Well, you don't sound mentally disabled to me and you claim to be a Christian...and I know I'm not mentally disabled and I'm one too (you don't get to earn a Ph.D. in research if you're mentally disabled). My dad has a Ph.D. too, and he's a Christian....and my mom had a master's degree...again Christian, again, not mentally disabled.
Now is every Christian smart enough to find a way to make dinosaurs, evolution or aliens fit in to the bible?...no...just like every other group of people, IQ levels can range from "duuuuhhhh" to genius.
But perhaps their problem is a result of the people that "hijack" those concepts and use them to disprove the Bible!!!???
When I was taught about evolution in school, no one bothered to make the distinction between the fact of evolution (survival of the fittest...adapt to environment or die...no problem there) and the theory of the origin of the species (man wasn't created, we evolved from apes...contrary to the bible and a weak theory at best)!
When I was taught about dinosaurs (that they roamed the earth at one time...again, no major problem though I do believe all the skeletons could be a cosmic joke or a plot to deceive hatched by Satan) I was also taught that they lived millions of years ago (bigger problem for traditionalists who think the genealogies listed in the bible (with ages) are complete). Personally, I think the Bible doesn't make any reference to how long Adam and Eve hung out in the garden with the dinosaurs before they were cast out...it could have been a few moments or it could have been thousands or even millions of years!
As for aliens, that's simple ethnocentric arrogance! The bible says that God created the earth and saw that it was good...it does NOT say that it was the first OR the last thing he ever created! ...but the Bible was written for humans and it is hard enough for people to get their arms (or their mind) around the concept of God's creation here...it isn't surprising they would choose to discount anything as complex as other creations on other planets!
2007-07-13 13:01:21
answer #1
answered by KAL 7
I'm a big fan of rational thinking. And science. And dinosaurs. There's nothing wrong with looking for proofs that God exists. He's revealed himself throughout creation. But the Bible says people will "know we are Christians by our love." It also says, "let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." Does namecalling and speaking condescendingly fit the profile of a Christian? Nope. So be careful. Let God deal with other Christians and their beliefs, whether erroneous or not. You have enough work cut out for you in your own heart, it would seem.
2007-07-13 12:46:20
answer #2
answered by Bennett 2
When it comes to evolution, I believe you can believe in God and evolution. Yet it depends on the type of evolution you are talking about. If you are talking about inter-species evolution where as the species adapts based on its surroundings (ex. There are people who do not grow wisdom teeth because it is not needed anymore.) Then I agree God and evolution exist. There are many cases in which this is shown and can be observed. It is a repeatable scientific fact. Now, if we are talking about the fact that one species changes into another
(monkey into man), then no. Those cannot co-exists, God and evolution. I would be hard pressed to even prove this type of evolution. Where are the half apes? What species is in transition to another? I cannot find one that exists in nature. As for Dinosaurs, yes, they did exist, yes, they are mentioned in Job 40:15 (I believe they are talking about a dinosaur).
2007-07-13 13:42:34
answer #3
answered by mdharshnor 2
I agree with you!! Thank you for clarifying between different types of christians!! I consider myself to be a THINKING Christian, which means I use my head as well as my heart. I believe in evolution and science. I'm not going to limit God to the exact story of creation. Is it too much for us to believe God could have CAUSED evolution to happen? And besides, the Bible as we know it today was 1) written by men in a time when women were considered property and of course their own cultural beliefs would influence their writing, and 2) it was translated by King James for his own purposes. So unless these high and mighty Christians are reading the original HEBREW on the scrolls, I don't want to hear that they are reading the ACTUAL word of god. No....you're reading a book that's been translated and re-translated a million times. Um....don't ya think something might have gotten lost by now? I'm not sure why Christians can't all get along. Everyone gets caught up in the DETAILS instead of focusing on the fact that Christianity is about LOVE. We can argue all day about the details of the Bible but really, the main point of the Bible is to showcase stories of love, redemption, and forgiveness!!
2007-07-13 12:37:52
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
One does not have to check his brain at the door to be a Christian. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. But you must undrstand that evoultion and faith in Christ are diametrically opposed. You can not have them both. Why would a omnipotent God use evolution when he can speak it into existance? Because he did not is the only answer. All those who would try to blend evolutionary myth with the truth of creation are only fooling themselves. I dont know who said there were no dinosaurs , that of course is as absurd as natural selection/mutation/macro evolution. Look at the footprints in limestone of both man and dinosaur at Glen Rose Texas and then say that dinosaurs lived billions of years before man , and you will show yourself as blind to the facts as the Nova TV show was. The Nova production people went to Glen Rose , and refused to look at the footprints so they could say they did not see them. They were willingly ignorant of both creation and the flood just like Peter said they would be. 2 Peter 3:5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: You see it says by the word of God, not by evolution. God bless and help you to come to the truth...Cap'n Arlo
2007-07-13 12:46:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Good question! I used to be a fundy, now I would call myself a moderate. Fundies believe the earth is under 10,000 years old, and that either a) God created "age" in the fossil record or b) carbon dating is 100% unreliable. They also believe the rapture as Hal Lindsay and Tim Lahaye teach it. They also subject Bible stories to modernity's truthfulness bar. The ancients just were not as much concerned for accuracy as we are today.
2007-07-13 12:42:14
answer #6
answered by quillologist 5
Hello Kizzie S...................
There is a God, a Master Designer of all, and his personality is not vindictive because any immortal good God is above simple primitive emotions such as hate and revenge. Most of the world's religions are a business and the Christians are very good at making you feel guilty and fearful of your immortal soul because fear is the best tool to keep the sheep in the fold or the citizen of a country loyal. You may see a revolution in your lifetime against propaganda designed to keep the sheep in the master's pasture...the world needs that, a liberation from guilt and false propaganda. Good for you that you see ahead and can read between the lines. Peace....
2007-07-13 12:40:38
answer #7
answered by Joline 6
I as a Christian do believe that dinosaurs exist long time ago then come to extinction. Did it come to your mind that the extinction of dinosaurs could happen during the Great Flood. That they are so big that the Noah's ark not able to accommodate them.
2007-07-13 13:03:34
answer #8
answered by d1754 3
Well, I am a Christian and I believe there were dinosaurs because the Bible speaks of the great sea creatures. I think that God got rid of them when He created mankind. I think the Lord knew we would need fossil fuels in the future and that mankind could not exist with the dinosaur. We would have been nothing tasty little bites for them! However, I do not believe now or ever that mankind came from apes or "evolved" from anything! The Bible gives a clear description of how God created man. This is the Genesis account. You either believe man's foolish report or God's! Whose report will you believe? As for me, I will always believe God!
2007-07-13 12:38:38
answer #9
answered by Marie 7
Your right it doesn't make any sense, unless you realize that God took thousands of years to create these things and yes they existed and were created. We are always trying to push back the forest to make pasture land and those large animals would be capable of doing just that. There were no humans to make pasture ground. Wether they died out before man came on the scene or shortly after makes no difference. I believe the earth needed these large animals to create pasture ground for the herds. we try to put all this stuff in our imigation and it is impossible. Half or most of the things he created are gone now. So we really don't know what it was like and I think adaptation plays a vital role in how things turned out. It isn't exactly like evolution but I do believe the animals noah took on the ark were probably much smaller than they are today. We have seen fossles of elephants no bigger than dogs with long hair.
Only the strongest would have survived in Africa. The biggest meanest and most able to bred. Look at cats I have seen bob cats kill a normal house cat. So only the largest would have survived. God made animals but adatation made them what they are today.
2007-07-13 12:38:30
answer #10
answered by Anonymous