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Let's say that in the US religion became illegal, and you could no longer work, buy, or sell, if you did not reject Christ. That all of your worldly possessions would be taken and that you could be beaten or tortured for refusing to take a mark.

Do you think that you could remain faithful to God if it meant that you would not survive?

What would you do?

2007-07-12 16:01:56 · 18 answers · asked by Searcher 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

Grace is like the Manna given daily to the children of God as they wandered in the wilderness, He gives us this day enough to take care of today. The word says He will bring to mind that hour what we ought to say. Our only defense is to trust Him. Hoarding food is not the answer. I believe that we are not sure exactly when the rapture will occur, as too many respected bible scholars disagree on pretribulation or midtribulation. We should be prepared for hardships, and the less strife between the brethren, the better we will fare. There will be Christian doctors that will treat your sick child, as hospitals will also require the mark of the beast for treatment. Maybe some will have a garden in the country and be able to feed some of the brethren. Some may share warm clothes, or be able to help with a repair.That is what Jesus wants to find us doing, taking care of one another. I had some harsh words against the reminder that Protestants are not accepted by the RCC, but I will share whatever I have to anyone without the mark. My mother and I were just discussing this very thing, and came to the conclusion the only thing we can do is pray for His coming.

2007-07-12 16:55:32 · answer #1 · answered by One Wing Eagle Woman 6 · 3 0

It does seem probable, yet at this component we can not say for constructive. the days of Noah are comparative to the final days of this methodology of issues. God desperate 20 years, in the past commissioning Noah, that his affected person and long suffering spirit in direction of mankind would come to an bring about one hundred twenty years. (Genesis 6:3) The time wherein Noah became commissioned via God lasted approximately a hundred years in the past the flood, from his age of 500 to 6 hundred. (Genesis 5:32; 6:9, 10) the somewhat flood of Noah's day seems to be comparable to the arriving great tribulation of our time. as a results of fact the flood lasted 40 days and nights the great tribulation would final the comparable volume of time. (Genesis 7:4; Matthew 24:21, 22) The flood began on "the 2d month, on the 17th day of the month" of the Jewish calendar. (Genesis 7:11)This corresponds with the months of October and November of our gregorian calendar. as a result we would anticipate the great tribulation to start up and end interior of those months of the year of the tip, in the past the wintry climate of the promised land starts off. Such indicators at the instant are not a affirmation of the somewhat experience yet at this component is a possibility. The closer that we get to the great tribulation the extra accurately we can recognize from Jehovah whilst issues will ensue.

2016-10-21 01:57:25 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Well, lets say that just the real religion was illegal so as not to worry people into mass revolt? Lets say that they said for instance Catholicism is illegal because if you practiced it you were committing crimes against humanity by not believing in Abortion and Euthanasia, or by not wanting Embryonic Stem Cell research (there have been several postings on this site that have said this very same thing). Now,suppose that were the case and only Catholics were not allowed to purchase food and stuff, would you help them?

2007-07-12 16:49:18 · answer #3 · answered by Midge 7 · 0 1

there is aplay that grafically depicted this scenario.. one child dies of food poisoning..one of the group is eating at a farmer's house. that turns out to lead the bad guys to them.. they all get shot, which turns out to be the reason GOD took the little girl when HE did. to spare the mother of that agony..I believe that a false religious agenda will become political, and when we fall into hard times for whatever reason, the religious political power will consume the freedoms we cherish and then prosecute those who will not bow to their wishes..some of the saints will be imprisoned, and they will testify in court for the truth so all may hear it.. some will escape to the wilderness and be cared for like Elijah was, as well as the israelites when they came out of Egypt. and when the darkest hour looms over the earth, at midnite, THE CLOUDS WILL ROLL BACK AS A SCROLL, AND THE TRUMP OF GOD WILL SOUND AND OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST WILL MAKE A LOUD CALL TO HIS SAINTS AND THEIR GRAVES WILL OPEN AND THEY WILL RISE UP. THEN WE WHO ARE ALIVE WILL BE CHANGED , IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE. AND THOSE WHO ARE CHASING US WILL HIDE FROM THE ONE WHO SITS ON THE THRONE..AND CRY FOR THE ROCKS TO HIDE THEM..and we will go home..forever..AMEN?

2007-07-12 17:24:54 · answer #4 · answered by spotlite 5 · 0 0

If we are to enter the last 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation period,I believe that God will provide the grace to endure,until the end. That grace is not necessarily available to us at this time,however...but I am determined to remain faithful to Jesus,by his grace..and by his grace will not receive the mark of the beast...I can't state it enough,no matter how strong we believe that we are in Jesus Christ...everything,is by his grace and am 100% confident that he will provide the grace to endure at the time it is needed...

Good question.. If I am wrong in my eschatology,we may be faced with this in the near future.

2007-07-12 16:08:48 · answer #5 · answered by bonsai bobby 7 · 0 2

I guess no one really knows for sure until they are faced with such a situation. Peter was confident that he would never deny Jesus, but he did it, three times. I think and hope I would remain faithful no matter what.

2007-07-12 16:15:07 · answer #6 · answered by Suzie Q 3 · 1 1

I feel that if I can have faith in God for that period of time before I die than I get to spend eternity in heaven instead of hell. So, yes I could remain faithful.

2007-07-12 16:07:36 · answer #7 · answered by # 4 due in September! 2 · 1 1

What kind of a stupid question is that? Religion will never be illegal in the U.S. Freedom of and from religion is guaranteed by our Constitution. I think religion's a crock of poo, but people have a right to believe any stupid crap they want to.

2007-07-12 16:35:11 · answer #8 · answered by YY4Me 7 · 0 1

Don't know, but I cannot imagine rejecting Christ. If it meant death, I can't see anything to live for, in this scenario, so shoot me. Torture is another story and that is where the "I don't know" comes in.

2007-07-12 16:11:44 · answer #9 · answered by howdigethere 5 · 1 1

Stand on a street corner with a homeless sign and my cross. I'd rather die then betray God.

2007-07-12 16:05:33 · answer #10 · answered by sister steph 6 · 1 1

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