Level 7... how'd you miss the drinking game?
When the Christians ask certain tiresome questions, the atheists take a drink. I don't recall the specifics, but there is probably a posting with the rules somewhere.
2007-07-12 16:07:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes, they are definitely related. And it all started with someone asking Pascal's Wager on here.
It first started a few months ago with a lot of questions about Pascal's Wager (see the wikipedia reference that the other post gave you for details on that).
Then the regulars (primarily the intellectual atheist regulars) got sick and tired of the questions being asked that they decided to start a game where anytime anyone asked a question on Pascal's Wager, all players would take a drink. Then the game further evolved, and now the Drinking Game extends to any commonly asked question.
When you see a post stating "I'll drink to that" it means that a person is asking a frequently asked question that they are tired of seeing over and over and over...Also any comment about getting drunk last night on here, means that the person is in on the joke.
2007-07-12 23:14:03
answer #2
answered by Searcher 7
Us atheists and a few others have this little joke whenever someone posts a dopey question. If someone posts something such as "Atheists have no morals", "Atheists can not feel love" or anything refering to Pascal's Wager, we write *drinks* or something similar.
Basically its our way of saying that their post is very foolish or totally lacks logic...kind of like throwing our hands up in the air or shaking our head....its a polite way of saying we think its a load of rubbish.
The Pascal's Wager thing....some guy called Pascal came up with a formula he hoped would convince everyone to believe in God : If you believe in God and he exists you go to heaven and gain everything, if he doesn't exist you lose nothing. If you don't believe in God and he exists, you go to hell and lose everything, if he doesn't exist you lose nothing.
The silliest thing about this wager, is that he tried to create a mathematical formula based on the existance of heaven and hell, which can not be given a numerical value. If something doesn't have a numerical value, you can't base a mathematic formula on it...it's like saying 2 - (9 x 8) + 89 x love -493 077. It just doesn't make sense.
2007-07-12 23:16:47
answer #3
answered by . 6
When you see somebody posting a really tiresome trite question, like the kind that gets asked every single day, you drink. That's how the game works.
Such questions include Pascal's Wager (see the link below), really idiotic and false assumptions about evolution, "Why are atheists here?", etc.
Which reminds me...*DRINK* (for the question on what all the "drinking" comments are about).
2007-07-12 23:07:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The "hypothetical" drinking game was spawned by the endless "hypothetical" questions asked by many, many, (did I say many?) Christian folk who unwittingly, or by some act of insanity or otherwise non-existent divine force, touch the nerve of the sentient atheist.
Printninja counters with excellent sarcasm (up thumb), Solly/Gezzah/Hugger and Tash hits upon some rules, and S-K indicates that is a game.
Also missing from the rules are: All questions that begin with: If..., questions about monkeys and evolution, questions dealing with proofs of most kind and, pardon the expression but I use it so much, "dopey" questions that beg drowning.
It's all in fun, but many Christians strike back with the evil "violation" because they are, well, simply defeated.
And, really, level seven?
2007-07-12 23:37:20
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The R&S drinking game is an unofficial celebration among regulars here, when a particular cliche question is posed.
Some of MY favorites are (and I'll use the Pascal's Wager example, to start,) is "Why don't you just believe in God. It can't hurt, and - could save your soul."
Others aren't questions at all - just invitations to Bask in the Glory of [insert deity name]
Another favorite is: "Why are you atheists here on the R&S forum?"
and the list goes on...
There's no real official list. If you want to drink, go for it.
UPDATE: It's not just limited to questions posed by Christians, either. I started drinking to the question "Why do you believe in your God when He hasn't cured anyone of their disease?"
*waves to Printninja*
2007-07-12 23:08:50
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Well, a drinking game is based on somethng that will make you drink a lot.
I knew a guy who tried to do what he called the "Scarface Sh*tface" game.
You watch the Al Pacino version of "Scarface". Everytime the "F" word is used, you take a drink. (Keep in mind, the word and its derivations are used close to 400 times. No one finishes the game)
2007-07-12 23:17:16
answer #7
answered by Experto Credo 7
thanks for asking, I didn't know either. Can mine be Fresca?
2007-07-13 01:41:47
answer #8
answered by Lady Morgana 7