The primary function of these 144,000 anointed associate 'kings and priest' is to serve as governmental administrators of God's Kingdom by Christ Jesus. As with Christ himself, their human life will allow them to better understand the human Kingdom subjects on earth.
(Hebrews 4:15) For we have as high priest, not one who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tested in all respects like ourselves
Jehovah's Witnesses understand heaven to refer to the dwelling place of spirit creatures such as Jesus and the angels. They understand the Scriptures to teach that exactly 144,000 humans will join Christ Jesus as kings and priests to administer God's Kingdom (which will soon replace all earthly governments).
(Daniel 2:44) God of heaven will set up a kingdom... It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite
(Revelation 14:1) Lamb [Jesus] standing upon the Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand
(Revelation 20:6) they will be priests of God and of the Christ, and will rule as kings with him
The men and women who make up the 144,000 are selected by God from among two thousand years of Christians. Over whom will they rule? Over the vast majority of mankind, most of whom will have been raised from the dead after Armageddon.
(John 11:23,24) Jesus said to her: “Your brother will rise.” Martha said to him: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.”
Hell is NOT someplace/something mankind needs to fear; there is no suffering in the grave. Sometime after the resurrection, death and "hell" will themselves be destroyed.
(Ecclesiastes 9:5) For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all
(Ecclesiastes 9:10) there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol ["hell"]
(Revelation 20:14) And death and Hades ["hell"] were hurled into the lake of fire
Almighty Jehovah God selects those few who have the heavenly calling. Each person "feels" his own hope and each person's hope remains unquestioned by his fellow Christians. Still the vast majority (literally more than 99.9%*) of Jehovah's Witnesses expect an EARTHLY hope, the same hope given to Adam and Eve.
(Genesis 1:28) God blessed them and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many and fill THE EARTH and subdue it [caps added]
(Genesis 2:17) You must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die [so never eating from that tree means never dying]
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2007-07-13 10:05:14
answer #1
answered by achtung_heiss 7
In simpler terms; it's quite ingenius actually.
Because being that the men to sit & rule as
Kings & Priests W/ Jesus...
Are Just That (well were) Men..
Subject to the Same! Exact!....
sin, woes, temptations,etc... as you and I.
So, they 'know 1st hand' what it is to be a man,
separated from Jehovah God.
And therefore, are better @ their duties.
Oh yeah, and they have been tried , tested & refined
while here in earth. And proved faithful servants.
Brothers... No, this is the Bride right?
yeah, the 144,000.
Prepared for marriage. The marriage feast. All fell asleep while waiting for the bridegroom to arrive, no fault found.
But 1/2 didn't bring enough oil, & had to leave to get some, the bridegroom came while they were gone.
And the 1's that left off; got locked out!
2007-07-13 09:30:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Why are they chosen from the earth for such a work? Because it was here at this earth that Jehovah’s rulership was challenged. It was here that the faithfulness of men to God could be put to the test under opposition from the Devil. It was here that Jesus proved his full loyalty to God under test and gave his life as a ransom for mankind. So it was from this earth that Jehovah arranged to take a “little flock” of persons to be associated with his Son in the heavenly kingdom. They are persons who show full faith in God’s provision for salvation through Christ. They are ones whose lives prove the Devil a liar when he charged that men serve God only for selfish advantage. Jehovah has marvelously purposed to use them for his glory—Ephesians 1:9-12.
As kings and priests under the direction of Jesus Christ, they will serve from their heavenly positions in carrying out Jehovah’s will toward mankind. How wonderful it will be to have as rulers those who have proved faithful to God! (Revelation 20:4) And how loving of God to put in office those who have experienced the problems common to humankind! Surely, they, like Christ, will deal in an understanding way with their subjects. (Hebrews 2:17, 18) What a blessing it will be to the inhabitants of earth as these heavenly priests apply to them the benefits of Christ’s ransom sacrifice, healing them spiritually, mentally and physically until they reach perfection!—Revelation 21:2-4.
2007-07-13 06:58:43
answer #3
answered by Dakine 2
because they would understand us. the angels in heaven only see but they don't understand how we feel. the anointed went threw the same things as we do when they lived here on earth. so they would understand us better then anyone else. Even Jesus Christ understands us because he lived on earth for 33 1/2 years and seen what humans go threw. that is why Jehovah chose the anointed from the earth to live in heaven with him and his son Jesus Christ. learn what we are about at
2007-07-13 08:49:48
answer #4
answered by lover of Jehovah and Jesus 7
Because they would be in a better position to sympathize with the frailties associated with mankind and the fallen flesh.
Being imperfect themselves, they know what it's like. Thus they would be the ideal ones to sit with Christ and judge mankind fairly.
2007-07-13 11:14:08
answer #5
answered by sugarbee 7
Let me ask you? Do you think it takes faith to see God's manifestation? If Angels were fliting about here and there what would be the point in faith. Faith is a tangable belief in promises not yet manifested so to which angels would you appoint the job of herding the amazed robots into their kennels at night. The fall from Grace by Adam in his disobedience raised a much larger question. Satan questioned Jehovah God's right to rule his creation, but also, and more surely he then questioned mans reasoning in following God (see Job) as such then it was important that once the basics of the Christian congregation were built up amongst men... why amongst men again Satans basic question of our (mankinds) motives in following God (just as in Job 1:9) Satan says that men only serve God for what God gives men (including but not limited to protection from Satan) so Satan is looking to see what is in the hearts of men, do we serve for selfish gain, or do we serve out of a heartfelt appreciation for God's qualities regardless of what Satan throws in our way. How hard would it be to follow a God who was splashing about manifestations, and constantly dispatching angels, would we be following him out of true devotion or out of chasing what we can see. Once again what we can see, not faith. God wants men of every nation, and tongue to come to an accurate knowledge of him in spirit and truth, not flash bang wizshows. Also it is Satan who currently owns the lease on Earth, and his lease is almost up. Then for the first time in centuries we will see an outright manifestation of his Holy Spirit, but by that time the arc/door will have been closed. God doesn't want or need winter soldiers (those who sign up for a warm place to sleep, and food until the better weather comes about) the point is his prophets are now amidst the people bringing a good news that soon he will bring suffering to an end for all, including those who have been hoping, thinking, and working in his name Malachi 3:16-18
2007-07-13 07:22:33
answer #6
answered by Michael 2
They are going to rule people (humans) they need to understand what we have been subjected throught.
If you read Daniel 7:17 ‘As for these huge beasts, because they are four, there are four kings that will stand up from the earth
But the holy ones of the Supreme One will receive the kingdom, and they will take possession of the kingdom for time indefinite, even for time indefinite upon times indefinite."
this explain How God decided to take humans to heaven to Rule in a kingdom.
2007-07-13 06:54:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It is a continuation of the structure of his government. Levi priest were once his Representatives now it is the Order of Melchizedek.
2007-07-15 04:23:01
answer #8
answered by keiichi 6
Is Christ's Associates a law firm?
2007-07-13 06:54:21
answer #9
answered by phil 2
Here is a good link:
2007-07-13 06:55:19
answer #10
answered by Yngona D 4