my fiance and i are wiccan and we are getting married next july. we are having a wiccan ceremony. my fiance's cousin is devout lutheran. a little background first. before the cousin got married, her mother in law would not allow the marriage unless she (the cousin) agreed not to let their future kids celebrate halloween. so, with that in mind, do we need to tell the cousin upfront that we are having a wiccan ceremony or not. if so, how? fyi, we were also told that she would not attend if there wasnt going to be a minister present (which there is).
18 answers
asked by
bob ©
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pamela- yes, we are wiccan and no, we dont care what your book says. we dont worship satan and sorry to burst your bubble but we are not evil either.
18:35:02 ·
update #1
we are very open about our religion with everyone. the cousin lives out of state, but his ENTIRE family is very close knit. the only reason the cousin doesnt know is because she lives out of state. if we did not invite her it would cause problems.
18:41:53 ·
update #2
Congratulations on your wedding. Let the Divine blessings be showered to both of you on the next step in your life's journey.
1) Inform your cousin about the Wiccan Wedding. You should be allowed to practice any religion as you wish. It is your wish. No one should force things on your or as a matter of fact to anyone else either.
2) Give her an option to visit your wedding or not.
3) It is for your and her benefit, to face this situation, before it becomes a surprise for her. You want things to go smoothly in the wedding, so please take care of things right away. Be Blessed.
All religions are one, there is One God. Let there be unity and peace among the mankind.
2007-07-12 18:04:26
answer #1
answered by DragonHeart 4
The things that come to my mind are
a) it sounds like it's the cousins mother-in-law who has the problem with Halloween... does the cousin have that big of a conflict?
b) if she hasn't asked about a minister herself and you are hearing it through the "grapevine" then most likely the "grapevine" will wrap back the other direction
c) does she know your beliefs/what wiccan involves in general, daily, weekly... if so, wouldn't she expect it to be same type
d) where is the wedding being held, what will the invitation and RSVP's say - enough it can be figured out?
e) depending on the size of the wedding, she may not be the only person not knowing what to expect, or feeling awkward if it isn't obvious on invites
e) how close of cousins are they, if they enjoy each other's company and are together much it should have a chance to come out
f) in my family most will make an appearance for support at cousins special occassions but not necessarily participate in all parts whether catholic, christian, court house... haven't had wiccan come up but family is close enough I think the support system would be there as much as possible
2007-07-12 18:23:32
answer #2
answered by mystique 3
Please tell the cousin that is a Wiccan ceremony. I am a devout Christian, and, no offense, do not support the Wiccan faith. If I were his cousin, i would feel immensely uncomfortable and even a bit betrayed if I was not informed about this.
You are just putting your fiance's cousin in a bad situation. She will probably not attend your wedding, but it is truly your duty as part of her family to warn her about the circumstances of your ceremony. She will appreciate you more if you tell her, than if you make her sit through a pagan ceremony.
Hope that helps! God bless, and I'm praying for you and your fiance!
2007-07-12 17:55:46
answer #3
answered by Kiwi 3
I to am a hardassed Lutheran, but please hear me out.
You should tell the cousin. It could save a lot of unpleasantness on your wedding day. That takes the ball out of your court and puts it in theirs. Their choice is to come or not. If they come hopefully some of their Christian values such as "Love thy neighbor as thy self" and "Love thine enemys" will prevail.
I can not support or condone your religious choice, however if I was the cousin I would attend, and would be civil.
From a Christian perspective, Wicca is no different than Hindu, Muslim, Agnostic, Secular humanist etc. One either follows Christ, or one is serving a false god. My wife had acquaintances from work who were Wicca. We still socialized with them, but I never missed an opportunity to witness to them. Unfortunately it hasn't done any good up to this point, but I will keep trying as long as they let me.
As far as the Halloween thing goes, last Halloween our Pastor stopped by with his Daughters in costume. The girls got treats, and the Pastor got a Whiskey (a treat for him also). Then they went on their way.
2007-07-13 11:26:05
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Tell her ahead of time and let her choose, it really is only fair. Besides, she seems the type who could become very disruptive if she shows up and gets surprised like that. Btw, we were married in costume on Halloween and it was a blast. We made it clear on the invitations what we were going to do and only those who wanted to celebrate with us chose to attend. Have a great time with your wedding and a wonderful future with your mate.
2007-07-12 17:55:18
answer #5
answered by Phartzalot 6
It's your wedding--do it the way you want to all the way. You are not beholding to this cousin or anyone else. If she says she can't come because it's Wiccan, tell her you're sorry she won't be able to make it, and let it drop.
2007-07-12 17:54:11
answer #6
answered by Petrushka's Ghost 6
Would never eat a hot pocket, too processed with preservatives and bad stuff. Bowl of pasta, same thing, is it ready made or are you cooking the pasta yourself? Do the pancakes come from the freezer or are you making them yourself? The more processed,"ready made" a food is, the worse it could be for you. Check the labels. If you have trouble pronouncing it don't eat it.
2016-05-21 04:12:14
answer #7
answered by ? 3
I would let her know up front that it's going to be a Wiccan wedding. This way, perhaps she won't want to come and ruin it for everyone else.
2007-07-12 18:00:49
answer #8
answered by la buena bruja 7
Seeing as how this is your wedding and not your future husbands cousins, I don't see how you conduct things is any of her business. Send her an invitation, and if she has any questions feel free to answer them. Remember that above all else this is about you and your fiance, not pleasing family members. Good luck and many blessings to you and yours.
2007-07-12 17:52:23
answer #9
answered by The Pope 5
Are you telling other people about it? This is your wedding. You're doing this your way. If she a problem, and she doesn't come, its her problem. Would she not being there be detrimental or cause a rift in the family? Don't let one person ruin your special day.
2007-07-12 17:54:02
answer #10
answered by Anonymous