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20 answers

Pretty much. They used the technology that was available to them to impose God's will on the infidels.

2007-07-16 05:26:27 · answer #1 · answered by scheidemann2007 3 · 1 2

They were both as bad as each other, Muslims and Christians.
As a footnote Al Quaeda call Americans and the British 'Crusaders,' in reality the Crusaders were following orders from the Catholic Pope, whereas the two countries that are called Crusaders now are actually majotity non-Catholic and therefore not Crusaders
... and they accuse us of generalisation.

2007-07-16 06:27:58 · answer #2 · answered by Hendo 5 · 1 0

excerpt from Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty...ironically mentions xians :O whoda thunk?:

Anyone who is not dazzled by the xian faith is certain to see a much darker side to the Crusades, and the label of evil is difficult to resist. This is true even for the supposedly good Crusades, let alone for the moral and nadir reached by the Fourth Crusade, to which we will return later. the most idealistic and well-intentioned Crusades were marked by frequent and remarkable atrocities. Prisoners and hostages were masscred. Villages were destroyed.
In the fourth month of the desperate siege of Antioch, early in the First Crusade, the neighboring town of aleppo sent an expedition to try to break the siege. Poor leadership rendered the traditional cavalry tactics of the Arabs ineffective and left them fighting hand to hand against the xian knights, who in their heavy armor easily outclassed them. After the victory, the xian soldiers hacked off the heads of the Aleppo soldiers, piled them into catapults, and shot them over the walls into Antioch. They hoped this would discourage the inhabitants of the city and prompt them to open gates and surrender

2007-07-16 05:28:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Hmm. Another history-challenged question. What you call "holy christian crusaders" were unholy Roman thugs hired by Consatantine to ransack Jerusalem, and what you call al-queida didn't exist at that time and were commonly known as "muslim hordes" who also murdered whole Christian villages throughout palestine. Get your facts straight.

2007-07-16 05:39:37 · answer #4 · answered by RIFF 5 · 1 0

1- they did in fact murder people, christians, muslims and jews alike.

2- it was not LIKE al-quaeda.

See the purpose of crusading back then was to recover the holy city through war. The purpose was not to deliberately attack the people. Al quaeda deliberately targets civillians rather than waging outright war.

Unlike the crusaders, al quaeda sends its cowardly followers (they can't be rightly called soldiers if they fear fighting real soldiers or entering combat) to attack unsuspecting NON-MILITARY targets.

While the crusaders certainly did commit "murder" and many evil acts during the crusades, thier intent was not to target civilians, it was to attack supply trains or hold or take cities.

2007-07-16 05:30:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

God's child, and Scooter Libby would rather be tried by King George rather than a real court too. That doesn't prove W is honorable or just.

2007-07-16 05:36:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No. The Crusades were a series of defensive wars against Islamic aggression in the Middle Ages and attempts to recapture the Holy Land from Muslim conquerors in order to allow safe pilgrimage and to protect and maintain the Christian presence there.


2007-07-16 05:36:04 · answer #7 · answered by Misty 7 · 1 2

Holy Christian crusaders mainly fought against the evil Muslims.

2007-07-16 05:27:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

It is true that some Crusaders did some despicable things in a spiteful, vengeful way. But the Church herself never condoned, let alone ordered, these excesses. And as for the Inquisition, if it was as bad as some anti-Catholics claim, it is odd that there are records of people requesting transfers of their cases to the Inquisition from the secular Spanish courts. No doubt, some horrid things occurred, but it is more accurately understood as the unfortunate result of the weaknesses and sin of individuals, not the official teaching of the Church.

2007-07-16 05:26:41 · answer #9 · answered by Gods child 6 · 4 4

Al-Qaeda are NOT representitives of the Muslims, since they are also involved in killing Muslims in many parts of the world.

In my country, we had terrorist groups like JMB and JMJB who would kill us Muslims in the name of establishing a Islamic state. Simply you should know that killings of innocent people, whether believer or non-believer is strictly forbidden in Islam.

Please don't associate mass murderers like the Crusaders and Al-Qaeda to peaceful religions like Christianity and Islam.

2007-07-16 05:37:03 · answer #10 · answered by Devilishly Sexy MasterMinD 7 · 2 1

yes...and the Pope's "religion" was the outstanding "HOLY" crusaders besides Hitler....

Christians and Jews were always killed at the sanction of the Roman Catholic Church....

Sorry folks, that is HISTORY taught to all ages...

Peace be with you :)

2007-07-16 05:29:31 · answer #11 · answered by ForeverSet 5 · 2 1

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