has no where else to put him . so God did. God did this, because He is a merciful and loving god.
So, God gave Satan permission to do what he wanted there, (on earth), because God allowed him to entered and live there. God basically, gave him permission to rule earth, as his kingdom. . .because God certainly will not allow him to live and try to rule His Kingdom. Because Satan is evil, evil can not exist and live in a holy place, so Satan was banished forever, for good. But, when Satan begged him to put him on earth, Satan thought he can get His living creations to go against Him, because Satan, sadly . .still thinks he is smarter and more powerful than God. But, God knows, and He knew exactly what He was doing, lol. God knows Satan will never win, because he can't. No one can be God, for there is only one, true God.
But, although God put Satan on earth (due to Satan begging for mercy ..haha, imagine that!) God realized He had no control over His living creations, in the beginning. He let it happen for some time, until He no longer could take it. He wiped them out, with the Flood, but kept Moses and his family unit, because God found favor in him. Later on, God already had planned to find a way to save His people, (meaning all His living creations, not just Christians . .when I say His . because God made us all, and we all really belong to Him), thru the sacirfice and death of Jesus Christ on the cross. God already made His promise. He said He will keep them. He proves to people, He is true to His word, by doing what He said He'd do.
I believe there is a reason behind why God is testing His people, His living creations: If God wanted to, He can wipe out Satan and his demons, right now we speak. But, God won't, because He does want to kill His living creations that He made. He loves us too much to see us die, with Satan. But since God has no control over Satan's kingdom (that is earth), Satan is allowed to do whatever he wants, because God said so. God promised him this, and He must keep it. But, God does has control over us, humans . .because we are His creations. He can control us, only thru the soul (our hearts), because that is the only way He can reach us and help us, down on earth. God is holy, and only can exist in a holy kingdom . .His Kingdom. So, He can not live with us, down on earth . .because of Satan evil ruling. As you know, God suffered and was persecuted on earth, as a man Jesus Christ, because He will not be accepted in a unholy place, because he is truly holy. And, it would not make any sense for Him, to either . .why would a holy God like Him, want to live and try to live with Satan and unholy people? Doesn't make any sense.
I believe God is allowing Satan to play with us, like chess pieces on a chess board, is because if God destroys Satan, He will have to destroy us, too. Why? Because God already made His promise to His people (and to Satan, who already knew God's plan, but still thinks he can win . .haha) about how His plan will end. He will destroy Satan, along with everything else he rules and owns. God has the power to destroy Satan, but He would have to also destroy the earth, and everyone who he is deceiving, because God made that promise! And God keeps His promises. Because Satan has deceived so, so many people . .God had to find a way to save us, thru sacrifcing Jesus Christ on the cross. God allowing all this suffering and pain, on earth, not because He likes seeing it, (in fact, He feels pain and suffers right along with us, too because He is a loving and merciful God, a good, loving God.), but because God does not want to kill us, right now . .because He'd have to kill almost everyone He made, and that will make Him sad. Also, that will make God a liar, if He did not keep His promise. And, God is not evil, like Satan. Thus, God is being patient with both Satan, and the living creations that he has and is still deceiving.
I really do believe God knew His own angels will go against Him . .or it was going to happen, because He knows all things . .even the future. He released Satan, because He can not have him live in heaven, with Him, anymore. Satan disobeyed the most important commandment, and so did Adam and Eve. They all deserved death, but God was merciful . .because He is a loving God. God is allowing Satan to live and rule because God as allowed Satan to do so, because Satan begged him to put him there, lol. Imagine, Satan begging God to put him on earth, to spare his life, lol. God still loves His living creations (humans) that He made, and wants them to live. But, He can not destroy Satan just yet, because of mankind, His living creations. God wants us, as many of His living creations to live, because He is a loving and merciful God.
So, God is being patient . .very, very patient with all of us, because He loves us that much that He is willing to suffer along with us, so that we may have the chance to change and live; choosing to have eternal life with Him. God wants to spare all of our lives, because He created us to really love and serve him (made us to fullfill His plan), not the other way around!
The answer is: God made a promise, and He must keep it . .like He said. He is setting us the perfect example, of WHO HE REALLY IS AND IS ALL ABOUT, or else, if God didn't, He would be no better than Satan, and/ or us. That is why I believe He is doing it this way.
2007-07-16 12:24:06
answer #1
answered by ~Angela~ 3