The most direct answer is that it seems possible that the Creator views oral sex as a sin even by married people.
Like most Christian religions, the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses does not interest itself in a married couple's specific sexual practices. When a married person performs oral or anal sex on his or her spouse, he or she does not commit "fornication" as the term is used by Jehovah's Witnesses.
(1 Corinthians 7:2-3) Because of prevalence of fornication, let each man have his own wife and each woman have her own husband. Let the husband render to his wife her due; but let the wife also do likewise to her husband.
However, a Christian who debases his or her spouse by insisting upon or forcing degrading sexual practices likely commits "uncleanness", which can be a serious sin.
A Christian who brazenly advocates any particular sexual practice (even for within marriage) likely commits "loose conduct", which can be a serious sin.
(Ephesians 4:18-19) Because of the insensibility of their hearts. Having come to be past all moral sense, they gave themselves over to loose conduct to work uncleanness of every sort with greediness.
Most true Christians (such as Jehovah's Witnesses) have the good sense and godly devotion to respect their spouses and keep their intimate details private, so it is almost unheard of for this matter to require the attention of any elder body among Jehovah's Witnesses.
Learn more:
2007-07-18 00:19:40
answer #1
answered by achtung_heiss 7
Christian View On Oral Sex
2016-10-19 03:47:28
answer #2
answered by zumot 4
The Watchtower society recanted its bedroom policy years ago.
It is now a matter of is amazing how many JW's do not know this..
I guess it is because when the WBTS recants a position, they quietly place it in the back of an Awake magazine or post it under Questions for readers.....
Notice Hiess Quoting Watchtower dogma....They always start their answers concerning matters of conscience with headings like.."It would seem"...or.."Serious Christians Could assume"...leading one in an obvious direction, but legally getting out of a straight out answer.
When I was a witness, it was a disfellowshipping offense...Now it is not...There are families that were broken up...No apologies by the WBTS
Heiss states:
"Learn more:Most true Christians (such as Jehovah's Witnesses) have the good sense and godly devotion to respect their spouses and keep their intimate details private, so it is almost unheard of for this matter to require the attention of any elder body among "Jehovah's Witnesses." This is a crock, and he knows it...It comes up in committee meetings, all of the time....
"The most direct answer is that it seems possible that the Creator views oral sex as a sin even by married people"..WAtchtower says...LOL the most direct answer.....It seems possible...LOL LOL
2007-07-18 04:02:23
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I was taught by a strict religious group I used to belong to, that not only is sex for procreation between husband & wife, but it is also a sign of love and commitment between them. A way for them to express and enjoy themselves.
I would say, no, oral sex is not a sin between two married individuals. I have never read anything in the Bible about mouth to genital contact being a sin or not.
2007-07-18 05:24:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The Bible says that all things are sacred in the marriage bed, that includes oral, anal, and anything else that you can come up with. God created marriage so that we could explore these sexual things. If ever you have a doubt about anything anyone says, please, go to the Bible, not a person. People are not always 100% correct and often change things around so that it serves their own purposes. Read your Bible, provided it is not a J.W. bible or anything that has changed the words of God, and read so that you may be enlightened.
Be Blessed
2007-07-18 08:20:35
answer #5
answered by † Seeker of Truth † 4
Its questions like these that are so difficult to answer. You have to understand your christian faith or what it means to be christian and me growing up in the christian mentality it seems to be more of a conscience thing. Acts of Intimacy take very different tolls with people, but if your a christian the bible seems to be more of a cease "fleshly desire" type of faith even in marriage. Achtung, had very good points ...but in the JW's like lysdexic mentioned they lean towards a pessimistic point of view, this shouldnt be seen as completely negative (since i've been to lots of jws meetings) instead they stress out what "true christians" mindset should be at..developing spirituality and preaching!...but i have no answer and if you do it no one to say to stop it or do it...i sincerely hope you find your answer and truly meditate on what it means to be christian..( it seems i shouldnt have posted anything cus i have no answer but i just wanted to throw this out to the individuals reading this portion of the message board.)
OH on a last note: (In General) Sexual Intimacy shouldnt be a base for hoooking up or getting married...remember we all decay and wilt in time. Its Love that should be the base.
2007-07-18 07:15:31
answer #6
answered by YXM84 5
know this: why delude yourself and drown yourself in notions that are not true. There is no such thing as sin....sin has been created by early christians to have you and those before you feel guilty so you will tow the line. Life is for living...get out there and enjoy oral sex....but becareful with whom you have that oral sex with.
2007-07-15 01:58:31
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
After hearing all the time that sex & marriage is ONLY to procreate under Christian doctorine, and the fact that you cannot get pregnant doing oral sex; therefore it must be a sin.
This is why homoseuxals cannot get legally married.
2007-07-15 01:37:47
answer #8
answered by Mezmarelda 6
Sex has a dual purpose - it is both unitive and procreative. If a wife performs oral sex on her husband "until completion", i.e., he ejaculates outside of the vagina, they have frustrated the procreative aspect of marital intimacy, and have therefore sinned.
Oral sex as foreplay is fine, provided it procedes (and completes) as an act of non-contraceptive intercourse.
2007-07-18 08:42:08
answer #9
answered by wabaduu 1
that's not a sin if your married. (don't listen to the JW's there wrong anyway, but that's no way sin if your married)(that's from a Christian's point of view)
2007-07-15 01:42:57
answer #10
answered by Anonymous