You misunderstand yourself. I'm not roaming any forum(s). If i am, i'd like you to prove it.
2007-07-12 18:01:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
We're not "roaming" this forum just to piss you off. From what I can tell, most of the time, some theist will quote the Bible or make some ridiculous statement in the name of God and the atheists will answer pointing out how ridiculous the question sounds. Come down off of your pedestal, the majority of people are in here with their own agenda and looking to pick a fight. I would say anyone coming in here to learn more about Christ is coming to the very wrong place.
2007-07-12 18:03:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
i'd project to assert * a procedures * extra. that is truly particularly exciting. possibly comparable to, say, going right into a communicate board for soccer team 'x' and continuously posting questions like "If team 'x' is so great, why did not they convey the unfold final week?" Or the ever-accepted, "Gridironly-speaking, that team x constructive does suck, do not they?". it truly is uncommon that a question or answer somewhat provides me pause. they might, of path, bypass that off as blind obedience to my faith, while, I in basic terms discover the question not likely a question in any respect yet, particularly, an anti-theist rant. i hit upon the solutions are enormously lots the comparable besides. what's truly extraordinary is the venom with which they word their questions and responses. it would seem they are pushed at some emotional point to denigrate the mindset that believes in a God. curiously, being pushed via thoughts is between the crimes with which they continuously value the theist. Are they pushed via a desire to deliver all to the reality that no god exists? An atheist evangelism of a few form? back, a cost they so usually point on the theists. transforming into subsections in R&S would easily coach us the place the two facets spend maximum of their time.
2016-10-21 02:26:50
answer #3
answered by dawber 4
I am searching for cookies hidden around the forum.. I suspect "Me, Thrice-Baked " has something to do with them..
I also like to debunk misconceptions and outright lies told about my beliefs..
The last I checked the name of the Forum was Religion and Spirituality.. Are you insinuating that your deity of choice has a corner on the religion and spirituality market?
I am perfectly happy without learning anything more than 18 years spent going to church taught me.. Thanks for the offer however..
You are insulting me right now by insinuating that I should leave the forum meaning you should follow your own advice.. Don't let the door hit you.. Bu-Bye
Addition: You entire post showed disrespect for my beliefs.. Follow your own advice...
2007-07-12 18:07:10
answer #4
answered by Diane (PFLAG) 7
UM, usually it is the christians that post questions asking what athiest are thinking, and when we tell you what we think, you go off on us...
And that is what started all the bashing...
If you notice, Islamics, Buddhists, Hindus, and most other religions are fine... they do not try to pick on other religions... It is only christians that cant tolerate anything but their own...
That is why I gave up my religion, I turned Athiest because I got tired of my own family bashin everyone...
Lets just say Im the Black Sheep of the family...
As stated above, Christianity isnt the only religion... If a Pagan, Islamic, Buddhist, or Mormon comes in here, you will be more than willing to bash them, and give them a thumbs down on everything just to have that second of gratitude... When really it is pathetic...
And as one of the first above me stated... Your religion is a borrowed religion...
2007-07-12 18:03:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I'm not an atheist but you are one of so many Christians to ask this question and it is getting tiresome. Who said this was a Christian only forum? Also, I see a lot of questions directed at atheists so why shouldn't they be here and respond to those questions?
If some of you religious lots can't handle what you complain about, perhaps it is YOU who should leave.
2007-07-12 18:10:03
answer #6
answered by jdhs 4
How many times an hour do you think this question has to be asked. I wish you theists would quit devaluing the opinion of atheists on matters of religion. If you want a cheering section, go to church - this is the internet, son.
2007-07-12 18:12:17
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I am not an athiest but they have a right here too. Isn't it wrong to call others "fool"? Besides, what comes next? Will you demand that only certain kinds of Christians can come here? Then what? Maybe we should weed out people according to their age groups? Or maybe disabled people because I'm sure some of them can't type as fast as you can. Bad spellers, maybe they should be outed The list just grows and grows.
2007-07-12 18:01:49
answer #8
answered by MeanKitty 6
Yes, the atheists are wiser and if your beliefs are so fragile that anopthers opinion puts them at risk then either you should discard them or at least examine them very carefully.
This is a question and answer site, not a place for just Christians to pray together.
There are tons of internet prayer circles if that is what you think you want.
2007-07-12 18:14:41
answer #9
answered by ? 5
The category is Religion & Spirituality, not Believers in Religion & Spirituality, In every category you will find people on different sides on an issue.
2007-07-12 18:05:08
answer #10
answered by liberty11235 6
...why would anyone want to learn about Christ? There are other things out there you know...and I <3 the Atheists. They make more sense than any Christian on here.
2007-07-12 18:03:46
answer #11
answered by Anonymous