Whatever you say, Osama.
For those of you who don't know what he's talking about, check out the link below. Three anti-American Christian right fanatics tried to disrupt a prayer in the U.S. Senate.
Now, I don't think there should be any organized prayer at all in the Senate, but if we're going to allow one religion to lead prayers, we most certain cannot prevent other religions from doing so and still claim to have freedom of religion.
2007-07-13 10:38:11
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I know this will be attacked but oh well; here we go. Islam Fanatics are killing anyone who disagrees with them. This is the key issue. I don't care what religion you are unless it says that I am a kuffer and you can kill me. Now I care. No other religion is a threat to me other than Islam Fanatics. Now I know that every Muslim is not a terrorist, but it seems by far the majority of terrorists are Muslim. I am for racial profiling. If more people would learn about the Muslim religion and read the Koran then you wouldn't be saying live and let live like a stupid liberal about to die. (Hey...Mr. Terrorist want to smoke some weed with me? Then he cuts your head off.) You would say get them before they get me. They are an enemy to this nation and most of the western world. I will not live under shiria law nor let them have their caliphate starting with the 12th imam. No American would either. So stop protecting them and get a clue or we are all dead. www.memri.org
2007-07-13 10:58:21
answer #2
answered by Mary F 1
Saying that this nation was founded on Christian principles is a waste of time for most of the idiots who think that by denying it enough times, their desperate need to believe otherwise will somehow become acceptable.
This countery WAS NOT founded on Christian principles by men whose faith in God was second to none. Having experienced the draconian practices by the Church of England, the founders(many of whom were Freemasons) decided that people should be free to worship as they see fit. These atheists and humanists today have as their stated goal not just the elimination of religious faith and practices, but those who believe as well. Just look back over the list of questions at some of the violent remarks made by these worthless heathens who have stated categorically that religion and those who practice it should be wiped-out completely. The line in the sand has been drawn, and Christians better pull their heads out of the sand and concern themselves less with making peace with these morons and start highlighting that line in the sand instead of blurring it just to "get along" with these godless people who would kill them in a heart beat if given the chance to do so.
As for the muslims, this is what happens when people give in to herd instincts to be "politically correct" and tolerate and accept EVERY religion, lifestyle, and dirt-bag that society has to offer. This country needs to institute a total ban on the muslim "religion" (code in their case for covert terrorist operations) of Islam, and start deporting these people who live by a silent Quaranic code that says they must give aid and comfort to the terrorists. Think not? Ask the US troops who trained Iraqi "Freedom fighters" to be police officers by day, only to have those same "freedom fighters" try to kill those same US troops by night. The whole thing sucks, and yet there are people in this country, very disgusting people with an ant-American, mindless, treasonous agenda, whose only concern is entirely liberal in nature for our sworn enemy.
2007-07-13 10:59:17
answer #3
answered by RIFF 5
Americans are relinguishing their freedom by allowing others to create the illusion for them that they have a brain. If you believe that you have a brain, whether you use it or not doesn't matter.
Remember the little man behind the curtain? He said, and I quote, "I can't give you a brain, but I can give you a diploma."
The free people of the world are being indoctrinated by anything and everything that will draw them away from God, by the promise of the new age belief that they are gods, but the truth is behind the curtain and the one controlling the illusion is the one that will enslave them.
2007-07-13 10:49:46
answer #4
answered by hisgloryisgreat 6
You need to read 1984 to understand what Doublespeak is. As I understand your question, allowing other faiths to live here and express their religious views is a LACK of freedom. Actually, freedom of religion means allowing others to express their religious views even if you don't agree with them. If you want to make everyone be Christian than you'll have to try a different country. That restriction on religious freedom is exactly the sort of government establishment of religion that the Founding Fathers feared and, wisely, prohibited. That you want to take away the freedom of others while claiming that you do so to protect freedom shows a particular lack of understanding of the basic meaning of freedom.
2007-07-13 10:40:07
answer #5
answered by thatguyjoe 5
I think u need to check ur question again ,where's the freedon that u talk abt ,if u want all the ppl to become christians??
besides ,not all the muslims are terrorists as u think ,there r some bad extremes in each religion
2007-07-13 11:18:23
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You are "what is happening" in this country. You have obviously resigned yourself to believe that it is outsiders that is destroying this country, your freedoms when in truth it is you and those that think like you that want to deny freedom to those searching for it. How long do you think it would take after denying freedom and rights to one group before those same freedoms and rights are denied to you? Stop and think before you include a whole people in the acts of a few bad seeds.
2007-07-13 10:49:18
answer #7
answered by Ahmad H 4
First the myth of this country being founded on christianity is a lie. ook up article 11 of the treaty with tripoli 1797 It CLEARLY states that to be a lie and was written during George Washingtons sercond term and ratified in 1797. Why does this lie persist? Are christians so insecure they must lie or are they too stupid to learn the history of the United States?
2007-07-13 10:40:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Sigh. This country was NOT "founded on Christian values," and when you talk about "allowing strange religions into our capitol to lead prayers," you sound exactly like the Islamic fundamentalists you're criticizing.
Your freedom to worship Jesus as you see fit in this country is guaranteed by everybody else's right to worship, or not, as he sees fit. THAT is the difference between America and Afghanistan, since you don't know. If America is a "Christian Nation," the next question is, which brand of Christianity? Because you DO realize that all the violence in the Mid East is over which brand of Islam is the "correct" brand - don't you?
2007-07-13 10:37:29
answer #9
answered by jonjon418 6
This country WAS NOT founded as a Christian nation or with Christian values. Over and over again, Jefferson and the other founders deliberately rejected language that favored ANY religion over another, or even favoring religion over non-religion.
Limiting the choices we have --choice of religion or anything else--is what will eventually lead to our downfall.
2007-07-13 10:40:36
answer #10
answered by Jewel 7