Yes,Joel is a good preacherand he deals with positivity,yes as christians we should deal with all sides of life and as negitive this world is its nice to have someone uplift you,and as far as the propserity goes if the world can be rich why cant gods children the bible states those that those that preach the gospel should recieve double honor,and By any means is God is not poor he owns everything and is a entepenuer and everything he touches multiplies,so as his children we also should live as such that way we can be a blessing to others, This also was an answer to all those that have negative feelings toward the church.
2007-07-16 08:53:57
answer #1
answered by God Child 4
I have watched him on tv and scanned a couple of his books.
He is a very positive and motivational speaker. But this is not what my personal needs are in a pastor. What influences me the most is a preacher who can tell it like it is without restraint from fear of offending someone. If the message touches on my nerves, it was what I needed to hear.
Give me some ole time relgion with a hell-fire and brimstone shouting preacher!! Let's bring the house down. Can I get an Amen.....
2007-07-16 18:26:58
answer #2
answered by †LifeOnLoan† 6
Joel Osteen is a heretic. He is basically a positive attitude speaker who uses Christianity as a garb. He doesn't challenge you to discipleship and living for the glory of God. His messages are about self-esteem, prosperity, and personal success. Jesus, however, taught us to take up the cross and follow him (Luke 9:23-26). Paul taught us to be thankful in ALL circumstances (1 Thess 5:18). Joel Osteen is leading the masses astray. Much better preachers are John MacArthur and John Piper.
2007-07-16 15:29:50
answer #3
answered by helper725 3
I like Joel Osteen. I don't think some of you people are really paying attention to his messages. He does talk about negative and positive circumstances. He does give biblical advice on how to deal with adversity and issues in life. Some advice is quoted from and explained in the bible, some are not. However, it has its roots in the Word. To comment on what others have said about his mega church, you really need to search the history of lakewood church. The success of lakewood has a lot to do with his father John Osteen. I want to challenge you to check out some of his material. Joel Osteen is carrying on a ministry that God gave to John Osteen. I believe Joel knows a lot about the Word. He may not be teaching and dissecting the Word on his tv program, but he is exhorting the people. Osteen's messages are the simple messages that a lot of people miss in their walk with God. You can quote the bible from genesis to revelation, preach and teach your heart out, but if you don't have God's love or practice His love, how effective will you be? Sure the Word will go forth, but how much more fruit can you bear for God? A simple smile, kind act, simple "hello" or hug will grab a person's attention. People respond to God's love. I believe Osteen encourages and challenges people to take those steps when facing people, or circumstances in our lives. Sure the teaching sounds simple, but can you smile, laugh, or show love to one another in the good times or when facing trials and tough times? I dare you to try!!!!
2007-07-16 17:11:56
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
God wants you to prosper down here as much as possible, just as long as you're not getting full of yourself in the process. I like what Joel's doing in Houston and I hope he continues to broadcast around the nation. Joel is showing that Christians can have a good time as well as prosper in their life time, also I think his book is very helpful as well.
2007-07-16 15:59:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
From what I know of him I like, although, I am unaware of his mega fortune and riches these others speak of. God does talk of prospering his children though. I have seen him 4 or 5 times and I really like his positive attitude. I find him to be motivating. My favorites are John Hagee and Billy Graham, as well, although his time is nearing.
2007-07-16 15:33:17
answer #6
answered by beingbad67 2
I don't think I agree with his teachings because he seems to be very "prosperity gospel." I.e. the idea that if we are close to God, we will become successful in the world. Jesus said you cannot love God and money, He who loves his life in this world will lose it, we are in but not of the world, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven, and i could continue. I don't think closeness to God results in financial prosperity, necessarily. So I don't prefer this man's preaching.
2007-07-16 15:27:38
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
He doesn't preach a balanced message. God is love, God is also fair and just. God gives warnings in the bible to keep people out of hell. To only preach things that make people feel good, isn't fair to them. People may be breaking Gods rules and not be saved, then judgment day, they will be very disappointed.
2007-07-16 15:37:15
answer #8
answered by ? 7
I think showing the blessings we have in Christ is great.. But, we also need to be challenged. We need to also look at those scriptures that talk about the Lukewarm church being spit out of Jesus's mouth, etc... I just dont think he really challenges Christian's to examine there own walks with the Lord
2007-07-16 15:28:29
answer #9
answered by Romans1:16!! 1
Yes, but I've never watched him. I prefer going to an actual church, preferably a small one, where I can talk to the preacher afterwards and maybe get more out of the sermon. His voice also annoys me.
2007-07-16 15:27:24
answer #10
answered by YouCannotKnowUnlessUAsk 6