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My friend asked these questions. What do you think?

1) What is God, what is love?
2) i dont understand, why would christians be afraid of showing they were christian? i can see how non-christian people would be afraid to show that they werent christian, but not the other way around

2007-07-12 18:04:59 · 21 answers · asked by silver wings 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

1. God is all good. God IS love, expressed to humanity. God IS. He is eternal. He is the Force through which everything and everyone came to be. He is the ultimate Good. He is the Creator and Redeemer.

2. Not that it justifies it, but if she spent any time, say, on this forum as a Christian, she might see how it could be difficult to openly profess Christ. You run into a lot of criticism and hostility as a Christian. Honestly, here it's not that bad; we're all kind of anonymous, so it sort of takes the sting away from all the nasty things people say about us. But in the real world, face to face with real people, who could be your family or friends, it's hard to look into the face of hostility and proclaim Christ. Nevertheless, that's what we're called to do.

2007-07-12 18:14:59 · answer #1 · answered by hoff_mom 4 · 0 0

On the first question I'd have to say I don't know. Now the book of Hebrews states that Jesus is the image of the invisible God. I might not understand exactly what God is, but I can understand his image. I can understand who God is through the person Jesus.

The second question is complicated. Where I am in the States, we don't have that much persecution so when people are afraid, there really is no reason. Elsewhere it's different. There are places where people lose everything simply because they're Christian.

But the reason some people are afraid here is... Well it's human nature to want to fit in. (doesn't make it right...)

And remember... Even Peter was afraid to say he knew Jesus once...

2007-07-12 22:26:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anotherme 2 · 0 0

The Bible says that God is love. The Bible also says that if we are ashamed of God on earth He will be ashamed of us in Heaven. Those who are ashamed aren't true Christians. It's much more politically correct to be a non-Christian, anything goes type person in this day & age. That's why some act ashamed. It's sad really considering we know the way, the truth & the life.

2007-07-12 18:11:29 · answer #3 · answered by Pamela 5 · 0 0

God is a spirit as well as a creator of all things and answers to all unknown...Love is joy, it's just really depends on the people, about what makes them happy and what will it take to make themselves be happy/joyful. Then they wouldn't be christians, because if they were they wouldn't deny it to publicity, but as well as they may like privacy.People who say they are not Christians and show, basically have nothing to hide, but people who do sometimes are very secure about other people's opinion/judgements and reactions to certain situations.

2007-07-12 18:14:46 · answer #4 · answered by Honey B. 1 · 0 0

God is the Supreme Being, he is Alpha and Omega. He is love personified. He is the loving, omnipotent being who created the universe and sent his Son to save all of mankind.

Love is the essence of God. It is being able to stretch yourself out on a cross, a crown of thorns on your head, nails in your hands and feet, and flesh hanging from your back from whip marks, and still being able to say "Father, forgive them..."

And as far as I know, no true Christians hide their faith. Unless of course, they would be subject to torture or extreme persecution if they revealed their religious views. Then of course it is obvious why they would be afraid to show that they are Christian.

Hope that helps! God bless!

2007-07-12 18:13:18 · answer #5 · answered by Kiwi 3 · 0 0

God, to me, is what created life. He's why I'm here. He's all seeing, all knowing.

What is love? That's when you care more for someone else's happiness than your own.

I'm not afraid to admit I'm a Christian. I'm Catholic by choice.

Peace be with you

2007-07-12 18:10:39 · answer #6 · answered by I'm just me 7 · 0 0

How do you show you are a christian...wear a bible around their neck? I mean if they are not a christian then they need to find a church and go and ask the question.

2007-07-12 18:13:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1] How i understand is that God created us. He made us into who/what we are. He is our protector && best friend, even if we cant see him.

Love. Is unexplainable. You feel it. You will just know when you are in love or love someone.

2] Society. Christians feel like its hard to express themselves. there was a girl in my class who would preach to everyone if they did something wrong[shes super religious]
&& of course, society these days DO NOT like to be told what to do.

2007-07-12 18:10:25 · answer #8 · answered by Kiana 2 · 0 0

Every Christian is in a different growth period in their lives. When one is first saved, this can be common until they become full grown in Christ then you will see their fears turn into shields.

2007-07-12 18:10:51 · answer #9 · answered by ckrug 4 · 0 0

The first question is easy God is Love and Love is God. The other questions I have no idea what you asked.

2007-07-12 18:10:19 · answer #10 · answered by nikola333 6 · 2 0

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