It depends on what style of guitar you wish to play. Lead guitar, rhythm guitar, bass, classical, blues, flamenco, country, folk, whatever.
If you want to bend the strings and make it scream like a heavy rock star, then an electric is the place to start.
If you want to play rhythm guitar start with a semi-acoustic.
Decide on the style and then decide which guitar you want.
2007-07-15 23:41:20
answer #1
answered by Robin 5
You should always start with the acoustic and then move into an electric guitar. By learning how to play an acoustic guitar, you are training you hands on how hard to push on the strings and how far you need to stretch them.
When you pick up an electric guitar after playing and acoustic it is much easier to play.
As for pricing on a decent beginner guitar....
Washburn - $129
Squire - $110
Yahmaha - $99
Good Luck
2007-07-15 23:42:38
answer #2
answered by Robbie 3
My advice to you would be to buy yourself a decent 300-400 dollar acoustic. Washburn and Gibson both make pretty decent starter guitars for around that price.
Occasionally you can find decent guitars for cheaper, but more often than not it is wiser to spend a little extra. (Quality makes a difference.) Try to test the guitars out and see what is most comfortable in your hand.
Acoustic will build your hand strength and overall knowledge of your instrument in my opinion and it is easier to make the jump to electric from acoustic than acoustic from electric. (Some may disagree with this, but I learned the opposite way and I found the acoustic to be much harder to play when I first started out.) You may not be shredding like Jimi Hendrix on an acoustic, but you can get a good basic foundation established on a decent acoustic guitar, and then go from there. With electric you'd need an amplifier in addition to the guitar, so you're already looking at a bigger investment.
Good luck to you!
Not to discourage you in any way from playing, but one way you can determine right now if you are going to have some natural ability is to test out your own rhythm.
A good sense of rhythm is absolutely key to learning how to play guitar. I've seen so many new guitarists endlessly frustrated because they struggle with a bad sense of time. Start becoming conscious of rhythm patterns in songs and really start drilling yourself and see if you can wrap your head around the beats that the different instruments play. (Not just the drums.)
Good rhythm is going to make your whole experience on guitar ten times easier.
2007-07-15 23:56:35
answer #3
answered by sleepydad 5
Learn on acoustic, it's too easy to cheat on electric by adding effects, controlling the volume, etc. With acoustic you learn the mechanical side of playing, what it takes to make the sound organically. Also, you won't go deaf later in life if you stick with acoustic and play with other acoustic musicians. Get a decent quality instrument, $300-500 used or $750 up new.
2007-07-15 23:41:59
answer #4
answered by NONAME 2
My first guitar that I got when I was 19 was a small folk accoustic. Then I moved up to a concert folk. If you can get 09 strings, that would be better. You want the strings to be thin enough that you don't have to press so hard while learning... Warning, you will get calluses! and at first, your fingertips will hurt! lol
2007-07-16 00:02:29
answer #5
answered by Cica 5
I started with an acoustic! you get to feel the sound a lot better. The price range is completely up you and how serious you want to take this new fad of yours.
Theres alot of beginners books out there I started with the "Three chord tricks" books they are nice and easy to start off with.
Good luck and hope this helps!!
2007-07-15 23:42:54
answer #6
answered by 12inchwhensoft 2
Start with an acoustic. That gives YOU control over what you're playing rather than being at the mercy of electricity.
Whichever you choose, be aware that it will hurt your finger tips more than a little at the beginning. But - as with everything - it gets easier as you persevere.
Enjoy yourself.
2007-07-15 23:59:29
answer #7
answered by nontarzaniccaulkhead 6
Acoustic one, with plactic strings. If it just to try if you can, do not spend too much. Find something used. After if you make a disition to kip on, buy somethig nice wich will be good enough for you. Do not buy a professional one. It is too expensive, and you will not use it properly or will not use all of it's possibilities
2007-07-15 23:40:35
answer #8
answered by goldman 2
i think you'd better start to learn how to play a guitar on acoustic. i can tell that because my boyfriend ig very good in playing a guitar.. and that is one of the reason why i like him and made me fall for him.. gud luck and hope that you would be a good guitarist....
2007-07-15 23:39:29
answer #9
answered by ghie anne 1
Id say get yourself a cheap acoustic (under £100 will be fine) and just persevere. You'll get sore fingertips for the first couple of weeks, but that'll pass. Good luck!
2007-07-15 23:43:58
answer #10
answered by dubbleyu 3