Obviously, the vessel must be clean and pure and sterile and unsullied to contain the wonderful fertilizer of the spirit aided by only the bacterium of knowledge and the water-downedness of nourishment.
Otherwise you'll become a scum-bucket pot of worldly sin and vice and the fertilizer immediately becomes the BS it was in the first place.
Wow. I love metaphors. It's like plucking the cherry of ones...
2007-07-13 04:02:05
answer #1
answered by Dances with Poultry 5
No one. It could be that the person isn't really believing that the blessing will work, or what is needed at the time isn't what was asked for. There are many reasons. Just because it may not work the way we think it will doesn't mean the blessing wasn't done by proper authority, or wasn't received in the right way. Sometimes it's for the persons good to not have the answer they want.
2007-07-12 16:38:39
answer #2
answered by odd duck 6
I'm not Mormon, so maybe I shouldn't answer, but, if you are referring to Patriarichal Blessings, the reason it doesn't take effect is because it is a fake blessing. Now the question is, who's to blame for the "gift" of the blessing, the person you thought he had the authority to give it, or the person receiving who believes in a false religion?
2007-07-12 16:15:06
answer #3
answered by kingsfananne 1
Yourself, because you lacked faith that you could be healed or receive that blessing or because you didn't do your part in preparing to receive that blessing.
Ex: A blessing to do well on a test that you didn't study for.
You cannot expect to miraculously recieve an A when you did nothing to prepare for it.
2007-07-12 19:02:46
answer #4
answered by Karen 4
What happened to Peter when he asked Jesus to call to him out on the water? Jesus said come, and was this not his blessing on Peter to come??? If not, what was the point of Peter asking Jesus to call to him?
It sure seems to be to me. So he went and walked for a bit and then dropped like the 200lb piece of carbon that he was, into the water. And what did Jesus tell him? It wasn't, "well Peter, it wasn't your fault, and it wasn't really mine either. It just happens sometimes I guess."
Of course not. He said, "For crying out loud Peter! Where's you faith?"
Now if this isn't a perfect example of a blessing gone wrong, you just tell me why!
2007-07-13 13:34:12
answer #5
answered by Atom 4
No one is really to blame.
2007-07-13 06:16:13
answer #6
answered by georgewallace78 6
it's always the receiver's fault
2007-07-12 16:18:02
answer #7
answered by Jack 5