2007-07-12 16:44:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
With the responses to your question, no has answered the question. You need to clarify the last sentence with a blank because it does not make any sense.
By the way, the gospel has not been heard all over the world yet. Most of it has been covered but not all and until that happens Jesus will not return (not to be confused by the Rapture).
2007-07-12 17:30:03
answer #2
answered by Maggie E 2
The so called quote "YOU" Said GOD said is NOT in the Bible!
Mattew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
Sorry to dissapoint you. nothing about animals. Next time acctually try looking up a verse befor you make a fool of yourself. or
2007-07-12 16:56:48
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Are you saying that the VERSE says that we didn't tell the world?
Hon - that command is still active - and the world is still being told. Missionaries still go out, broadcasts still are made... there is no end of "so He brought the world...." anywhere at this point.
What do you believe the missing word describes? Perhaps I can find the verse you have connected with Matthew 28:19-20 in your mind.
Please hit that pencil icon with additional details, so I can search for you.
2007-07-12 16:49:51
answer #4
answered by Depoetic 6
First off, I don't agree that we haven't brought the message to the world. It is hard to go anywhere now days and not be able to hear about Jesus. Even in China or particular in China,,,they are growing in the gospel. I believe we have just about covered the whole world...what are you doing to spread the word?
2007-07-12 16:47:02
answer #5
answered by dreamdress2 6
Mathew 24:14: 28:19, 20
2007-07-12 16:45:15
answer #6
answered by Here I Am 7
listed right here are some, there are various extra. 2 Cor 5:10 For we ought to all look previously the judgment seat of Christ; that each and each you may get carry of the flaws [carried out] in [his] physique, in accordance to that he hath carried out, whether [this is] solid or undesirable. 2 Gal 6:7 Be no longer deceived; God isn't mocked: for in besides a guy soweth, that shall he additionally gain. Col 3:25 yet he that doeth incorrect shall get carry of for the incorrect which he hath carried out: and there is not any admire of persons.
2016-10-01 12:14:49
answer #7
answered by fawaka 4
He said preach the gospel to all nations. What is your question? The last half of your post has nothing to do with Matthew or ______________. You're welcome.
2007-07-12 16:47:44
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It means the spreading to the whole nation, to the whole world ab out true christianity, about God and all ab out religion.
2007-07-12 16:46:19
answer #9
answered by Jesus M 7
Please tell us where you got this quote, what you are trying to find.
Maybe it isn't from the Bible.
Maybe you should read the Quran (Koran).
2007-07-12 16:48:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous