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Which is best Cessna 172 or Cirrus sr20

2007-07-15 05:42:39 · 12 answers · asked by richard d 2 in Cars & Transportation Aircraft

12 answers

i flew the cessna while my school was going through the transition to cirrus... cessnas are reliable.. theyve been around for decades.. cirrus is still working out all the little kinks.. for instance, they dont start worth a crap when its really cold (20F).. i think the spark plugs get frosted over.. and the muffler shrouds all had to be replaced because of CO2 getting into the cockpits.. something aboug the tac welds falling apart.. oh and dont taxi them when there is any snow on the ramp what-so-ever.. snow gets up in the boots and freezes the brakes.. could take the boots off but you would have to suffer the performance loss.. but on the plus side.. its all new technology.. you got the rocket shoot, glass cockpit and a solid structor.. although i havent flown the cirrus, the side stick looks interesting to learn.. in the end though i would pick the cessna.. you can get glass in there if you want it and its a tried and true design.. no suprises either.. by the way... you would think that with cirrus coming out of northern montana that it could handle the cold weather and snowy conditions..

2007-07-15 13:51:38 · answer #1 · answered by Kevin H 3 · 0 0

Cirrus Vs Cessna

2016-10-16 05:16:43 · answer #2 · answered by walko 4 · 0 0

They're both extremely good airplanes. The insurance will probably be a bit lower on a 172. Cessnas have a proven track record and a very good parts/maintenance network in place. Also, outside of the Garmin glass, most mechanics probably have more experience working on the Cessna.
I'm not discounting the Cirrus at all tho, they're fast and well designed airplanes. I would look at some of the older ones out however; I have seen some stories as has been mentioned about repairs on the composite structure.
Cessna is supposedly coming out with their new "Next Generation" that they (very briefly) debuted last year at Osh Kosh. They say it is designed to compete with Cirrus and it is still a high wing design.

2007-07-15 10:42:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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Cessna v.s. Cirrus?
Which is best Cessna 172 or Cirrus sr20

2015-08-18 06:26:08 · answer #4 · answered by Leigha 1 · 0 0

The Acclaim sold two planes last quarter (Q3 2015). The Cirrus SR22 sold 79 planes. The TTx sold zero. The Acclaim is fast, but is also a gas guzzler, cramped, old tech, verniers, tin can. The TTx is a little faster at 25gph, but the Cirrus at 80% burns 18gph and does 215ktas, as does the TTx. The TTx also uses verniers, and does not have a chute. The Cirrus did not need to pass FAA spin testing because it has an anti-spin NASA wing and a BRS parachute - both superior to the TTx. The TTx has to be recertified after a wing delaminated a couple of years ago...that s how it got the Garmin 2000. But they didn t put in a chute, and didn t up the useful load, 1000 versus Cirrus 1300 lbs.

2016-03-15 00:21:18 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The 172 has been being built from the 60's. Although many variants have evolved they are only slight variations. Some have a more powerful power plant, some more advanced avionics and others are a foot or two longer.

The Cirrus SR-20 is brand new technology. It has advanced avionics and even a ballistic parachute.

Both of these aircraft have there up's and downs. It's up to the task you wish to use these aircraft in that will determine the better one.

2007-07-15 07:40:56 · answer #6 · answered by Charles 5 · 0 0

Cessna - a well know, long time aircraft name.
Cirrus - good name, not been around as long.

Personal preference - Cessna

2007-07-15 10:11:30 · answer #7 · answered by sheepmate1 2 · 0 0

that depends on what you want from the aircraft. the cessna is a solid reliably tough airplane, that you can beat on like your family car. the cirrus is newer technology construction, but still solid and reliable, just not quite as tough as the cessna. for a light airplane though i prefer the high wing cessna as it can fly into more places than the low wing cirrus.

2007-07-15 05:58:51 · answer #8 · answered by richard b 6 · 0 0

It seems like Cirrus has good bang for the buck, the SR20 is the same price as the C172SP (~$250,000), has 20HP more, plus the ballistic chute and lightweight composite construction. Both come with the G1000 flat panel displays.

But I personally like the metal. It doesn't explode when you ding something and you don't require a PhD and a climate controlled hangar to fix it.

2007-07-15 08:12:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

For speed, definatly the Cirrus

For cost, definatly the Cessna....

The airplanes you are comparing are far too different to say which is best...

2007-07-15 10:11:43 · answer #10 · answered by ALOPILOT 5 · 0 0

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