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in relatively safer investments?

I make around 90K a year.

2007-07-14 11:02:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Investing

14 answers

As you know there is a trade-off between safe investments and making money fast.
The safest investments are deposit certificates or high interest bank accounts. Y might be able to get an annual return of 5% which will double your money in about 15 years.
Many mutual funds are fairly safe investments which have consistently produced returns around 10% per year. At that rate, you could double your money in 8 years.
Somewhat riskier mutual funds and some blue chip stocks increase at about 15% per year. You would double your money in 5 years with an investment like that.

The best advice is diversify your investments. Depending on how soon you will need the money, split up your investments so that you wont take too big a loss if a risky investment fall through but you will do well if the economy stays strong.

2007-07-14 11:26:34 · answer #1 · answered by Greg 2 · 0 0

Over the long haul I'd stick with the market. I'm beginning to think that we may hit a rough patch in the near future--what with the housing slump and high gas prices consumers are going to have to take a bit of a breather--but over the next few decades continuing technological advances should keep the market trending upwards.

I'd be wary of retail stocks at the moment, but might look into Biotech--you can now buy Genentech for something like 25 times earnings.

2007-07-14 17:20:55 · answer #2 · answered by Adam J 6 · 0 0

The best strategy is to aim to double it over a 10 year period. Historically, that is quite reasonable. I would avoid any stock holding (except maybe a few blue chip companies, and certain sectors like health and utilities) and concentrate most of the holdings in mutual funds - a broad base in indexes, to keep management costs low, with some managed funds in sectors like international. At the moment, I favor over-weighting in the mid-caps, which seem to be doing very well; but you'll need to check the balance every six months or so.

We are coming up to a bear market, so I would not predict major gains in the next three years or so - and you may want to keep 30% in low risk instruments or bond funds to spread your risk.

The person who said there is a mutual fund that never loses money is an idiot. All funds lose over certain time periods; but in general it is true that they move up with the market historically. A 10 year horizon is safe to get to $1million.

2007-07-14 11:11:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The problem at the moment is that the stock market is topping.

Now we may run higher and then again we might not.

I would sell out now and play the trading game. I'm waiting
for the market to fall 20%..then after the dust settles we'll

If you can handle not sleeping at night..do nothing.

But is is very wise to count your blessings now.
If you are feeling very gamey then check out the scanning tool
which will certainly help you single out any stock worth considering.

See trading videos..use the scanning tool:

2007-07-14 16:50:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm figuring you cashed out your 401-k after leaving the job,, You should received a 1099-R from the 401 plan showing the amount disbursed and the tax withheld,, You need to plug those numbers in to figure your adjusted gross income and amount of tax withheld,, Bear in mind the plan only withholds 20% for taxes (which may not cover your actual tax liability on the withdrawal),,, Further, if you are under 59,1/2 you will also owe a 10% penalty on the owed tax,,,

2016-05-17 22:00:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There's the risk reward trade off everyone mentions. One way to go about doing it is by trading options. NOT a simple thing to do. But I am up 150% in 7 months. The good thing is that there is a known risk/downside going in (as long as you aren't using margin or going in naked) and often unlimited upside.
If you are looking for a longer term way to go about doing it, choose some funds that have had solid returns.

2007-07-14 12:21:56 · answer #6 · answered by K B 2 · 0 0

If you really have $515K and make $90K a year, you should already know the answer to this question!

2007-07-14 15:21:17 · answer #7 · answered by Califrich 6 · 0 0

Check out the Rule of 72 calculator which will show you how to calculate the rate of return you need to earn in order to double your money. You could also do it in 3 years by making loans through Prosper

2007-07-14 11:25:24 · answer #8 · answered by uschoice808 2 · 0 1

The quickest/safest way to double it is to leave it alone for about 7 years....

2007-07-14 12:37:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you invest in a Mutual Fund like the Vice Fund (NASDAQ:VICEX) then you will double your money in four years or less.

This Mutual Fund is 4 years old and they manage over $100,000,000.00 USD.

If you want to double your money in less time then you need to hire a Portfolio Manager with over a decade of experience in the Stock Markets like myself.

You don't have enough for a Swiss Private Banker or a Hedge Fund.

2007-07-14 11:09:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

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