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When Humans are Perfect (when I look at Jennifer Aniston I think they are)..
When Technology can`t go any further..
When Evolution can`t go further.. What`s gonna happen?

2007-07-14 02:34:25 · 37 answers · asked by Shanks 4 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

37 answers

Evolution is an earth-bound process. It is as if we are removed from our origin that we instinctively and endlessly seek through evolution in our mind. The ultimate of evolution in this sense would be to reach that state of being: a state of perfect goodness, absolute truth, beauty and wisdom, the home. If we regard this to be the ultimate of our evolutionary capacities then we look beyond the scope of worldly knowledge, we look into all possibilities in existence, life, life-after-death, non-physical dimensions in existence and eternity.

But a ‘life one earth, requires to be moderate, and not absolute. We cannot experience the ultimate of anything while we are here, as this world is a balance between contrasting characteristics in all things. There are limits and limitations. There are bounds beyond which we would not recognise anything to be human. When all evolution in the mind would stop everything for us will stop, thinking will stop and we will have no need for knowledge either, that will then be the complete absence of the mind. This is ironic that the mind would evolve itself into annihilation. What will then be left?

Then there is evolution in terms of our physical form. Our physical form, as it is today, is quite adequately evolved, and it is serve the evolutionary needs to our mind. We need to evolve emotionally, socially and spiritually. We evolved in all these aspects to a limit, reach a state of balance in life, become useful for our self and for other people around us and then we pass on to some unknown world believing that we have been good here as we could, and therefore whatever is to follow, will also be good for us, or we will be good for that too.

2007-07-14 03:24:24 · answer #1 · answered by Shahid 7 · 0 1

Human evolution will never stop.. there is always something new to learn. Hopefully we will all live long enough to find out. We are just entering a new era when we will be able to determine our own evolution. Was this always pre-destined? Since the primordial goo was life always evolving to a point where it would start self-evolving? Surely science is getting close to the point where we will begin to choose our own evolution. But in this case will it really be evolution? Or will we be at the beginning of a dangerous path for mankind? So we need to ask ourselves some very important questions: 'what is evolution?'.. 'should science be used to change humans fundamentally?'.. 'if so who gets to benefit from these scientific changes?'.. 'do we want science to change who we are?'. In short -- the latest development in human evolution is science -- and we must all think seriously about how we are going to meet these challenges. Okay, I admit I have slightly evaded the question -- but we must be sure that we know what evolution actually is (or, more to the point -- what we want it to be) before we can decide when it will be complete.

2007-07-14 10:15:02 · answer #2 · answered by question asker 5 · 0 0

The flaw in your reasoning is that you assume evolution to be progressive; that evolution is the progress of life from simple to complex organisms.

It is not.

Evolution is situational. evolution is the response of animals to their environment. In the cretaceous era, The Tyrannosaurus Rex was perhaps the most sophisticated predator on land. Then the ice age occured, and mighty T-Rex could not keep up with the humble rat-like mammals.

Lets examine your choice of perfection; Jennifer Aniston. Her skin is milky smooth and free of imperfections, from a lifetime free of hardship. Her body is curvaceous, due to a very specific diet and exercise routine provided to her to keep her body in a condition that maximizes her sexual appeal. Her face uses make-up, another human construct. In her environment, America circa 2007, she represents the pinnacle of human evolution.

Now what would happen if a meteor struck tomorrow and a new situation occured? Jennifer Aniston might die, because she was better suited to a different situation. Change might involve her becoming more rugged, to deal with the more hostile situation. She would have to change, in order to survive.

As far as technological change, until we achieve omniscience and omnipotence, we will probably never reach a point where we are no longer perfecting technology. In order to first achieve those two things, we will first need to completely master our understanding of the universe, which at this point in time, is still a long way off.

However, that doesn't mean we will always be human. Some people believe that we will eventually merge with our technology, in a point often refered to as the singularity. It is called the singularity because after that point, we really don't know what life will be like. It is an exercise in transhumanism.

2007-07-14 03:41:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

If the nature of evolution is constant adaptation and change, then theoretically, living things on Earth will always have something to adapt to since all living things are changing and adapting at the same time. Enjoy Jennifer Aniston now, because she mind end up looking like a fish someday. And other fishes will think she's hot.

2007-07-14 04:00:06 · answer #4 · answered by saracatheryn 3 · 0 0

Well as far as human evolution goes, I believe that we have already stopped evolving. Beneficial traits no longer help us survive and pass on our genes and malicious traits like diseases, disorders and weaknesses no longer hinder us from reproducing. We have evolved to use technology to conquer our environment rather than let it shape our physiology.

As for technology, I think that we should be talking about the evolution or progression of knowledge rather than technology itself. Knowledge is the basis behind technology. So if we talk about knowledge, humans still do not evolve intellectually; people are born with as much mental capacity as thousands of years ago. But collectively, our knowledge has evolved into the technological society we know today. Our collective knowledge will never stop evolving. There will always be new diseases that need new cures, changes in the Earth that need new solutions, and the almost infinite universe that expands faster than we can possibly explore.

2007-07-14 02:59:19 · answer #5 · answered by Ao Kiji 2 · 0 0

As long as man has inhabited the earth his technology has gotten better over time. I disagree that we will reach a point where technology can`t go any further.
(See nanotechnology for reference)
When Humans are perfect in what sense and in relation to whom? Evolution is not necessarily the process of organisms becoming better its a process where organisms genetically mutate to better suite them for their environment. If we ever have a drastic climate change on Earth evolution will once again begin to take place.

Technology will always get better.
As long as where humans we will never be perfect.
Evolution will not "Max out" it occurs when the environment or climate changes.

2007-07-14 07:33:32 · answer #6 · answered by Future 5 · 0 0

Jennifer Aniston has some major problems...what a whiner. Evolution is still happening. What has she done that is a helping the world, honestly. I'm sorry. I am still an Angelina Jolie fan, despite her loss of weight, I think she has something there.

Have you not heard of the star children?
They do exist. Or, can you believe they do? http://www.reconnections.net/index2.htm

2007-07-14 02:45:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ask your brother about Karma - the law of action and reaction. Evolution is part of that and as such is neverending (at least until the planet gets blasted to dust by an expanding sun. I think that's pretty final).

Meantime it responds to whatever the circumstances are so it doesn't just move forward but in many directions simultaneously. I think you better get Joy to explain that bit.

2007-07-14 23:11:21 · answer #8 · answered by Tyler's Mate 4 · 0 0

Evolution will not finish. I believe that technology won't either. As the world changes and the universe changes. We will unlock new technologies, maybe leave the earth when it has gone and find new materials to create new and better things.

2007-07-14 03:44:34 · answer #9 · answered by ads421 1 · 0 0

Jennifer Aniston? You have a long way to go before reaching the end....

2007-07-14 03:56:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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