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in my opinion, when we christians doubt evolution because it's not of the bible, and because the question is, why would god have spent Billions of years evolving us when he could of just blinked us into exsistence, to me suggests that God's work nwas not important, and even more that WE humans are the only thing on Gods plate. Sure God is capable of blinking us into exsistnce but who could know God's true intentions were. We suggest that because God may have taken any time in evloving this earth and this universe that he should of been in rush in creation. Am I non Christian like for even suggesting that maybe it took a little longer than 6 days. I beleive in God with all my heart, and Jesus is my savior, but I don't understand how we can deny scientific evidence. The evidence dies not suggest God doesn't exsist. it suggest someone wrote down the wrong darn thing!

2007-07-13 12:58:48 · 28 answers · asked by Kizzie S 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

and YES we are still evolving. we have organs that once served a purpose but no longer. What do you call that. That's the Human body evolving, and God's will.

2007-07-13 13:11:05 · update #1

God's wisdon IS greater than mine. How can we assume to even know God's timetable? 6 days? what's 6 days to God. Again I don't question that God created this world and all worlds, but I DO NOT deny science either. its awful arrogant for us to assume that that bible written by man gives us total insight into God and his intentions. God is an Enigma. The Bible is not the KEY to God's Psyche and Intentions. The Bible is our blueprint on how to be a good chrisrtian and well with our fellow Human beings. You read the Bible and instantly you knew God and what he was about and his intentions.

2007-07-13 13:20:10 · update #2

28 answers


Girlfriend, I agree with you 100%.

Evolution is SUCH a non-issue for me. I'm a Christian too, but I'm educated enough to know that the bible wasn't intended to be a science or history book. It documented some history, but the people who wrote it lived in a completely different culture. They had a completely different idea about history than we do.

Our idea of history is specifically western. We kid ourselves into thinking it is objective fact, with no opinions or biases but ... seriously, c'mon. Like somebody once said: The history books are written by the winners.

The history the Old Testament authors had in mind included poetry and myth and folklore and numerology... and a zillion other things that we don't think of as history today. Their idea was to document that God created the universe, and the details weren't as important as the central fact.

And who's to say anyway that Adam and Eve weren't CroMagnons? It's pretty arrogant to think they must have looked just like us when they were created. Maybe they were apish and then the human race evolved from there.

Like I said, this is a total non-issue that fundamentalists use to bully people with and to try to discount scientists who've spent their lives analyzing facts and data to the best of their ability.

That old idea that science and spirituality can't co-exist: it's waaaaaaaaaay past time for it to die off.

2007-07-13 13:12:01 · answer #1 · answered by Acorn 7 · 2 3

I am so happy to answer your question. There is so much material out there, That proves evolution is fake. Today's scientist are looking more towards God. Please look up Compass.org, Kent Hovind, Chuck Missler, Dave Reagan, and Mark Eastman. Those people will tell you about God and evolution. Thank you for making A good answer. May God bless you and your Kin.
Seek God with all your heart, and humble thy self. You are forgiven. When Jesus died on that cross, He said Eli, Eli, lama sabach-thani? that says, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? This means he is in your shoes, He is the lamb that you put on your door post, So that the angel of death passes over you. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
This verse tells you that the word of God is alive and only the creator can give fruitful life. The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed.

2007-07-13 20:21:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

When you speak of 'Evolution', are you talking about Darwin's Theory of Evolution or Adaptive Environmental Evolution. There is a huge difference in the two.

(1) Darwin's Theory of Evolution = we (humans) came from a lower life-form and therefore were not created as G-d intended; a unique species unto ourself (from the very beginning). This is against what Genesis tells us. Another problem with this Theory, is that no one has been able to answer or has even investigated the following ...

(a) Since we know from Medical Science that DNA is the way that all cells and body systems get their instruction of when, where, and how; everything functions. Does that mean that the chimp DNA is part of our recessive genes?

(b) Since, I have established that human DNA had to be part of the chimp DNA, otherwise; they would NOT be able to ‘become human in the first place’. When was the last time we heard of a human woman giving birth to a half-chimp / half-human?

(c) Has there ever been a chimp that gave birth to a half-chimp / half-human?

(d) Can DNA completely disappear?

(e) Where did the DNA for the chimp go?

That is why I do not and will not believe that we (humans) were ever anything besides human. Because, no matter what scientists theorize we "came" from; we would STILL have to answer those questions.

(2) Adaptive Environmental Evolution = all species has the capability to adapt to their surroundings, however; we did not come from another species. It just means that we have the ability to build more effecient homes and clothes; which allow us to stay cool in warm weather and vise-versa.

Here is what I have come to understand about the, six-day period of Creation. In my opinion it is possible to reconcile the Creation Story with modern science; especially if we use the Scientific Conversion of Time.

This Conversion Method, states that every second of our present time is equal to 53,000 years, that the Big Bang occured about 13.7 Billion years ago; or three of our days. So, since we as Christians believe that G-d took six-days to create all things. We plot in the extra days and come up with a scientifically recognized number of years G-d took in His Creation time.

13.7 Billion times 2 = 27400000000 (or 27.4 Billion years), therefore according to the Scientific Conversion of Time and the six-day Creation Time; the Earth is 27.4 Billion Years Old.

Oh, and yes, I do believe in the Big Bang Theory; G-d said "Let there be ......" And (kaboom) everything came into being as He Commanded it. Until the day that our billiant scientists can explain otherwise, this is my belief and I am sticking to it.

2007-07-13 20:18:32 · answer #3 · answered by C N 2 · 0 3

I'm glad to see a christian who at least takes time to look at the scientific evidence out there. Unfortunately, I disagree with your reasoning on why you doubt evolution.
The bible clearly states a 6 day creation. The bible says that the sun was created on the 4th day (um, how can there be a day without the sun?) and also states that the "evening and the morning were the (insert # here) day.
Those who believe in the literal interpretation of the bible can't get past that... and that's the bottom line.

2007-07-13 20:02:57 · answer #4 · answered by Kallan 7 · 5 3

Creationism vs. Evolution is an irrelevant issue to me.

Did it take billions of years for our world to come about?

Maybe. But a 1000 years is as a day to God. So a billion years is also nothing to our creator.

2007-07-14 01:46:11 · answer #5 · answered by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 · 2 0

Evolution is an attempt to explain how the universe came to be without God. It is by no means proven or accepted by all scientists without question. In fact, scientists keep finding more and more problems with it.

I have no problem believing that God created everything in 6 days or even an instant. If it looks like Evolution to us from our perspective, that merely proves that our perspective is different from God's. I'll continue to take God's word for it.

If you want to start throwing out parts of the Bible because they don't make sense to you, why believe it at all? How will you decide when God's wisdom is greater than yours?

You seem to be confused about Evolution. There are many parts, and Christians generally don't reject them all. Most accept that adaptation has occurred and we see no conflict with that in Scripture. What we do reject, and what has yet to be proven is species to species evolution.


2007-07-13 20:07:09 · answer #6 · answered by happygirl 6 · 4 3

I don't support the theory of evolution for quite a few reasons which I won't go into here. But I will give you a link to a site where your question is examined by a Christian who feels very similar to the way that you feel. The index is on the right of the screen if you want to skip the introductory parts and go right to evolution.


I think that it takes more faith to believe in all of the tenets of the theory of evolution than it does to believe the eyewitness accounts of the life death and resurrection of Jesus, but Christians can hold different views on the feasibility of the theory of evolution and still be Christians who shouldn't divide from one another over non-essentials of our faith. How Genesis 1 & 2 should be interpreted in regards to the progression of life on this planet is certainly not one of those essentials.

2007-07-13 20:35:26 · answer #7 · answered by Martin S 7 · 2 2

I've read somewhere that a second to god can be a million years and that million years can seem like a second to him.
When he said in the beginning, let there be light, my guess is the big bang theory. I'm a christian but, not a go to church, bible thumping kind of guy and I find myself questioning much of the bible just to make sense of it.
By the way, I hear many religous people think that the only life is here on Earth. At the risk of being labeled as someone shouting Roswell, Roswell, our galaxy alone has alot of stars and billions of planets. Not saying little green men but, something just might be there.

Ok, I've got a couple of thumbs down, oh well, would Jesus have done that? I forgive you. Check out this movie, yes it's only a movie, not fact but it gives a decent account of religion on a universal level. It's called Enemy Mine, made in 1985 with Dennis Quaid and Lou Gosset,Jr. Interesting movie.

2007-07-13 20:06:31 · answer #8 · answered by fox_71498 3 · 4 4

Suggestion; the 6 days in Genesis 1 are not necessarily 6 24 hour time periods; especially days 1-3. The sun.moon,and stars were not created until day 4.
Permit me to exaggerate; could a continuos 12,000,000 hours of darkness followed by 12,000,000 continuous hours of light be called one day?

2007-07-13 20:41:16 · answer #9 · answered by jefferyspringer57@sbcglobal.net 7 · 1 3

I just answered another question like this one. It has been suggested before that 7days for God may last much longer for God than it does here on Earth. Really, what is 7 days to him? This doesn't make you a sinner, it makes you smart. You think into everything. And the Bible is full of faults, it was written by man, not God. So it is not perfect. The History Channel has great segments on these subjects.

2007-07-13 20:02:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

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