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If you're not Christian, just save your thoughts for another question.

1.Why do you believe in God?

2.Were you raised Christian?

3.Do you ever have doubts in the Bible?

4.Is it alright to be gay?

5. Was there ever a point in your life that you didn't believe in God?


2007-07-13 13:28:58 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

My answers:

1.Why do you believe in God? It just makes more sense to me. The whole big bang thing just doesn't seem logical in my mind.

2.Were you raised Christian? Sort of. My dad was always telling me that there was no God, but my mom kept me in faith.

3.Do you ever have doubts in the Bible? Yes, sometimes, but not at the moment.

4.Is it alright to be gay? Yes, the God I know would not call it a sin to love. I don't get the whole "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" idea either. If they had brown hair, would it be a sin to be blonde? There's nothing wrong with going differently than things orignally were.

5. Was there ever a point in your life that you didn't believe in God? Yes, a short time. I was very derpressed and had lots of doubts after I divorced.

2007-07-13 13:44:14 · update #1

My beliefs on being gay are similar to ♥Stephanie♥ and Jon M. I just had trouble getting them out it words.

2007-07-13 13:48:57 · update #2

37 answers

1.Why do you believe in God? I believe in God because it is hard to believe we are all just here for nothing. To believe that we are just a collection of randomly formed atoms takes some meaning away from life.

2.Were you raised Christian? Yes. I was raised a Christian. We did not always go to church though. My mother worked three jobs, and my father worked two. They very rarely had Sunday's off. But we were raised on this simple fact: Going to church only makes you a Christian as much as going to Mc. Donalds makes you a cheeseburger.

3.Do you ever have doubts in the Bible? Yes, the Bible was written by Men, and alot of books were kept out of it. I trust my faith, I do what is right. And I use the Bible as more of a guideline to how I live life.

4.Is it alright to be gay? I think so. This is like asking "Is it ok to have a tattoo?" Times have changed. Tattoos are now a way of showing your beliefs and faith. I do not believe that jst because you are gay you shouldn't be able to worship the way straight people do.

5. Was there ever a point in your life that you didn't believe in God? Yes. When I was juch younger I was raped, and mad because no one seemed to be there to help me back onto my feet. I had some problems with depression and had to rethink my beliefs. But right now I am pretty sure I have them all in order, even though sometimes I do question....

2007-07-13 13:43:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. I'm a Christian because I believe Christ was trying to bring a reform into a very seculiar society. I also believe there is an almighty power that binds all living things in our universe- call it God or not. So, I believe in God because things in my life have no other explanation than God's will, because everytime I see a clear full-mooned night, or the sun coming up over the ridge in the morning, is so beautiful only a supreme being could have made it thus.

2. I went to a Christian college for two years, I was baptised, took communion and even got married once in a church, but I was raised to think, not to be a Christian. The thing is, thinking makes you the best Christian, anyway. I wouldn't want to be mistreated, so I don't mistreat anyone: Do unto others, as you would have done unto yourself.

3. I've read the two Christian bibles, twice (The old testament and the new). They're both well-written stories about morals. I don't believe they were meant to be taken literally, though their messages show how to live a fulfilling life. I don't believe every word printed- it's not a history book!

4. If you're not hurting yourself or others, you can be gay, straight, bisexual, or have 5 wives and still be faithful to Christian beliefs (most anyway).

5. Everytime I watch the news. When I see selfish people getting more than they deserve. When I lost my life (in coma), and when I see the Church manipulating innocent lives. But deep down inside, the whole while, I know there's a bigger reason for the winding path that is life.

You are welcome!

2007-07-13 13:48:47 · answer #2 · answered by canguroargentino 4 · 0 0

1. I believe in God because I choose to do so. To me, it is the logical choice.

2. Yes, I accepted Christ when I was 9 years old...my parents were actively involved in a Christian church (actually, quite a few different ones over the years).

3. It is natural to have doubts about the bible. Thomas doubted the Lord had risen until he put his hands in the holes in Jesus' hands and side! Doubts are human...and they are one of Satan's best weapons. However, I view those doubts as an indication that I need to study the bible more and take my doubts to God. When I find a supposed contradiction in the bible, I don't say, oh well, it just must be wrong...and if it's wrong, what else is wrong. Instead, I seek (through prayer and study) the truth in the contradictions. The way I see it, if you think part of the bible is inaccurate, then it what else is inaccurate? My favorite phrase for describing the bible is that it is "the living word of God"...the exact words used may not be precise enough to avoid the appearance of contradictions, but if I listen to what God is saying to ME when I read it, he will reveal the true meaning to me (eventually...in his time of course)!

4. Alright to be gay? Depends on what you mean by alright. I believe that God loves homosexuals as much as he loves anyone else. I think the bible labels homosexual behavior to be a sin...but then the bible lables all sexual activity outside of marriage to be a sin! Personally, I don't buy the "that's just the way I am so I should just accept it" mentality where homesexuality is concerned. Being attracted to someone of the same sex is one thing...acting on that attraction is another. Homosexual behavior is a CHOICE...and I think it is the wrong one. Does that mean that I think all homosexuals go to hell...not my place to judge...only God can judge the heart of a man. The choice to live a homosexual lifestyle can lead to many harmful and hurtful consequences on earth (just as pre- or extramarital sex can lead to harmful and hurtful consequences)...I wouldn't wish those consequences on anyone, but any spiritual consequences of any individual's actions are between them and God!

6. Not that I can recall. I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say that I've wondered if I'm right...but like #3, I know that is a normal human characteristic AND that is can be an attack by Satan. When I find myself wondering if God really exists (for example, when someone asks a good question or shares a fact I wasn't aware of in Y!A!!!), I view that as a sign that I need to pray and I'm always reminded that it comes down to a simple choice...yes or no...and for me, yes is the only answer that makes sense!

2007-07-13 13:59:01 · answer #3 · answered by KAL 7 · 0 0

1. The concept that there is no God makes no logical sense. The world is too complex and too wonderful to be an accident, and THERE IS NO OTHER THEORY FOR THE ORIGINS OF THE UNIVERSE!

2. Yes, I was raised a Christian.

3. I frequently doubt what other people say about the bible, but I don't doubt the truth and validity of scripture.

4. Homosexuality is a sin, and no sin is okay. To define oneself by their sinful behavior is active rebellion against God.

5. There was a period in my life when I doubted the NATURE of God; specifically, I doubted Christianity. But I have NEVER doubted that there is a God.

2007-07-13 13:35:57 · answer #4 · answered by Privratnik 5 · 1 0

1. I believe in GOD because GOD first LOVED me.

2. I was raised as a Lutheran and converted to Roman Catholic.

3. I have no doubts whatsoever, i never had a doubt about it. I am not an "only the Bible CHRISTian" the Catholic Church is not "sola scriptura" . .. if you need a basis for this the Bible itself says that JESUS will pour out of THE HOLY SPIRIT across the land and young men would prophecy and old men would dream dreams. This has been happening for 2000 years of CHRISTian worship. Many great Saints have written some beautiful and TRUE books on CHRISTian worship. some of the most influential are Saint Augustine and Saint Thomas Aquinas . ..

4. It is fine if a person has same-sex attractions that are beyond their control. It is not okay to willfully have homosex against the teachings of CHRIST.

5. There was a time for many years when i didn't go to Church. But I always believed in GOD.

-LOVE your nieghbor as yourself.

2007-07-13 13:54:08 · answer #5 · answered by jesusfreakstreet 4 · 0 0

1. I believe in God because he is so evident in my life. Life is filled with wonderful little miracles, (and some big ones too), and my personal encounters with God have simply forced me to believe.

2. I am 15 years old. I am being raised Catholic, but I have personally broken away from many of their beliefs. I see myself as more "non-denominational." My Christian views are drastically different to those of my parents, and it wasn't until I began to discover Jesus on my own that I was truly saved. In a sense, I became a true Christian completely on my own, without any help from my family whatsoever.

3. I am human. Of course I have doubts about the Bible, and there are even some very minor contradictions. However, the primary details are all the same: Jesus, the Son of God, came to Earth, preached and performed miracles in the name of his Father, suffered and died on a cross to save all of mankind, opened the gates of Heaven, and rose 3 days later. He then rose into Heaven 40 days later, leaving the Holy Spirit in the hearts of the disciples, who in turn converted and saved thousands.

4. God makes it pretty clear that it is not alright to be gay. Regardless of whether or not it is a choice to be homosexual, God says through the Bible that gay people must resist all temptations to perform sinful, sexual acts with the same sex, or to feel lust for a person of the same sex. However, homosexuality is no worse a sin than lying or committing adultery, and can be forgiven through repentance.

5. While I was always being raised Catholic, I don't think i ever truly believed in God until 2 years ago, when I discovered Jesus on my own.

Hope this helps.

God bless!!

2007-07-13 13:45:43 · answer #6 · answered by Kiwi 3 · 1 0

1 Looking at the universe, it seems that there had to be a greater being to design it. I believe God is the Greater Being by faith.
2 I was raised in a home with Christian values.
3 No.
4 Not according to scripture.
5 I've questioned if God really exist but like I said in Q1, there HAS to be a greater being. I've never doubted for more than a few seconds.

2007-07-13 13:37:37 · answer #7 · answered by starfishltd 5 · 2 0

.Why do you believe in God? With out a doubt.

2.Were you raised Christian? Yes but not strictly

3.Do you ever have doubts in the Bible? of course it's human to doubt

4.Is it alright to be gay? Not religously, it says in the bible no man shall lie with another man. as people it's their choice...If you want to know if i think they will go to hell my answer is god only knows i'm not god so i can't answer that. But personaly some of the best men i known are gay.

5. Was there ever a point in your life that you didn't believe in God?
Yes i was young and confused.

2007-07-13 13:53:29 · answer #8 · answered by Kacey D 3 · 0 0


1. Yes, I believe. Lord, help my unbelief. (Mark 9: 24)

2. Yes.

3. Of course. Any thinking Christian would. God gave you a brain; use it when you read the bible and doubt all you want. Just don't stop believing while you doubt.

4. Yes. And don't let anybody else tell you different. Listen to what the Holy Spirit says to you in your heart and be brave enough to ignore people who try to tell you different.

5. Probably. But belief in God is a decision, not a feeling. You decide to trust that God is who he says he is, and stick to that decision no matter what. That's what faith is.

2007-07-13 13:36:21 · answer #9 · answered by Acorn 7 · 1 0

I believe in God because God is all around us, all you have to do is open your eyes and see all the wonderful things God has brought to you. I was raised Christian, not a practicing Christian, but was taught to believe in God and Jesus Christ. I have no doubts in the Bible, I believe it is the true word of the Lord. As far as being gay, I hate to say it, but unless I've missed it in the Bible it is not alright for a man to lay with another man or a woman to lay with another woman. God does love each of his children, but he also has some strict rules for them(as does any loving parent). There has never been a point when I didn't believe in God, just a time when I didn't live my life in a way pleasing to Him.

2007-07-13 13:39:33 · answer #10 · answered by YesImAChristian 2 · 2 0

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