it's in the one that was made up.
2007-07-15 11:42:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It is fairly obvious from many scriptures that the Christians of the first century did stick together, even having meetings at one another's houses on a fairly regular basis.
The writer of Hebrews seemed to think it was quite important not to "forsake the gathering of yourselves together", because we need each other's love and support, the more so as we "see the day approaching."
So, you are a Catholic gal married to a Baptist guy? LOL, now I'll bet that raised some sand with the old folks! But, seriously, you two do need to decide how you will handle the issue of religion, preferably before you have kids. I don't blame you for wanting to "sleep" on Sunday as newlyweds...but, if you have kids, there is bound to come a time when you will have to face the responsibility of teaching them about the Lord. This is usually easier to do if you are a part of a worshipping community...preferably, a church.
Maybe you guys could compromise...say, a Methodist church? They respect the rituals, but they are also fun...
Pastor Art's point, while not put as well as I've seen him do in the past, is valid. Christians enjoy getting together to worship and to learn from one another. It is one of the great privileges of being a Christian, and one which we still enjoy in the United States.
If you find no pleasure in sharing this great privilege with other Christians, it is not hard to see why Art might be questioning your Christianity. However, as a pastor, he ought to understand that only Jesus has the ability to know what is in your heart. One hopes that he is not teaching his congregants to be so judgmental...
(Sorry, Art, you know I love you...but I think you went over the top on this one!)
Then, too, if you were raised as a Catholic, it is not hard to understand your reluctance. As I recall, the Catholic service is dull as dirt. Not all churches are dull and dreary...the people who follow Jesus had not ought to be walking around with long, dour faces as if everything that gave pleasure were condemned. Jesus loves children...He even maintains that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them...I can't think of any group that has more fun than the kids!!
2007-07-15 12:00:03
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
No the Bible doesn't say that you MUST go to church on Sunday. It says that you "must not forsake the assembling together as some are in the habit of doing but do so all the more as you see the day approaching" Hebrews 10:25
It also says that you are to use your Spiritual Gifts (1 Cor. 13-14) within the body of believers. So if you are not a part of a church, you can't do that regularly.
In the Old Testament, it says to honor the Sabbath and keep it holy (Exodus 20) so you go where the people of God are and celebrate together.
2007-07-23 10:00:51
answer #3
answered by Cheryl Durham, Ph.D. 4
I beleive there is a reference in the New Testament of Christians getting together to worship on Sunday the first day of the week. However, the actual law come from the Catholic Church. It was the Church in light of the Holy Spirit that placed Sunday as the "Lord's Day." It is part of Tradition. So much for the false doctrine of Sola Scriptura!
2007-07-21 08:52:05
answer #4
answered by hossteacher 3
No, you won't go to hell because you don't go to "church".
The Greek word that was translated into "church" means group of people. The way the word is used means group of believers in Christ so associating with people who believe in Christ is gathering together in the church.
The biggest problems with most of the questions and answers about Christianity is that people do not read the Bible and when people do read the Bible they use the words the way they are used today without trying to understand what it meant originally or when it was translated.
Languages change a lot over time.
You should associate with other believers. You should keep the Sabbath. You should pray in the name of Christ.
There are two things you should know about this.
The first is that we no longer know what the "seventh" day is. There have been so many problems with calendar keeping that no one knows for sure when the seventh day is. Jewish people use Saturday, Christians use Sunday. Either way keep the Sabbath.
The second is that we have no idea what Christ's name was. The name was translated into the Greek Iseous and from Iseous to Jesus. Christ never heard the word Jesus since English was not invented at the time of Christ. The name Yeshua was in common use at the time of Christ and was often, with other Hebrew names, translated into the Greek Iseous. Jesus is as good a name to use as any, just like Sunday is as good a day to use as any.
To specifically answer your question: There is no specific instruction to gather together on the Sabbath.
I know people will say there is. I feel sorry for people who bear false witness about the scripture and never repent, but, it is their choice to bear false witness.
Pity them and pray for them.
2007-07-15 12:04:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The only requirement or "must" regarding salvation is that we "must be born again" (John 3). Church attendance is not a requirement for salvation any more than baptism is. That being said, Church is a place for worship, fellowship, spiritual growth, and even accountability. Lack of these make it very difficult to mature as a follower of Christ. I think you'll find that the answerers who justify Church non-attendance are not attending Church themselves. The Church is described as the bride of Christ throughout the New Testament. That seems pretty important, perhaps even a covenant.
2007-07-23 05:06:13
answer #6
answered by Stevie B 5
Heb. 10:25
not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together,
as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as YOU behold the day drawing near.
It says Nothing remotely close to
"go to church on sunday or u go to hell"
And keeping the Sabbath is from the old law,
yet, the principle remains.
And this is from the covenant w/ Jesus. So it applies, today.
example: while in the wilderness Jehovah told the Israelites to bury the excrement away from the camp. For health reasons & others. This principle still stands.
EDIT: For clarification, John D. Ayer,
because I am offended at ur openly blatant statement,
you say it's not there, others found it.
And u accuse others of twisting the Holy Words
of Jehovah & His Son.
It is ur own words, that condemn you.
The scripture is In The Word of God.
Here it is. Heb. 10:25
Go and read your Bible,
Beg the FATHER for FORGIVENESS of your own sins.
"Each one of us will render an account for themselves"
-----------------------Romans 14:12--------------
I don't know WHAT God other ppl may be praying to;
I certainly DO NOT Want Any1 To
PRAY TO FALSE gods Concerning ME.
Don't pity ppl, the scriptures don't tell us to do this.
Not, that I've come across.
Jehovah shows pity--Isa. 49:13.
Jesus was moved by pity--Mt. 20:34
& felt pity--Mt. 15:32
Nowhere does the Holy Word of God
tell US to pity others and pray for them.
I could go & start a search,
to see if these words of mine r true.
As of yet, I have not seen, nor read this.
From my memory;
usually, Jehovah gives a warning,
and if u don't turn around-repent;
You will be cast aside as a goat.
He will (eventually-from a human perspective)
execute Judgement on those who don't.
I don't ever remember reading that we should pity them
& pray for them. Neither,can I recall the teaching that if u don't go to church u will go to hell. In other words, if u don't go to worship, on the Sabbath (Holy Day) u will go down to ur grave.
2007-07-15 11:53:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Hello and if your looking for any text to justify going to church on the first day of the week Sunday you will not find it, now Jesus in Luke 4:16 went to church on the Sabbath Day and in Exodus 20:8-11 says the Seventh Day is The Sabbath and in Genesis 1 evening and morning were the first day, evening and morning were the second day, so sundown to sundown is how God calls a day that the midnight thing is mankinds doing, Jesus kept the Sabbath from Sundown Friday until sundown Saturday and the calanders we use was made in Jesus' time, You do not keep you not being God a day Holy He never made Holy and NEVER did He make the First day Sunday Holy find out more free bible lessons IF you want to know who changed the first day to the seventh day that info is in the lessons, God bless.
2007-07-15 11:48:29
answer #8
answered by wgr88 6
I can't provide the Scripture reference, but there is a verse that says,"Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together...." and "Where two or more are gathered together in my name, there I am also." Although both verses point to the importance of being around other Christians, I don't know that it's imperative to attend Church to accomplish that. You might ask your mother-in-law how often the thief of the cross beside Jesus attended Church. (He didn't). Attitudes like hers drive people away.
2007-07-23 06:33:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
the only one I can think of is just the ones that tell us to come together with other believers, not in the same words though, but I don't think says to a certain place. It could be in your own home with a group of people, having Bible studies or prayer meetings, or even a home church. Where there are two more gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst of them..Your mother-in-law has a problem of trying to judge you and your husband and who ever else, you need to get a Scripture about judging others and let her read it. The Spirit of God is not limited to any one church, He can and will be where ever His Name is called upon...God is the only judge we have to worry about and she best realize it before she herself gets judged big time..Peace
2007-07-15 13:55:03
answer #10
answered by pops 4
No, I can't remember what part of the bible I read this in, but if you decide to stay home and pray then your are good with G-d. I know it is around the same place they talk about come as you are, that you don't have to dress up to worship G-d. I don't understand why she would tell you that you're not living right, remind her about the whole she shouldn't judge you because only G-d can judge you. That might shut her up.
2007-07-23 02:22:25
answer #11
answered by Miss 6 7