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the lal maszid in pakistan was captivated by religious terrorists and mushraff had to use military force to wipe out terrorists from it. why the religious clerics are using the places of worship for harboring terrorists ?

2007-07-12 18:19:27 · 6 answers · asked by geyamala 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

6 answers

Because we can't get along. It's a problem that has always been.

2007-07-12 18:22:56 · answer #1 · answered by Kromer 2 · 1 0

Well I m not wid the terrorist if some had done it as saying JEHAD because they did not had the full knowledge of Islam well I wanna say I m a paki and I know how much a politician becomes sick I think Musharaf did it to satisfy BUsh that See terrorist are still der so I have to remain a Genereal and a president of Pakistan for more 5 years ,,,its same in america Bush knocked downed the WTC and blamed it on OSAMA and he remained in dat govt, for 5 years more so its just ugly and disgusting leaders who are doing it,,,, NOw someone will say give prove that Musharaf did or Bush did knocked down the tower WEll nothing happens to politicians Bush gave the prove to Musharaf that Osama did knocked down the tower .. he could not give the prove to Afghanistan because they had no proof .. well anyone who uses Youtube Must See 9/11 coincidences its good to watch because it is proved bush knocked down the towers ..... and Musharaf is playind politics Now he is using the ULEMAS now STILL GOD knows what happened on LAL MASJID it is a mystery and really sad .................... what happened

2007-07-13 01:32:08 · answer #2 · answered by abdul aziz 1 · 1 0

Because religious buildings and places are held as sacred to the followers, and shouldn't be damaged, destroyed, or messed with. They are holy places in which people seek spiritual refuge from whatever plagues them. And terrorists see the value in which religious places can have in their guerilla warfare, and so they do not respect the sanctimony of religious buildings, and incorporate them as part of their tactics against their enemies who do respect the sacred rules of the building, even if its not their religion. They're respecting the religion itself, and knows not to intervene. The religious terrorists are using it as their refuge to hide from or attack the reluctant enemy, and the non-religious terrorists simply don't care, as long as they can destory their enemies.

2007-07-13 01:29:29 · answer #3 · answered by Niko? 5 · 1 0

Islam's politics and religion are intimately intertwined. Their holy books, which they take literally at a level that make the few Christian literalists seem microscopic in comparison, speak at length about many things that would frighten the heck out of you.

Read them. Here is one site, but just reading these is not right. Read the same quotes in context, in PRE-911 translations. Read all sides, not just mine, or theirs, etc.

Educate yourselves people. My family escaped Islam in the 1950s. They are not playing. This is centuries old and is for keeps.

Link below

2007-07-13 01:27:17 · answer #4 · answered by mckenziecalhoun 7 · 1 0

Because they're all f***ing nuts.

Anyone who kills or uses violence in the name of religion - especially in this day and age - has something seriously wrong with them or their society.

2007-07-13 01:28:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because God is not involved with religion at all. Have you ever seen the word religion in any scripture?

2007-07-13 01:25:33 · answer #6 · answered by liberty11235 6 · 1 0

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