Put him first in front of yourself, and make sure to tell him you love him. Also, tell him things most people don't know about, so he'll feel like he's special [which he probably is].
2007-07-13 12:59:09
answer #1
answered by David 3
Invite him to do something TOGETHER whether it be basketball, a 2-player video game, even a game of cards. Choose the better activity that he can not only physically but mentally handle; like black-jack for a 12yo...no. When you start doing that for 3 out 7 times a week, arguments would slowly but surely hinder. If you drive, use that to your advantage, start just taking him with you, then have him pay his own way for his errands and such; it only works when he CAN'T drive. Just bond and try not to argue. Ignore the argument and such. If he wants to fight, get up and leave, he'll miss the company and apologize/ignite another bonding session.
2007-07-13 13:02:52
answer #2
answered by Answerz 4
Unfortunatley, I didn't really form any relationship with my little brother until we were both adults. It took our parents getting divorced that really made us start to get along very well. It's pretty natrual to fight a lot because you are with each other so much. Try to find something that you two have in common (Besides your upbringing) and try to get involved without being too pushy. Also, if you're ages are too far apart, that may be why you're having some problems relating to him. Even though my relationship is great with my little brother, I have no relationship whatsoever with my older brother and he's 28 and I'm 25!
2007-07-13 13:00:35
answer #3
answered by Cass M 4
Most siblings have their issues at times and I think it is lovely you want to have a relationship with your brother as opposed to running in the other direction.
Give your brother space, do not judge him, give him advice when he asks for it but do not smother him. Let him be himself, do not try to change him. Find some common ground in terms of hobbies, activities, movies, music etc but also show interest in what he specifically likes as a way of getting to know him.
Also, look at why you are arguing and decide what is the petty stuff that can be thrown away and what is perhaps somewhat serious that needs to be openly discussed. Be prepare to listen to him as he needs to listen to you.
You obviously love your brother and that is a brilliant start!
2007-07-13 13:03:12
answer #4
answered by LiverGirl98 7
As humans we continue to grow and develop individually and within relationships. Sounds like you may both be working on becoming more independent.
Think about what is really, REALLY worth arguing about. If he tells a story incorrectly, etc- perhaps you can pass up the opportunity to correct him. Let him be strong and expressive. Let him teach you something. What is he into that you are not into? Maybe you can go down that road.
Best of luck big sis
2007-07-13 13:11:41
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Everyone knows that first childs gets everything so just try making him feel that he is special to and that u do care about him... Try spending time with him and get to know him a little at a time..I hope that this helps u
2007-07-13 13:04:30
answer #6
answered by kajal c 4
try spending time with him.
Do things he likes to do.
I was having the same problem with my 9 year old sister.
She was feeling left out so she started to get on my nerves more and when i started going on bike rides with her and doing things she wanted to do we slowed down on the arguing. Im not saying this is going to stop it all together but it will help.
Just do things that he likes to do.
2007-07-13 13:01:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Stop fighting with him. Spend a day together doing something that he enjoys doing. Then begin to form a trusting relationship with him, and be there for him when he needs you....
2007-07-20 10:17:56
answer #8
answered by lwheavenlyangel 4
Yes you can be closer to your brother, start doing things together that he enjoy.
2007-07-20 13:27:04
answer #9
answered by dbrh_soto 6
show that you care for him....
and don't overwhelm him or anything, but do something together like watching a movie together or such... like Harry Potter lol.... that's all i guess?
2007-07-13 13:08:51
answer #10
answered by Anonymous