This an answer by one person called Sahar for a question Did Prophet knew about India
Narrated Thuban: Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) has said: Hell fire will not touch the one who fight against India and the one (who fight against Anti-Christ) in companionship with Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) (Masnad Shamin-1851, Ahmad-642, Nisai-426, Abu Uruba AlHarani-2102, Bukhari Tarikh AlKabir-726, Ibne Adi-5832, Ibne Asakar-110015).
And a similar hadith narrated in Sunnan Nisai AlKubra-4382 and Masnad Ahmad Bin Hanbal-7128. Narrated Abu Huraira: Apostle of Allah informed for fighting against India and I will be present (on the occasion) I will join it myself and with my property, if I will be killed I will be among high grade martyrs and I will return (living) I will be called free Abu Huraira.
If the above mentioned is correct (I think it is because no Muslim has condemned it) then How the Muslims can ever make India as their Home?
21 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Sonu I live in India and these are quotes given by one Muslim when someone asked that did prophet know about India. The person gave this example and said that he knows it. Know can you please elaborate it. Why and where this context came.
Yes Muslims made India their home but why Pakistan was formed, they thought that there will be no place for Muslims in India and even Hyderabad and some other provinces were not interested to Join Indian Union.
Very few Muslims in YA condemn some of these contexts and terrorist acts but in large they have love for the religion first than towards the country.
I was reading Sabeel Ahmed's Scrapbook in Orkut and there was no Muslim who said anything to him. But when Gujarat has happened there are more Hindus than muslims who cried slogans against Modi. Think about it.
Fatwas against Indian courts
Fatwas against Vande Mataram
No accountability to the funds came to Mosques
Think once again
22:37:02 ·
update #1
Sonu thanks for the info but it is not the answer
And Sahar as you said that you just gave example, that is fine but we Hindus also had some of these type of context when Ghazini and Moguls were in India but we don't use them now. That question what you answered was simple did he knew or not, and in the conclusion you even quoted that because of the above the Muslim tribes Invaded India. What does mean.
20:42:05 ·
update #2
I'm sorry to offend Brother or sister; but Islam is not against a certain "country". It happened for "Persia" to be the worst enemy of Islam one day, and Now it's a great Muslim country.
I'm sorry brother or sister also to say; either you or your Muslim Indian friend; is Lying. no one can Memorize the book of Bukhari to say: "Bukhari 128 says.........".. 726 of Al Bukhari is talking about an attempt to alter in the Quran. not about India.
Masnad Ahmad Bin Hanbal is "Mosnad".. not Masnad.. Abou Hurayra never fought and would have never fight because he was a small, weak, artist, tender man. He was called Abu Hurayra; "The Father of the kitten" because he used to have plenty of young kittens as pets, Abu Hurayra is never mentioned in Islamic wars as he was unable to fight.
It's impossible to find a "7128" of Mosnad Ibn Hanbal as it contains only 4000 Pages; with 5000 Hadiths.
There's no book called: "Bukhari Tarikh AlKabir"!
India in Arabic is not called "India" and it wasn't in that era, it was Called: "Bilad Al Hind Wal Sind" (Country of spices and silk).
2007-07-13 20:20:20
answer #1
answered by Lawrence of Arabia 6
Pakistan is the result of Britishers rule in India, fulfils the requirements of all the interests of UK within and beyond the limits of the area.
Pakistan's army is a stand by army of UK, the cost is being born by poor Pakistanis as a price of Independence.
This is British politics that they need Pakistan to conquer Afghanistan, which they had been failed in 1842. The Target to construct an Islamic state besides Afghanistan, is achieved by conquering Afghanistan, so now they don't need Pakistan as a purely Muslim ideological state any more. That's the reason they are removing their own structure that they build in past to show Pakistan an Islamic state, just to deceive Afghans. This was the only way to conquer it through hired Muslim Agents.
My dear don't worry soon Pakistan and India will be very close to each other, as the requirement of differences is no more required there.
Muslims of Pakistan are still in Indian subcontinent.
2007-07-13 19:23:34
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Musims will have to think India as their own. Why do they feel insecure first of all being here ? Indian Muslims are known to be living freely when compared to muslim nations.
I know many good families educated from muslim religion who do not want to work in the muslim nations because they are discriminated even though their religion is Muslim. They prefer going to Uk / Canada etc.
Muslims should make themselves mentally secure. There are many muslims here. They should avoid political parties taking advantage of them. Give education to their children more. Tell their children not to be target of muslim religious groups.
You said that in Gujrat Hindus raised slogans against MODI.
I was at that time. All knows about pro godra event.
Do any one thinks what happened before that ?
Compartments were looted. Females raped.
Why cannot one look at the cause first ? What makes the riot starts ? Something must had happened first.
Recently Kaneef's parents never wanted their educated son to work for the muslim relgiious groups. He was educated but these people took advantage of his insecurity.
Muslims live here and think India as your own nation.
No other nation will give you respect.
2007-07-13 03:37:34
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Ohh, please dear... I am a Muslim and I never heard about "INDIA" in any hadiths.
I am sorry to read this kind of question, that sounds like Muslims don't deserve to stay in India.
I am Indonesian, but let me answer it
India had a sad history about Pakistan that separated from India.
And we hope it won't happen again.
Separatism, usulay started because some of people felt insulted or discriminated.
And the unity of India, becomes All Indian people responsibility.
Majority, should treat minority as good as they can, so the minority will feel comfort to stay in that country.
If Minority is treated badly, and they feel discriminated, it's very possible, they want to separate from that country.
2007-07-13 19:15:32
answer #4
answered by marhama 6
DR IQBAL ( a greet moslim poet from india)
China and Arab is ours. Hindustan is ours.
We are the nightangles and this is our garden (And the name of our garden is Hindustan (Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, called Poet of East. If you want, you can see his work all over the web and i am sure you will enjoy.
PS: A Muslim don't believe in territories. His land is not based on territories. Humans are his land and the Indians, the great humans, if they are not rascists. You can read also Dara Shuko. He was an Indian Muslim prince. He was the first man who translated Uparnishad in Persian and his work was later example for European idealists (e.g Kant). He was the son of the King who made Taj Mahal for his mother (Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan).
Don't forget, the great muslim general, Amir Khan of Tonk. He fought for freedom of India. He was the only one in history who fought for 62 years against the dirty colonialists. There was no one who fought so long. But it is sad that both Muslims and Hindus did not give him his right place in History. And he fought for India with his Hindu friends together.
also dont forget TIPPO SULTAN
2007-07-14 03:28:20
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Beware of Hadith that are products of few people in India who wants to say 'Indian Muslims' are not patriots to their home country. I am an Indian Muslim and I love my great country because I have explored and travelled to many of its parts to see the freedom and glory of its people. Indian Muslims enjoy freedom which many other Muslim countries don’t. Not even an Arab country on which I live nowadays. One is their free to practice, preach and propagate his or her religion according to its constitution. This is grace from Allah. God Almighty sees who takes his message in the heart and helps them. An Islamic nation by its name will be of no use if people don’t practice it. Place and richness of a government is no criteria before Him. Allah in His plan may sustain one in the palace of an enemy Pharoah as Moses (pbuh) and one may be grown up in the cradle of Prophet hood and is void from Guidance as son of Noah (pbuh). India is a country that gave birth to many great Islamic personalities. Which Islamic country produced a man that speaks the peaceful message of Islam as Ahmed Deedat and Zakir Naiks. Many of the Da'wa works that exists around the world were originated in India. So Islam is not against any country or nation. But is against falsehood and the darkness. So 'Hind' at Prophet's (pbuh) time was something large that included many countries of Sauth Asia.
2007-07-13 20:57:59
answer #6
answered by Ismail Eliat 6
I live in india, but i don;t know if that is true, it must be true, look first of all, the indians will be fighting aginst Islam, and only those indians will be on the side of anti-christ, and not all, tell me, so its the same message everywhere, those who fight against islam will always be there,
the prophet has said be peacefull, and yes i am peace full and i am proud if india,
2007-07-13 00:15:06
answer #7
answered by Syed Aleemuddin Noor 4
From Sahar:
Surely u can live i India. That is a country for living and for for Muslims all world is their home. that was reply of a question whether it is mentioned by prophet pbuh about India. that fight was since long tme fought and muslims have governed India for a long time. Some orders are some events not for ever. Prophet himself fought against Makkah but it a pious place but that was for the time when Ka'aba was filed with idols. I am sorry my correct reply u did not understood.
2007-07-13 19:37:10
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
wat kind of question is this??? did u think twice before u put this up?? wat exactly is ur point ? First of all Y couldnt muslims make India as their home? many did, many are still, and many will, We Indians are proud of our diversity.
May i ask u Where u live? i surely, hope someone who questions our muslim brothers & sisters like these isnt living in my homeland.
Wat u mean by this Mr.? "Apostle of Allah informed for fighting against India and I will be present (on the occasion) I will join it myself and with my property, if I will be killed I will be among high grade martyrs and I will return (living) I will be called free Abu Huraira."????
Fighting against INDIA??? R U REALLY CRAZY??? OR R U JUST AGAINST MUSLIMS? Do u know that some of indians who left india for Pakistan didnt even got burial ground in their even though they lived 4 that country??
wat u wish for us to do? not only the hindus, but also the muslims in INDIA, india is the home of Indians, which are basically humans.
YOU need 2 remember that we r not born as hindus or muslims, we are born as humans.
Realize first that eshwar, allah, jesus sab ek hi hey. They all said to love, not 2 fight.
as u had added some additional info, i checkd it out, here are somethngs i found interesting on this query.(sabeel's scrapbook)
frnd check this out, "read about the concepts of god in major religions", it answered several questions for me, hope it will answer urs too...u could find it in the address written below.
2007-07-12 18:55:15
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes , We have Made Hindu and Muslim, we shall Respect it is the Barter Theory, Give and Take.
Both the community shall treat both the cast on Humanitry Ground.
2007-07-12 18:22:37
answer #10
answered by ajit s 2