let people believe what they wish. that's why we have freedom.
2007-07-12 16:44:09
answer #1
answered by blackqueen 5
are you Mormon or something?? lol
ok joking aside the theory of evolution really isn't that crazy or out there or disagreeing with the bible. All it pretty much says is people evolve over time. Can you argue with that? NO people get smarter, people in Africa are black, why is that? cuz of the sun. That is an evolved trait. People in colder climates grow more hair. Why? cuz it's colder there. People and animals evolve to climates and outside influences OVER TIME. over a long long long time. Not like you can put a money in a zoo today and it's a baby tomorrow.
I am christian and i do somewhat believe in evolution. And to be honest its Christians like you who turn other people away from Christ. Maybe you should try being a little more open minded and not so judgmental...what does the bible say about that one?
i believe its somewhere along the lines of do not judge that's what God is for??
2007-07-12 16:50:05
answer #2
answered by bella11356 2
Good question.
Here is the problem with your argument. You state "The Bible is the word of God" but the Bible was not, in fact, "written" by God, it was written by man. So there may be inaccuracies because men are fallible.
You are asking for people to find all their answers in a book that was written over 2000 years ago and not question it. Even Moses had questions and asked for proof. Was THAT wrong? Nothing would make me happier than for God to come here and set us all straight or sweep us all up, one way or the other. But, so far, He is waiting.
Life here is so diverse and beautiful. The cosmos is so elegantly designed...mathmetically perfect and by no means an accident. There is no way denying that God exists. But I think science may prove more than the Bible, the existance of God. So please don't insult my love of God with monkies and bananas.
2007-07-12 17:06:09
answer #3
answered by khanoldfriend 3
The bible is like a mother goose tale. Its not truth, its a lesson, its not history as a whole, its stories. God didnt write it, Jesus didnt write it, and in reality, the bible is a "theory" based on the writing of a handful of people.
It's an out of date book on "lifes guidelines" and "being a good human" in those times, almost none of it makes sense anymore. Any who thumps the bible as some "source of truth" needs to remember youre doing nothing more than proving you cant evolve in the mind, therefore you'll never understand anyways. :)
Try living the ways of the bible, you'll be arrested for its out of date guidelines to life following it so literally.
How do you speak to a man who was brainwashed? You don't.
2007-07-12 16:59:07
answer #4
answered by Princess Nina 1
oh brother...another one...
Ok than..you want play? First of all, what PROOF is there that there is a God? Anyone can write stuff down and say it's fact, but without some kind of "experiment." No one can know. Want to show me some kind of experiment or research showing God exists? Also, if God is all knowing and omnipotent, why is that he made Job's (in the Bible) life miserable when he already KNEW that Job would still obey his every word? It makes no sense, A LOGICAL individual would pick that up right away...and there also wouldn't be a need to test us because after all he already knows who will go to heaven and who won't so why try? You see what I mean? It's not logical at all...and for human beings having logic, must mean that either God is demented..or that he doesn't care what we do, or simply does not exist.
2007-07-12 16:43:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Well..the bible was created by man. A group of men actually. Who used it to control the masses with fear of a Vengeful GOD. Who Punished you by sending you to a fiery pit of hell. Which was the best thing back then. Today..if it was written. I would think it wouldn't say hell..it would be a continuous loop of sliding down a razor blade naked into a bucket of acid. But this GOD was also portrayed as a person who would grant you into PARADISE for being good. IF you followed the rules which was placed in this book by MAN. Also...why would GOD makes the roads and the gate to heaven out of GOLD if that's a material object that is highly valuable to MAN. Not GOD. Wouldn't he just prefer dirt roads and a picket fence?? He was never that glamorous in the stories. I never seen him with some Bling Bling around his neck with a platinum grill.
2007-07-12 16:52:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Why would everything be in the Bible, when the men who wrote the Bible were ignorant of science and didn't have a clue? We atheists use logic and reason because that is what intelligence is. Which is the opposite of stupidity and ignorance. See which gets you through life better and get back to me.
2007-07-12 16:50:07
answer #7
answered by AuroraDawn 7
you know, the Creation story in the Torah is alot like the Creation story told in religions that started before Christianity. The story of Creation in the Bible is told in a way that the people OF THE DAY can understand it.
anyone who cannot see that Evolution has happened, is happening, and will happen is LIMITING GOD.
Is it possible that the Earth was CREATED but that the story in the Bible isn't the whole story.
Time to start thinking outside the box.
2007-07-12 16:47:11
answer #8
answered by yarn whore 5
It's because the Bible writers didn't believe in evolution. Atheists would say that the Bible was simply written by ignorant people and that the problem with Christians is that they don't use reason, but instead buy into old mythology. I disagree with them. I don't believe in evolution either. I believe the Bible. But those are the types of answers you'll get from atheists. They classify the Bible as faith and evolution as science.
2007-07-12 16:47:10
answer #9
answered by fuzz 4
I think you're supposed to ask the question & we answer.
The Bible is not about how things happened, but why.
The fall of the Temple & Eclipse of the Sun are not theories.
They are just historic events which seemed significant,
to the writers, because of their timing.
The story of Adam & Eve is what is called Myth, not science.
This kind of story is told in many cultures to explain things.
They are not intended to be taken literally. If they were; answer this:
Since Adam & Eve only had 2 sons, where did their wives come from?
2007-07-12 16:53:29
answer #10
answered by Robert S 7
This screed is so utterly silly that it is difficult to construct an answer with a straight face. Firstly, the bible is not the word of god unless god makes lots of mistakes; the bible has hundreds of errors, and dozens of internal contradictions. Secondly, evolution is now a proven fact. "Proven" means that ANY claim that it is wrong is necessarily erroneous.
2007-07-12 16:51:03
answer #11
answered by Anonymous