There is no physical evidence of which I am aware. There were purported to be pieces of the robe and cross, but there were so many it is hard to know which if any were real.
However, there are records of the Romans, most derogatory to Christians, that speak of a man named Chrestus who was crucified. They say that their rituals derive from this man. Of course in condemning the Christians, Emperor Nero speaks of the man they follow named Jesus. There are references to Yeshua (which is a form of the Hebrew name for Jesus). You can check an interesting article in the sources below.
However, the only real proof that Jesus existed is in the hearts of Christians who have spoken with him and been saved by him.
Pastor John
2007-07-16 09:01:37
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The Babylonian Talmud (Sanhedrin 43a) confirms Jesus' crucifixion on the eve of Passover, and the accusations against Christ of practicing sorcery and encouraging Jewish apostasy.
Then we have all the Gnostic writings (The Gospel of Truth, The Apocryphon of John, The Gospel of Thomas, The Treatise on Resurrection, etc.) that all mention Jesus.
There is plenty of evidence, people just dont look for it. Oh, and these are both non-Christian writings
2007-07-16 08:49:49
answer #2
answered by LosingAllSanity VLOGS 3
Writings in the Bible.
Books by Josephus ( a jew writing for a Roman General and the Senate) referring to the crucifixtion of a Jesus (bar-Joseph) called by members of a Jewish Sect, the Christ
Books written by Eusebius (Greek, I think in North Africa writing for general audience - that wouldn't as large a number of course as it would today - with Barnes and Noble, etc.) that also refer to a messiah
You could also include visions (occuring still today) and sacramentals maintained in various Churches from those times. But if you want to hang your hat on just documents, it would be the writings mentioned earlier.
And if none of that is sufficient, then count the faith of millions as evidence.
2007-07-16 08:54:23
answer #3
answered by Bob 1
Do you mean Jesus or Christ? Independent historians, such as from Rome, wrote about the existence of Jesus on earth. The evidence of Jesus being the Christ or Messiah would be the miracles he preformed, which would be more subjective and, therefore, harder to prove for those who really don't want to believe.
2007-07-16 08:48:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There Is no scientific evidence, but this Is because believers of Christ take the Bible as evidence. Anyway There are those cases of seing christ's figure on a door, and a peice of toasted bread that looks like Jesus. But as far as I understand these baffel scientists, but I wouldn't take them as scientific breakthroughs; Case in point we havent found any bones or records of a magic man named Jesus. But I do know of a recorded name of a man In the time of Christ, named Jesus, But not of Nazereth.
2007-07-16 08:54:40
answer #5
answered by toastygoblin 1
This gets pretty basic, doesn't it?
Christians, various places stated having to do with lost areas which are found, many, many writings having to do with the incident (s), God's Spirit and the testimony of those who received Him, the events that have been building up to the End Times prophecies.
But you know, it will take Jesus coming to Earth for some to believe! Which He will do!
2007-07-16 08:53:43
answer #6
answered by Christian Sinner 7
You can journey to Israel, And view the historical Jewish records, You can travel throughout the nation of Israel and find the proof! As for today! Jesus lives in our hearts and souls, To often all we seek is knowledge of Jesus or aka GOD! and we don't share his message for fear, when, HEY! we need to fear God more then men! Jesus Christ died on the Cross for all of us! He is my Lord and Saviour! And I don't seek to have knowledge of him! But to have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus, and that will get me HOME!
2007-07-16 08:54:14
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i guess it can be hard to believe in something that no ones ever seen in our generation, nowadays people always want some sort of evidence in order to believe, and that you can get by having a relationship with god by praying and asking him for a signal or something to show you that HE IS real =). im sure he will respond to you, he has had to me.
p.s. by the way...have you noticed that mostly every other religion's gods died and you can dig them up and they are probably bones but still there...Jesus is the only one who showed true power and resurrected on the third day.=)
2007-07-16 09:07:23
answer #8
answered by Ruby 1
Our Lord himself said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away" (Matthew 24:35).
Surely the God who made this world with all its complexities is capable of preserving his word for all generations.
2007-07-16 08:49:12
answer #9
answered by RG 5
There are too many evidence. Try read books about it.
2007-07-16 08:49:51
answer #10
answered by Even Haazer 4