My stomach turns when I think of how many people buy into either superstition.
There is no Heaven or Hell. Those are superstitions. God does not exist. Once you realize this, then perhaps your angst over death will subside a bit.
2007-07-16 01:44:36
answer #1
answered by nondescript 7
I'd say abortion is not wrong nor is it murder, and bear with me here because I know people have huge concerns about this issue and I want to address those concerns So why would terminating a fetus be permissible? Because most people recognize that ending just any life is not morally reprehensible, for instance stepping on an ant, but that ending the life of a life of a person is. That's what most people agree upon. The disagreement between pro-choice and pro-life is over as to what constitutes a person. We pro-choice people think a fetus gradually develops into a person, and the fact that it will one day become a person is no more reason for treating it like it already is a person than the fact that children will one day become adults is a reason for treating children like adults. It would have been nice if biology had supplied us with a clear boundary for personhood, but it didn't. Even the "moment of conception" is not really a moment at all but a period of 24 to 48 hours. The person emerges gradually as the fetus develops and is thus granted rights gradually, as we can see in the protections against abortion awarded for late-term fetuses but not full legal personhood and all the other rights it entails. Given all this, it's completely logically consistent to allow abortions yet have significant moral reservations about them. The conflict is inherent to our way of thinking: People emerge gradually but with our policies we have to draw a single line of permissible/impermissible across this gradual landscape. Thus there is no solution to abortion that will be intuitively satisfying, the best we can do is trade off the conflicting goods and evils. We don't have to choose between "Abortion is murder!!!111oneoneone" and "If the woman wants he can do anything with the fetus right up until it's out of the womb". There's a better and more subtle position available.
2016-05-19 00:43:07
answer #2
answered by eda 3
I think every religious person goes through this crisis from time to time. It's one of the problems when one is dealing with faiths that are absolutist. You know, follow god this way or die...for eternity. It puts a lot of pressure on anyone.
Back when I was a Christian, I went through this dilemma. For a while, I decided that I was going to be Christian on Sunday, Muslim on Friday, Jewish on Saturday, Buddhist on Monday, etc. Just so no god would get mad at me. My next reaction was, "Oh, ****! Most of the gods from those religions are jealous anyways, so I'm totally screwed!"
My solution was to leave the absolutist faiths for a faith that was more accepting of other paths. You know, the type that says, "This is my path, but there are many paths to divinity." For a while that worked out for me, but then I got to thinking that gods are more messed up than any human. (My family says I think too much.) And after some more thinking and pondering, I wondered if it would be so bad if there were nothing out there? I tried it and found I liked it, so that's where I am now: an atheist.
I want to be very clear about something here: I'm not trying to get you to leave your faith. A person's relationship with the divine (if they choose to have one) is his own business. You asked for opinions and these are mine. That's all they are. Different religions were founded by different people from different areas of the world and different walks of life. As such, these people had drastically different world views, so naturally, their views of god and how to worship that god are also different. I'd advise you to pick the religion that makes you feel comfortable, safe and fulfilled. If you can stay happy in a religion, any religion, then I am happy for you. Best of luck and life to you.
2007-07-16 02:27:51
answer #3
answered by Avie 7
Jesus is God manifest in the flesh they are one and the same.
The translation of the King James Version can make you think that there are more than One God in some areas of the scripture. You have to take the scripture and read it line upon line precept upon precept here a little and there a little . Pray for truth in your life.If you are sincere God will lead you to truth. In almost every book of the Bible you can find scripture that relates to the oneness of God.The Jews believe in one God.The Trinity was introduced much later after Christ left the Earth.Jesus and God are the same if you believe the Bible. The Bible says I and my father are one.
2007-07-16 01:58:34
answer #4
answered by hankelmom 3
Islam do NOT believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, they only look at him as a prophet, & the bible tells us that if do not blieve that he is the Son of God we deny the faith. Jesus said he was the way, the truth & the life,
2007-07-16 01:48:45
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Why not begin here:
Select one:
1) The angel Gabriel spoke the truth when he announced that the son of God would be conceived in the blessed womb of the Virgin Mary, by the power of the Holy Spirit ...
Luk 1:26 And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee, called Nazareth,
Luk 1:27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David: and the virgin's name was Mary.
Luk 1:28 And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.
Luk 1:29 Who having heard, was troubled at his saying and thought with herself what manner of salutation this should be.
Luk 1:30 And the angel said to her: Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God.
Luk 1:31 Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb and shalt bring forth a son: and thou shalt call his name Jesus.
Luk 1:32 He shall be great and shall be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father: and he shall reign in the house of Jacob for ever.
Luk 1:33 And of his kingdom there shall be no end.
Luk 1:34 And Mary said to the angel: How shall this be done, because I know not man?
Luk 1:35 And the angel answering, said to her: The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee. And therefore also the Holy which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
OR ...
2) The angel Gabriel lied.
2007-07-16 02:22:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
according to Koran Jesus is a prophet not a son or Lord.
but at the same time in soureh nesa 158 says that we all have to stand before HIM (Jesus) when we die.
My question is: If I have to stand before Jesus why do I need to do what Mohammad or Koran or haddies said to do?
Then Jesus must God if we have to answer HIM at the end. why not Mohammad?
Lot of Muslims came to the Lord by reading the Koran that is one reason why in the Muslims nations they hang you by giving bible out to a Muslims.
2007-07-16 01:53:06
answer #7
answered by Benyamin 2
They believe that Jesus was a prophet as Muhammad was a prophet. Christ was more than a prophet and Muhammad was a false prophet. Christ was the Messiah, the Son of God. His only son. What the Bible says is true, do not be troubled by the teachings of Islam, they are not the way to heavan. There is only one plan of salvation and that is through Christ.
In Jesus Name
2007-07-16 01:48:00
answer #8
answered by Joel 2 5
This is the real question: Do you believe the bible or the Curran? If you are a christian then you should know that the bible makes it clear that Jesus is the son of God.
2007-07-16 01:52:44
answer #9
answered by Mr Nobody 1
Somethin similar happened to me a few months back for about 5 seconds.
Its just off now without any chance of ever having purchase,what they say is blasphemy,
It would make you think because they freak out about drawing of mohammad who they never claimed to be divine.
That pbhuh thing they do sounds like they are spitting first too.
2007-07-16 01:51:09
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
If you keep on looking you will come to understand that it is statistically FAR more likely that ALL of these variants of Abrahamic religion are wrong than that one miraculously contains a truth that will get you into a mythical heaven.
2007-07-16 01:52:06
answer #11
answered by Anonymous