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28 answers

as long as their are ppl with differing ideas and differing cultures, standards and morals who are unwilling to accept that others are different then there will never be peace. and the reality is we have not achieved once since time began and we will not until time ends.

2007-07-14 11:31:22 · answer #1 · answered by ?! 6 · 1 0

Peace cannot be fought for. However, neither can it be achieved by wearing flowers and singing songs. (And believe me, I am an extreme fan of the 60-70's era despite)
What I am saying is, at this dark time in the world prone to war and conflict, peace must be a determination in the heart of every citizen of every nation, otherwise we will NOT have it.
Clearly, think of a time when somewhere in the world there was not a war of some kind? Exactly. None. Ever since Man was Man. Religion is statistically the biggest cause of conflict. That's something to stop and think about now isn't it... However, I think that Man himself is the cause and perhaps only a barren Earth will ever be truly peaceful- and that will most likely occur when thanks to the development of annihilating weapons we will wipe each other off its face.

2007-07-14 11:39:22 · answer #2 · answered by London 5 · 0 0

By the sound of what answers have been written,together
with your first statement,i would say that you('all) could achieve it with a change-of-mind.Im not so naive as to
think that may happen;but better things have been done
so their is no reason to despair about that.
Perhaps i could suggest that in view of the mistaken belief
that there would be peace without humankind, a practical
action to,say, reduce poverty might also have some benefits
as regards reducing war and Achieving peace.
That is,one of reducing the population say initially by agreeing to limit family size. And at the same time,putting
a lower age limit whereby young people can have children.
Although these things would need much persuation,i think
the benefits far outweigh the so-called loss of freedom;
freedoms,which to me seem like naive dreams of a not
so modern society/world.
And one other thing; whilst a non practising christian might
put forward these proposals,the practising christians might
want or try to change their organisations into what may be
called their real Duty-that of virtually EXISTING JUST TO BRING PEACE ON EARTH.Im talking in fact about a mindset change;a change that fairly-and-squarely lays the ultimate duty for peace,onto not only christian shoulders,but all other religions too.But starting with christians,for other reasons. And thus i share a failure-of-responsibility of non christians like the previous answerers who blame all of mankind.
And it seems to me that this must be the one worthwhile lawlike committment of every christian;and one in which they
need not and must not accept failure in.
A big Ask;although a god-like one if there ever was one
(which i think there was,this one,originally, too).

2007-07-14 18:00:55 · answer #3 · answered by peter m 6 · 0 0


To achieve anything we must first believe it is possible and then set out on a course to so something constructive.

Let me give you an example from my own community. We are a post industrial, inner-city area that has for years suffered the worse deprecation indicators in Western Europe - highest unemployment, death from industrial and preventable diseases, high mental ill-health, crime and anti-social behaviour etc. Many believed we were worth more than this. Most stood on the sidelines moaning about the conditions and opining that someone should do something. A few believed that they were themselves someones who could do something about it. In the face of their neighbopurs disbelief that anything could be achieved and even of ridicule, the few started to do seemingly impossible things. Among the results:

* People who were behaving in anti-social ways are becoming community builders
*Crime and the fear of crime are decreasing
* Job opportunities are improving
* People who once presented for mental health services are living fulfilled lives again
* We have music, the arts once more - and local people are becoming the musicians and artists
* People are coming from all over the world to see what is going on and take something back to their communities.

The few have been able to draw increasing numbers off the sidelines to get behind efforts to change things for everyone.

We've reduced gang/drug related crime - but the media still rushes in when one thing goes wrong. We live in a world where our TV's bring every tragedy to our attention so we have come to think of the world as a negative place. But some can still open their eyes and see the possibilities.

Those who say nothing can be achieved in Palestine, for example, are never going to be part of the solution. They probably have not noticed what has taken place in Northern Ireland over recent years. Their standing by spouting negative messages is part of the problem. To become pecemakers, they must first stop their self indulgent, negative attempts at being prophets of doom and begin to realise there is a better way and they can be part of it.

Good wishes.

2007-07-14 21:30:05 · answer #4 · answered by pilgrimspadre 4 · 0 0

A great philosopher named George Carlin once said something along the lines of "Now this is just an observation, but I think it is worth some further inquiry...You take a look at two groups of people who are fighting, who are at war, who are killing each other...And the chances are...They are wearing different kinds of hats." Again humor approaches closer to truth than academia, with the bravery of complete abandon.

South Park did an episode where, in the future, religion was eliminated. Everyone was an atheist and trusted in "science", and yet they organized themselves into groups and warred over whose science was correct. It seems to be the opinion of many that world peace is impossible, no matter which human traits are changed or removed.

It is unlikely that world peace will occur any time soon, however it is possible to point to certain factors that obviously contribute to wars, and do our best to eradicate them. This is the only strategy the pacifist can sensibly pursue, the individual quest to dissuade their fellows from attitudes which support division and war.

Religion is first on the tongue, however it is strictly not correct. It isn't the religiosity that causes the problem so much as the dogmatism. It is the attitude of certainty that leads human beings to fight each other to the death. Religion is currently the worst offender on earth for espousing this false confidence, but it is not the fault of the religion, but the attitude of certainty which leads one to kill for their foolish beliefs.

It's impossible for a true scientifically minded person to go to war for a belief, as it is a built-in feature of the scientific method and mindset that one can never be certain enough to kill over a belief. The first thing that we must strike down to give the human race a chance at world peace is dogmatism and certainty of belief.

Well...that and we have to start regulating hat production.

2007-07-14 11:40:35 · answer #5 · answered by Nunayer Beezwax 4 · 1 0

I believe that greed is the root of all problems . Get rid of that and we might have a chance. Mother Teresa once said that the 'worst disease on earth for mankind is neglect' or something along those lines. We start caring about people beyond our own circle we could start the process of peace on earth.

Alternatively....not wanting to be a cynic but maybe have more beauty pageants with more beautiful women wanting world peace!

2007-07-14 11:53:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There will never be peace while humans inhabit the earth. We are selfish, terratorial creatures who seem programmed to self-destruct. As a Christian, I believe that real believers in God (of any religion ) are not of this world. This is the physical world. The spiritual is where peace exists. There would only be peace on this planet if every one of us decided to live spiritually. Impossible.

2007-07-14 19:36:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Peace in the world is just another metaphor for more war. They believe that through war than can accomplish peace. Though sometimes it does seem that more people are conscious of others in our country when we are at war with another. So through war we can achieve peace.

2007-07-14 11:54:59 · answer #8 · answered by Travis James 4 · 0 0

I agree that there will never be peace on earth. But I also believe there a purpose for the conflict.
Conflict is a call to action - the action needed is conflict resolution. The process of conflict resolution requires tact, negotiation and maturity. Each conflict presents us with an opportunity to hone these skills. In effect, conflict creates growth.

2007-07-14 11:34:59 · answer #9 · answered by not yet 7 · 0 1

Yes. Increase the consciousness level of all humans, simultaneously, by a factor of 10; and get rid of the ETs with an agenda who are currently in league with the "human" psychopaths who presently "own" this planet. A great start :))

2007-07-14 11:52:09 · answer #10 · answered by drakke1 6 · 0 0

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