non believers continue to redicule believers for wasting their time with religion, so who is wasting their time?
So tell me, lately what have you done for your fellow man? how have you made a difference? how have you made the world a better place?
Don't be shy or modest, but be honest.
20 answers
asked by
sir wayne
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
If your going to quote scripture it's
do your alms in secret and GOD will reward you openly.
I didn't mean details of how you did charity work for certain individuals I ment your conduct in general like; pinkstealth ,bookish,atheist,kathryn b, and maricel s have done. and to answer your question maricel s and kathryn b I try to always smile, If someone ask me how I am doing I say wonderful, If I see someone in need I help them, if only manual labor or finding the help they need,without asking them what side of the fence they are on. when I see wrong or misconduct agianst other humans it weighs on me like a virus and effects my well being untill it is resolved, I can't ignore it. If I see someone hungry I will give them what I have to eat, for I had rather be hungry than useless.
although I am a believer, the question itself did not favor either side.
02:37:56 ·
update #1
wow diane you rock..acuse the pun.
also many of you non-believers have only a narrow bridge to cross for you already love your nieghbors.
05:21:51 ·
update #2
I make quilts and blankets for Project Linus
I volunteer at my local food bank (I deliver food packages to families in need who are unable to get to the food bank to retrieve the items due to lack of transportation)
I donate to my local food bank (Both money and food products)
I volunteer as a speaker at local schools talking about teen pregnancy and my experience being a teenage mother.. (I don't sugar coat the experience, I tell them about missing out on things, the work, the nights spent rocking and walking with a crying collicy baby.. The horror of taking a final exam with 2 hourrs sleep and no study because I was up all night soothing a baby with chicken pox..) This coming year I am slated to talk on 10 different mondays to H.S. freshmen health classes comprised of students just off their weekend with the "Think It Over Baby"... (If even 1 girl or boy decided to use protection or not have sex to avoid pregnancy all 10 hours of speaking and the hours of prep time are well worth it)
I also volunteer at the local hospital in the neonatal ICU.. I am what's called a "rocker" I go in twice a week for 2 hours (often much longer) I sit with different infants rocking them and talking to them giving them human interaction.. Our local hospital is a regional center with some infants families 100's of mile away unable to come everyday to cuddle them.. I fill in when the parents are unable to be there..
I think what I do makes my small section of the world much better.. I can't change everything but I do my part..
2007-07-12 16:53:57
answer #1
answered by Diane (PFLAG) 7
I've made the world a better place by not having a negative influence on it. I don't force my views on others. On a practical level, I hold doors open for people, don't cut them off in traffic, don't cut in front of them in line, give my seat to people who need it more than I do, smile at strangers, donate to charity (as long as it's not a religious one), I always paid full price for my kids and didn't lie about their ages to get cheaper movie or train tickets, I vote in every election, I don't litter, etc. I've raised two fine, honest sons and work in a college library helping and teaching students. I even keep them fed with candy and treats at my desk.
Why do you assume that someone who believes in an imaginary being is automatically doing something good for the world? Most people treat others like crap, and given that they claim to believe someone in the sky is always watching them, I don't really understand it.
2007-07-12 16:35:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I'm a Christian and our beliefs come from the teachings of Christ as found in the Bible. Jesus clearly taught that there is no other way to salvation except through faith in Him. A non-believer would end up in Hell. Your scenerio concerning the "good man" doesn't make any difference, because the Bible teaches that even the best person in the world still falls short of the requirements without the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
2016-05-21 03:09:45
answer #3
answered by ? 3
Well recently what pops out in my mind is I was walking out of an appliance store and noticed that a lady and her children had just bought a TV and were trying to figure out how to keep the trunk closed. So I gave them the bungie cord I keep in my trunk. They were very thankful. So I like to think I got them home safe. And I did all this without a single thought to "I better or god might be mad and not let me into heaven". I did it cause it was simple and right.
2007-07-12 16:34:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I am a Christian and I really love to help other people. I do it every chance I get. Sometimes I think maybe I do it for the wrong motive(people pleaser), but I guess it doesn't matter. I have wondered if I would be this way if I werent a Christian, but I really think it is because God made me a new creature.
2007-07-12 16:49:23
answer #5
answered by expertless 5
I did my ESL volunteer work on Wednesday this week, like I always do. I've been working on knitted squares for the charity afghan my knitting group is making for Project Linus. I'm a bit behind on donating money to UNICEF.
How about you, Sir Wayne? What have you done recently for your fellow man?
2007-07-12 16:35:34
answer #6
answered by Kathryn™ 6
Mat 6:1 "Be especially careful when you are trying to be good so that you don't make a performance out of it. It might be good theater, but the God who made you won't be applauding.
Mat 6:2 "When you do something for someone else, don't call attention to yourself. You've seen them in action, I'm sure--'playactors' I call them--treating prayer meeting and street corner alike as a stage, acting compassionate as long as someone is watching, playing to the crowds. They get applause, true, but that's all they get.
Mat 6:3 When you help someone out, don't think about how it looks.
Mat 6:4 Just do it--quietly and unobtrusively. That is the way your God, who conceived you in love, working behind the scenes, helps you out.
2007-07-12 16:33:49
answer #7
answered by ? 5
I spend 3x a week volunteering at our local charities passing out food, clothing and donated items to the homeless. I also volunteer once a week at our local animal shelters helping orphaned animals and once a week at our local animal rehab center helping injured animals.
What about you? How are you a part of the solution instead of the problem?
2007-07-12 16:38:34
answer #8
answered by Maricel S 4
I am an atheist. Because I recognize the value of my fellow human beings (as well as other living organisms), I have dedicated my life to the non-profit sector and my career is helping people.
I currently work for a children's shelter, clinic, and advocacy center.
2007-07-12 16:34:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I spend 5 hours a week at my local dog shelter working with problem dogs. So, I am more of a " what have I done for my fellow dogs " kind of guy.
Were you implying that believers do more than being deluded?
2007-07-12 16:34:59
answer #10
answered by Anonymous