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after all, that is how it was written right? is it spot on accurate or was it changed ?

2007-07-16 05:45:18 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

The Dead Sea Scrolls proved the Bible to be accurate with very minor omissions that did not change the text.

2007-07-16 05:48:34 · answer #1 · answered by Jeancommunicates 7 · 2 2

Too many Holy Bible versions. But, the fragment scrolls of Greek have no numbers, no paragraphs, no punctuation. Look for a book called "The Unadorned Gospels" that offers a transliterated vs. a translation. The Greek has its own charm, written haltingly and unconcerned about grammar. The Bible has history and I hope you will study that along with the Gospel you know, with the paragraphs, with the footnotes, with the arabic numbers and with the punctuation.

2007-07-16 12:53:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am Christian, but in my opinion....the Bible was translated into the many different languages by men/women with their on thoughts and ideas...so one would not know if it is spot on accurate....I do believe and have faith and feel that I will find out how accurate the Bible is when I meet my Maker.

2007-07-16 12:50:13 · answer #3 · answered by gidget574 2 · 3 1

It was changed. One of the original Aramaic bibles started Genesis with a plural to represent God.

"In the beginning, the Gods made the heavens and the Earth". That's a direct translation.

2007-07-16 12:48:21 · answer #4 · answered by High-strung Guitarist 7 · 2 1

I think the biggest difference comes from the limitations of English. We have fewer types of verbs than Hebrew or Greek. It is not that anything was ommitted or changed- it's jusat that there are some things we can't convey in English. I think Spanish is closer.

2007-07-16 12:53:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

About one in three words is supposed to be off.
Not like terribly off, but not exact.
Was done a good amount of time ago, and now the original is out of reach, a temple that no one can go into, save one who lives there in Jerusalem, and he never goes out. (Discovery channel for that last part)


PS I believe in the Bible, not trying to say you shouldn't at all.

2007-07-16 12:51:04 · answer #6 · answered by Reft 3 · 1 1

Well, we have progressed from vegetable ink in Aramaic on parchment to manufactured ink in various languages on paper. It is a variety of translations, versions, and revisions by those in power. Spot on accurate? Not a chance.

2007-07-16 12:49:10 · answer #7 · answered by mikalina 4 · 2 1

well with the fact that the bible has been translated into many languages, the meaning of the bible has been changed, the interpretation is now changed.. the only bible there is to me, is the original.

2007-07-16 12:48:59 · answer #8 · answered by Red Hot 3 · 2 2

well, in the newer Bibles they took out Gods name and stuff.
the only one that is right on is New World Translation Of The Holy Scriptures.

2007-07-16 12:48:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

i dont know i dont like jesus so all those bible are junk to me between i dont worship chirstion so how do iknow. if you want to know go buy a god dam book r go look up at google see which one is better cuz most people dont know cuz only those who are chirstianity know those answer heheh. k peace

2007-07-16 12:49:20 · answer #10 · answered by ken p 2 · 0 2

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