God exists. Whether someone wants to believe that or not. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to see it does it mean that it never fell? God exists and all his signs are here for us to believe in. He sent his prophets and he sent his holy books. Faith is all about believing in the un-seen. We exist through him, therefore te rigt to life and death only belongs to him. We are not entitled to take our own life or someone elses.. even besides religion it is just immoral and selfish. As for the punishment in Islam:
Here is how it is.
Allah Most High says:
“Do not kill yourselves, for indeed Allah is Most Merciful to you.” (Surah al-Nisa, V. 29)
Here is the Punishment:
“Whoever intentionally throws himself from a mountain and kills himself, will be in the fire (of Hell) falling down into it and abiding therein eternally forever; and whoever drinks poison and kills himself with it, he will be carrying his poison in his hand and drinking it in the fire (of Hell) wherein he will abide eternally forever; and whoever kills himself with an iron weapon, will be carrying that weapon in his hand and stabbing his abdomen with it in the fire (of Hell) wherein he will abide eternally forever.” (Sahih al-Bukhari & Sahih Muslim)
Suicide is not only a sin but is cowardice on the part of the person. If we have pain there is someone who has greater trials and troubles.
Peace&Love hun.
2007-07-16 04:27:05
answer #1
answered by ۩MoonLit Muslima۩ 5
God exists. God did give man enough brain to know Him through the wonders of His creations. A great painting tells you about the artist behind it. Nature is nothing but God's art work. Everything is created so beautifully and in wonder. When we take cells for the wonder of His creation, the design of a single atom is more wonderful. What makes people have wrong idea is the concept of God in them. They imagine God to be something that people make idols and worship. God is unseen, He is One and above all. He alone is the creator and everything else are His creations.
Suicide according to all religion is wrong and have no place. But politics and men used them as the ultimate war tactics throught history. Read what Japanese were doing at the end of Second World War.
2007-07-16 03:59:59
answer #2
answered by Ismail Eliat 6
Sounds like you've listened to too much sociology.
Sociology says that religions are man-made. They BEGIN with the belief that God does not truly exist.
They are incorrect.
Seriously, if you cannot look around this world and tell God exxists by seeing His creation,( if you fell for the lie of evolution) then read the Bible.
If you will truly seek the TRUTH about God, He WILL answer you.
That's a promise He made. He will honor your sincerity. He only reveals Himself to those that earnestly seek Him.
It has been that way since His resurrection.
A Christian has been bought with a price,(the life of Christ) and is therefore no longer their own. A Christian belongs to God. I would suspect suicide would land you in some very hot water.
2007-07-16 04:04:33
answer #3
answered by Jed 7
GOD can be shown to be axiomatic or self-evident. GOD by HIS own name shows us that GOD is existance and LIFE . . . YHWY I AM THAT I AM . .. That being said . . . many see clearly in the inventions of men and created things of man that there is a creator . .. We can use the same premise of arguement for proving the existance of GOD.
The counter arguement that if we say GOD always was then we must confess that we could just be living in a perpetual universe without begining or end is unreasonable . .. it leads us to infinities and unprovable arguments . .. and then gives no purpose to anything other than to be born, know you are alive, and then die . ..
However when we see GOD is LIFE and EXISTANCE we realize in GOD we can never die, and we understand we were made for LOVE and in LOVE we shall forever exist while we abide in GOD . ..
We say GOD has always been and will always be, and by the virtue of HIS existance was shall forever exist through GOD . . . in our LORD JESUS CHRIST . ..
And then we see a purpose to our LIVES . .. and why we must obey the law that is written in our hearts to LOVE one another.
Suicide has many causes if a person just doesn't like living well it like saying they hate the gift of LIFE that GOD gave to us. It is selfish not thinking of others and how they will feel. Most people would feel sad in an extreme sort of way at another person's suicide . .. but there is also mental illness tht can cause this . .. the devil would like nothing more than to make us feel so desperate at LIFE as to kill ourselves . .. When a person is mentally ill they can't always be held guilty for their crimes . .. JESUS will heal all souls and wipe away all tears . ..
LOVE your neighbor as yourself.
2007-07-16 04:38:08
answer #4
answered by jesusfreakstreet 4
Atheist: the burden of data is the single making the beneficial declare. Believers declare there's a deity of a few variety. Atheists respond that they don't discover their claims convincing and insist data. Believers supply not something yet excuses. Atheists proceed to be skeptical. Christian: some Christians attempt to declare that he became a hundred% guy and a hundred% god. Others say that he became somebody who became greater "in song" with God than others. nonetheless others say that he became the son of God and his representative. all of it somewhat is speculative, and one in each and every of it somewhat is verifiable an any way. Muslim: the two facets have their extremiss and genocidal maniacs. the two facets despise one yet another as "fake". The comedian tale, of direction, being that neither of them are in all probability to be suited...to any extent further than the different faith.
2016-09-30 02:50:54
answer #5
answered by ? 4
First of all i just wanna tell all thoso who dont believe in god, or think that religion is a myth.. they are not only wrong, but also sinners for thinking that.
As for suicide, It is one of the greatest sins, like rana said..
every soul on this earth belongs to god.. and any rational christian or muslim person will know that.
2007-07-16 04:15:54
answer #6
answered by ? 3
The fact that you know his name is a proof, because if he wasn't there how would you know what to call him.
Suicide is a grave sin because someone is taking away the great of life and refusing it.
2007-07-16 05:19:08
answer #7
answered by Knowing Gnostic 5
the existance of God is very simple as it's the only reason where are here and the whole earth is created...how was it created then?...and if there's no God,so we just live and die and nothing else?..it's will be more logical if we are immortal....
as for suicide,im Islam,God said in the qur'an it's one of the greatest sins and the person who does it goes to hell without any judgment...
but Allah knows best
2007-07-16 04:01:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
depends on motivation,sometimes we have to face with death, coward life is not worth...and nobody can tell you about consequences,there is not link between 2 worlds
2007-07-17 16:05:51
answer #9
answered by Srbo Sutaric 5
What happens is that the person kills hermself, and then various people mutter darkly about how God will punish them.
In the Christian faith, it's Christians that do the muttering; in Islam, it's Muslims.
2007-07-16 04:00:49
answer #10
answered by Super Atheist 7