some hard hearted people have to be scared into not going to a very real hell. Just telling the sweet part is not the whole story. There is heaven, and there is hell. God does not send us to hell. If we have not asked for forgiveness of our sins we send ourself to hell.
2007-07-12 18:23:10
answer #1
answered by winkcat 7
If God really did not love us- we would all be in hell- because that is where we all deserve to be for our sin. If we compare ourselves to other people we can always find someone that we are better than- however if we compare ourselves to God- then we realize that we are sinners, and the ONLY hope for us is salvation. Those that read the bible at all have heard this verse many times- "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him shall not perish- but have everlasting life." The next verse is important as well, but usually not quoted, with john 3:16-
"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." God does not want to condemn us- but He wants to save us from hell- so if anyone does die and go to hell- he has condemned himself- because God's desire is for us to live eternally with Him- it is our choice.
I do agree though that some pastors will either only speak of the love of God without the consequences of sin- or some will only speak hellfire and damnation and no love. However, I am very thankful that the Pastor at my church- speaks both truth and love.
2007-07-12 20:10:54
answer #2
answered by AdoreHim 7
i agree with kitty. God is love, but He won't let wrong people play on Him. if you make sin then repent, but the next moment you the exact same'll pay the consequency. If you sow wind you'll reap for storms old sayings said. it's true. So sometimes, some people must be scarify(?) to make them repent. I believe when the preacher told in church with some high tone/scary ways....he just probably share the sick and tired as God towards those stonehearted people, who refuse to repent.
Telling people to do right things is hard nowadays. Because people will look if the preachers/believers do what they preach or not. We... many time forget that act is speaking louder than talk. we keep telling people what to do instead of showing them what to do. So, the last resort to make people believe is by scaring them. Yeah if terorists weren't enough to make us scared.
2007-07-12 18:39:39
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I don't think he should be preached in a meanful or scary way because he is not supposed to be scary. I look at God as if he is a parent, and parents have rules you must follow. There are consequences for not following the rules, so therefore God has the potential to punish us to teach us a lesson, just like our parents do.
2007-07-13 01:13:51
answer #4
answered by bran72072 4
God doesn't send anyone to hell. We make that choice ourselves. He provided the only way to escape it. We have a choice to accept it or reject it. It's no different than an earthly father giving instruction to his child out of love & a hope that the child will heed instruction & be safe. How do you sugar-coat hell? How would you tell someone that unless they confess their sins & live for God they are going to hell without there being some fear factor there? It's not something easy to hear but it's something that needs to be told. As I answered another question....If you are about to take a walk through the woods & I know there is a pit in the middle of the woods filled with snakes would you rather I warn you about it or send you on your way & wish you the best of luck?
2007-07-12 18:28:13
answer #5
answered by Pamela 5
Yes, I agree. I grew up being terrified of God because of the way the church I was in taught. It was not until I learned of His love that I truly accepted Him. I didn't want anything to do with God as a young person. As a matter of fact, I hated Him because of all the lies I was told.
Now that I know who He really is I wish people would stop lying on Him and presenting Him to the world in the wrong way.
Good question.
2007-07-12 18:48:38
answer #6
answered by Jael 3
God is love. He loves you and everyone very, very the point of sending His only Son to die for YOU. However, he is to be feared because of his wrath and judgment.
Would you not worry just a little bit to stand in front of Him? Would you stand or would you be the least bit frightened that he would say "Go, I do not know thee."
My heart is bursting with love for Him...but I fear his wrath. Remember, last time He came as a Lamb. Next time, He'll come as a Lion.
In Charity,
2007-07-12 18:24:59
answer #7
answered by teresa_benedicta_of_the_cross 4
Yah, I understand where you are coming from. In my religion, Islam, we believe in God with a balance of fear and love. Try thinking of it from a different viewpoint. For example - your dad. Do you love him? Yes. Do you have fear in him if you do something wrong in front of him? Most likely yes. Likewise, we believe that God is always watching over us. We love him with blessing us with os much - our life, all our senses etc. But we also fear him if we were to do something wrong and we know he would not be pleased with that action. So, I believe that God should always be shown in a positive manner. Never in a "scary" manner but there should be at least sometimes showing that we do good deeds for his love and also to enter paradise and not his wrath or hell...
2007-07-12 18:25:22
answer #8
answered by suhailkabir 2
God is not *just* love. He is also wrath, and judgement. He is perfectly righteous and holy. He not only hates sin... the bible says He hates *sinners*. He made it possible to be forgiven, but you must come to Him humbly through Jesus Christ, having repented of your sins, to receive that forgivness. God will grant heaven to anyone who will repent and trust in Jesus Christ, but He reserves hell for all those who will not. God's justice will be satisfied, either by the sacrifice of His Son, or by you yourself. It's up to you.
2007-07-12 18:25:50
answer #9
answered by doppler 5
Definatley...the bible says that the lord is slow to anger and hid judgement is right. Even though he is love he is also consuming fire when pushed to the point where he actually has to set judgment. The good thing is that he is slow to anger as i mentioned before.
God bless you
2007-07-12 18:23:36
answer #10
answered by blinkxxofxanxeye 1