It's acceptable to make mistakes. It's not acceptable for them to still be using these frauds and mistakes like they do to support their empty theory.
2007-07-16 02:03:31
answer #1
answered by sonfai81 5
Here are a few you missed:
Homo habilis
Homo rudolfensis
Homo georgicus
Homo ergaster
Homo erectus
Homo cepranensis
Homo antecessor
Homo heidelbergensis
Homo neanderthalensis (not homo sapien neanderthalensis)
Homo rhodesiensis
Homo sapiens sapiens
Homo sapiens idaltu
Homo floresiensis
As for your points~
Australopithecus afarensis
A. afarensis is NOT a recent ancestor of man, it is a primate, clearly, that lived prior to the Homo species evolved.
Nebraska man & Piltdown man
Both debunked some time in the 50s. Where have you been?
Neanderthal man
"famous skeleton, found in France over 50 years ago, was that of an old man who suffered from arthritis."
This is complete bull as there have been several skeletal remains of various ages.
Sounds like someone's lying and it's not the "evolutionists"...
2007-07-16 02:20:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You've added quotes without giving us the source. Any fool can say whatever nonsense pops into their head, and it is a quote. Without telling us who said it, you aren't lending any authority to the statement.
And fools they were, at least some of them. No expert would call Lucy (australopithecus afarensis) a 3 foot tall chimpanzee, because her hip and leg structure are not that of a chimpanzee. They are fully tuned to upright walking.
The depiction of "Nebraska Man" as an ape-man was done by an illustrator for a popular magazine, not by scientists. The tooth, from a peccary, was misidentified as an ape tooth, not as a human ancestor tooth. It was biologists who discovered and corrected the error.
Piltdown Man was a deliberate fraud that was quickly uncovered and debunked by scientists.
Many specimens of Neanderthal have been discovered. Whether one or more had arthritis is irrelevant. Arthritis does not cause heavy brow ridges and larger dimensions.
I notice that you completely missed the hominid species:
Sahelanthropus tchadensis
Orrorin tugenensis
Ardipithecus ramidus
Australopithecus anamensis
Kenyanthropus platyops
Australopithecus africanus
Australopithecus garhi
Australopithecus aethiopicus
Australopithecus robustus
Australopithecus boisei
Homo habilis
Homo georgicus
Homo erectus
Homo ergaster
Homo antecessor
Homo heidelbergensis
Homo floresiensis
Would you care to comment on those?
2007-07-16 02:14:21
answer #3
answered by Diminati 5
You really ought to read some science.
Nebraska man was a fraud that didn't get past the starting gate.
Piltdown man was fraud that was discovered to be so by science and scientists not creationists.
Australopithecus afarensis is an early bipedal hominid of which a number of fossils have been found. It is nothing like a chimpanzee.
Many skeletons and body parts of Neanderthals have been found in many parts of Europe and the Middle East. The first was found in 1856 in the Neander valley in Germany (not 50 years ago in France). They are a separate species of hominid from modern humans.
A good place to start to learn would be the Talk Origins Archive at
2007-07-16 02:09:43
answer #4
answered by tentofield 7
"...nearly all experts now agree that Lucy was just the skeleton of a 3-foot-tall chimpanzee"
That quote is from the Way of the Master, a site so full of fiction that it is truly laughable. It is the site that proclaims that cultivated bananas are proof of Gods existence.
There are over 300 Australopithecus afarensis finds.
There are over 400 Homo neanderthalenis finds.
2007-07-16 02:10:51
answer #5
answered by novangelis 7
Dear Mr. Creationist (or whatever your handlers tell you to call it this week),
Another 30 board-feet of pasting the same arguments does not change the fact that they are still as wrong as when we debunked them all the first time.
You have absolutely zero ability to comprehend what you paste, and as such, when you come across the same argument already shredded here at a later date it appears brand new to you. It is a truly sad state, and you need to grasp that you only highlight your own mental deficiency by persisting with the cut and paste marathon.
Were you able, on even the simplest level, to grasp the concepts involved, you would recognize the repetitive nature of your posts. As it is, you do not even have that elementary comprehension of the topic at hand.
Sadly, this is how creationism works, they rely on the vehement and vociferous response of their most ignorant and uneducated of followers to speak for them. They pot up the article, fully knowing the lies, distortions, and misleading nature of them and wait for people like you to cry them from the mountaintops.
We know the creationist movement to be dishonest to it's core, because the articles they produce requires a pretty decent knowledge of astronomy, cosmology, geology, anthropology, and a variety of other sciences... yet it is deliberately twisted and distorted in to outright lies. And this is not the type of misunderstanding that comes from a bad grasp of the topic, it required in-depth lies and trickery to produce.
So climb that mountain again, Rainman, and tell us again how wrong we are.
2007-07-18 10:26:36
answer #6
answered by Atheist Geek 4
well the two (Nebraska and Piltdown) that were fake were both found in the US. Coincidence?
oh, and links are not the only way to study evolution you know. Humans have 46 chromosomes, all other great apes have 48. Recently a study found out which two of our ancestral chromosome pairs fused to give the 46 chromosomes humans have. What's your comment on that?
2007-07-16 02:13:17
answer #7
answered by Ray Patterson - The dude abides 6
Typical of the types of dishonesty I have come to expect from the creationist/ID proponents. They don't have a leg to stand on and they discredit themselves further with these desperate attempts.
Most experts do NOT agree Lucy is a chimpanzee skeleton.
The imaginative drawing of Nebraska Man to which creationists invariably refer was the work of an illustrator collaborating with the scientist Grafton Elliot Smith, and was done for a British popular magazine, not for a scientific publication.
Piltdown man was a genuine error and to scientists credit when they discovered so they admitted it. This doesn't change that we have many other good examples of human evolution.
2007-07-16 02:08:31
answer #8
answered by Zen Pirate 6
I always assumed these things to be true,i dont believe man just popped physically into existence,i do think something really significant happened to man spiritualy and mentaly to man about 30000years ago.
Experts call this "the great leap forward".
You probably know the painting of God and adam reaching to each other and theres some sort of lightening connecting their fingers,
Maybe God is responsible for the leap forward,it could be the moment man was seperated from the animals and made something more.
2007-07-16 02:09:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Let's say you are right about these. Once science disproves something (like Piltdown Man) science stops using it. To be fair, you should too.
But that is the nature of science as we learn, we change our ideas. As we gather more facts we adjust the theories to incorporate new information. The faithful refuse to allow any new information in since 1611 (KJV). Whose mind is closed?
2007-07-16 02:16:02
answer #10
answered by Crabby Patty 5
on lucy and neanderthal, contrary to your implication, there is more than one fossil of those - about 400 for neanderthals (did they ALL have arthritis??), and at least 9 for australopithecines, which are morphologically distinct from chimpanzees.
nebraska man and piltdown man were frauds perpetuated by amateurs and exposed by scientists. significantly, they were not exposed by creationists.
aside from creationist doubletalk, evolution of ape to man is uncontroversial. various scenarios may be debated, but there is little doubt that humans are apes.
2007-07-16 02:17:25
answer #11
answered by vorenhutz 7