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Do the Muslims follow the old testaments
if yes do they follow the 10 commandments.

2007-07-16 01:44:54 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I never asked if they follow bible...
i asked if they believe in moses and the 10 commandments.
finally to say, if they believed that killing is a sin ?

i very well know their holy book is Koran and believe in Allah. and not Jesus ........... why are some yahoo members so dumb ?

2007-07-16 01:55:22 · update #1

21 answers

Yes, muslims believe in 10 commandments. Because that was thought by Allah through all Allah's prophets. From Adam to Noah to david to Abraham to Jesus and to Muhammad all of them bring the same commandments and the most important commandement is:-

"And your God is One God: there is no god but He"
The noble Qur'an, al-Bakarah(2):163

Muslims have no Gods but 1 absolute God which is called Allah.

Muslims do not create any idol or form at all to represent or to symbolise Allah. (Bible wrote alot about not to worship idol or represent God in any form. Yet we saw Christians represent or symbolise Jesus or God and carved the image and put in church)

Muslims do not bow to them (symbols, form or other Gods). We bow only to Allah.

The last revelation and complete revelation is Quran thus we r to follow Quran. For the sabbath day, its only for Moses and Jesus people cause Taurat and Injil is for Jews.

Al-Quran is for whole human around the world. We ought to pray 5 times a day.

Murder is Sin for muslims.
Adultery is Sin for muslims.
steal is Sin for muslims.
bear false witness against your neighbour is Sin for muslims.

Jesus bring Islam to this world (Orthodox Christians). Christian is brought by St. Paul. He was the creator of Christians that exist nowadays.


2007-07-23 19:24:28 · answer #1 · answered by sweetzy 4 · 0 0

The Koran(sry about the spelling) and the OT are very similar in writings and scriptures. and yes the people who truly follow the Koran follow the commandments.
Again for the terrorist who say they fight in the name of Allah only want power. It has nothing to do with religion and to get followers in this they usually pick people of no education and brain wash them into believing that it is what is written. Anybody who fights against this are persecuted. something very important here is this.... not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslim.

2007-07-16 02:04:24 · answer #2 · answered by shadow_watt 3 · 2 0

Muslims save on with the Quer'an, no longer the hot testomony. Secondly, you're incorrect. Christians save on with the previous testomony extra because of the fact it incredibly is the inspiration for their faith, which contain prophetic predictions touching directly to love, existence, happiness, sadness, conflict, conflicts, excitement, Christ coming the 1st and 2nd time, heaven, hell, the son of God, and parables. This additionally secure morals from the prophet Moses, and interactions with God with the Israelites, which contain sacrifices and rituals, showing comparable issues or motives in the hot testomony, or the hot covenant. The Quer'an already has the final prophet in accordance to Muslims, so as that they place self belief in that e book. the hot testomony says the certainty. a sparkling prophet gets up by using the call of Jonas. P.S.- And Jewish human beings strictly be conscious what's suggested above in the previous testomony, which contain why and how we've been created. You lack information of the two religions. i visit confess that it incredibly is unhappy that at rather some Christians don't be conscious or comprehend the which skill and morals in the previous testomony and nonetheless say they are generic and comprehend the words of Christ ok. i think of I see what you are trying to assert. yet regardless, extra Christians learn the previous testomony than Muslims. it incredibly is mandatory for information the hot Covenant extra suitable, because of the fact the previous Covenant pertains to the knew one. terrific desires.

2016-10-21 11:19:18 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Muslims follow the Quran and we have something called 'the five pillars of Islam' instead of the 10 commandments. Plus...Muslims DO believe in Jesus, we believe he was a prophet of God who did a lot of good things, a lot of non-Muslims don't know that. However, the old testament seems more accurate than the new testament to me.

2007-07-16 02:03:47 · answer #4 · answered by Hope 5 · 2 1

Muslims are commanded in the Quran to believe in the books of the Jews and the Christians, the Torah and the Injeel (Surah 4, Al Nisa, verse 136).

But are are now changed or in part forgotten.

Muslims best look up their Quran to find out what it says about such serious charges.
'And if thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the book from before thee..' (Surah 10, Yunus, verse 94)
In the Qu'ran we are told that the people who have been reading ‘the book from before thee' are Jews and Christians. It would make no sense for Allah to command doubters to ask people for guidance whose Scriptures had been corrupted! Several verses in the Quran bear witness to the truth that the Torah was unchanged at the time of Jesus. In Surah 19, Maryam, verse 12, Yahya, who lived at the time of Jesus was told 'to take hold of the Book, (the Torah).' Surah 3, Ali'Imran, verse 48 tells us that Jesus was also taught in the Torah.
Numerous verses attest to the truth that the Torah was uncorrupted in the time of Muhammad, the sixth century AD (Surah 34, Saba, verse 31, Surah 35, Fatir, verse 31). The Arabic phrase 'bain yadaihi' which is used in these references to the Torah literally means 'between his hands.' This usually is an idiom for 'in his possession,' or 'at his disposal'. Some Jewish contemporaries of Muhammad are called 'those who guide and do justice in the light of truth,' besides many others whose reputation was not so favourable. (Surah 7, Al Araf, verse 159) The very fact that they were commended so highly shows that they were in possession of the uncorrupted Torah.

2007-07-16 02:46:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Quran is the last Holy Book, and it contains most of the other holy books, and 10 commandments are certainly the basics to be followed to become a Momin Muslim. And we are expected by Allah and His Prophet peace be upon him, to follow them as a part of a way of living our normal lives.

2007-07-16 01:53:05 · answer #6 · answered by zahida367 3 · 3 1

In Islam we believe killing is a sin. We believe we should not sleep with our neighbors wife or husband. We believe in the virtues of humanity. Islam is a religion of peace. As well as other religions. It is man who tries to twist them. The difference between the Quran and the old Testament is the Quran has remained unchanged. The Old testament is half lost and half changed. The Oldest known testament was found in Egypt the most complete old testament is in the Vatican. The Quran is preserved the Church has changed the Old testament to their will.

2007-07-16 02:03:54 · answer #7 · answered by je 6 · 3 1

Old Testament and New Testament were superseded by Holy Quran. It is a actual word of God. Muslims follow only the Quran.

2007-07-16 02:09:44 · answer #8 · answered by feroz k 2 · 0 2

Just ghostly stories.
When the original was long gone with time.
Luke 19. 9-10
Ever wonder how the dead Mummy got themselves kick on the butts with ghostly stories in making a mess out there?
Luke 10.24
Ever wonder how the ghostly stories do not even have the Alpha and Omega that can reproduce our creator's universal gifts of life.
Look around at the mess on who were blindly following the dead Mummy back to the graveyards with idol worshiping.
When others were following our creator in worshiping God.
Luke 6.39-40, 41-45.
Thought they were great with ghostly stories of original descendant but getting kick on the butts in making a mess out there.
Luke 3. 7-9
Ever wonder who ended up as casualties of the dead Mummy with idol worshiping getting kick on the butts.
Luke 6.46-49

2007-07-16 01:57:08 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yes, they believe in the OT, and they also believe in Jesus, they just recognize him as a prophet. The Qu'ran is filled with stories of both the OT and NT. They are after all from Abraham just as the Jews.

2007-07-23 02:52:18 · answer #10 · answered by Miss 6 7 · 0 1

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