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They Are Not Married To Each Other Just Want To Point That Out To All Of The Wise Guys........

2007-07-13 05:07:12 · 53 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

53 answers

She doesn't sound like a good person, but I sense you have it out for her. is she sleeping with your husband?

2007-07-13 05:11:02 · answer #1 · answered by NONAME 5 · 4 1

A lot of religious people have affairs. Its more common than most people think. In fact, it could be more common among religious people because their involvement in a church increases their social interactions with others and thus gives them more opportunities to become involved in that sort of situation.

A lot of preachers and priests have had affairs with women in their congregations as well, especially when the woman's husband does not attend church.

Religious people are pretty much just as likely to have affairs as other people. They are probably just more likely to feel guiltier about it.

At any rate, a lot people that go to church don't really care all that much about the religion. They are there for the social interaction. They just pay lip service to the religion so that they can fit in.

Even a lot of preachers and priests eventually lose faith in their religion but continue to play the part. They end up knowing too much about the faith and realizing it can't be true. However, since it is how they make their living, they stick with it anyway. A lot of them probably think that they can still help people as a minister, even if the religion isn't true, and they just keep muddling on through.

2007-07-13 05:40:37 · answer #2 · answered by Azure Z 6 · 0 0

No different than any other type of lust. Jesus said if a man looks at a woman and lusts he has commited adultry in his heart. Sex is in the mind the body just respnds to where the mind is going. The body and sex are not evil in them selves but God has guidelines to follow in order to have those needs met. People lust for all kinds of things but this woman doesn't seem to be convicted by it or she would stop.She probably went too far and doesn't know how to get out. She needs someone to hold her accountable but not in a way that makes it sound like she is the only Christian who has ever struggled with lust or she will not want to recieve the help. The problem is that people are quick to assume these types of sin happen over night but they don't or they would be fixed over night. The leaders in your church need to cofront all the people involved.

2007-07-13 05:33:28 · answer #3 · answered by java348 2 · 0 0

There is a need not being met at home. It's most likely not a sexual need but a emotional need. A need for feeling loved, respected, desirable, & important. When those basic needs are not me we feel incomplete and will try almost anything to fill the void.

The woman stepping outside of her marriage is not the problem, it is a symptom of the problem. Example - If you have a cough and a runny nose then those are symptoms of the cold (problem) and unless you take time to treat the problem the symptoms will only get worse.

Assuming that the woman is a Christian I would say that she is in a very dangerous place in her spirituallty. It is always difficult to get back to God once you have backslid away from his word. It's not because he makes it difficult but the person.

If you are that person I suggest that you turn it over to GOD and ask him for direction. That small still voice that you hear will be him telling you how to get back into his graces. Our GOD is an upfront GOD and will always let us know what his expectations are.

If you can't hear GOD then read GOD. The words of the Bible are annointed and he will speak to you. He offers forgiveness and restoration but only if you are willing to be obedient to that small still voice.

Pray to GOD ask him for forgiveness and know that you are protected by the blood of CHRIST. We must surrender our WHOLE heart to him and let CHRIST show through us.

I will be praying for you.

2007-07-13 05:41:52 · answer #4 · answered by North Carolina 2 · 1 0

Sounds like a hypocrite. The church is full of them. However, that being said, not all Christians are hypocrites and not all Christians are in churches either, for that very reason.

Too bad churches don't do what they used to do - and toss out the people who are hypocrites. Why don't they? Because people pay to attend. Which is why my husband says that churches shouldn't be about money and I agree with him.

To all the people who think this is not the churches business and that you are not supposed to judge a Christian's lifestyle, you are wrong. You are not to judge UNBELIEVERS.The BIBLE says not to allow a person like that to be numbered among Christians for the very reason many people listed as their answers: HYPOCRITE.

2007-07-13 05:13:40 · answer #5 · answered by Mia S 2 · 0 0

Let her go to church on Sundays....maybe something someday will seep in. However, if she is Catholic/Orthodox Christian, she cannot be receiving Eucharist while in this state of sin. Remember, Jesus came for the sick/sinners....not for the healthy who have no need of him (because their unseen illness called pride gets in the way....therefore they cannot see their need of God).

Rejoice, then, that she is going to Church. Each person is a mystery....therefore you cannot know how God is working within her. Maybe to teach others compassion/tolerance? Even the woman caught in adultery and brought before Jesus was not condemned by Jesus. You who are without sin, cast the first stone.

2007-07-13 05:17:24 · answer #6 · answered by The Carmelite 6 · 0 0

Scripture is the best answer to this:

1Co 5:11-13
But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

Christian tough love.

Jim, http://www.jimpettis.com/wheel/

2007-07-13 05:17:20 · answer #7 · answered by JimPettis 5 · 0 0

My opinion is irrelevant, however, they both need prayer and reconcilliation to their own marriage partners and with God. It would be up to the leadership in their churches to counsel and discipline since they ARE professing Christians. Unfortunately if they refuse to repent, they can poison the entire Body. We should be upheld to a standard of behavior and not like some "in the world". Otherwise, we are no different, why follow Christ if you are going to flagrently disregard His standards?

2007-07-13 05:16:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

typical church atitude . no one is more holier than though, do as i say not as i do. hide behind the church come on people how holy is a religion that is only taken seriously on 1 day of the week. yet sex lies theivery war and other unnesecary acts which include murder etc... are the major deeds of these folks. along with the denial of the crime THESE FOLKS ONLY PRETEND TO LIKE GOD.

2007-07-13 05:16:14 · answer #9 · answered by soulrbl34 3 · 0 0

Jesus was asked why he spent all his time with criminals and low-lifes. He said 'A healthy person does not need a doctor.'

In another story, one more relevant to this case, he said 'He who is without sin among you cast the first stone.' (Of course a bit later in the story he says 'Go and sin no more'.)

Going to church doesn't mean you're perfect, but if only perfect people could go to church, they'd be empty!

2007-07-13 05:15:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was just about to be one of the "wise guys" ... until I saw the second part of your question!

If she's Catholic, then it's fine for her to continue to go to Mass every Sunday -- in fact, she'd be obligated to go.

She would just have to refrain from receiving Communion, until she stopped this behavior and received forgiveness for it by going to Confession.

In addition to all of that, it's clear that the woman needs solid spiritual guidance, as well as prayers. So does the guy she's sleeping with, as well as his family, that they don't break up over this.


2007-07-13 05:11:53 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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