Religion (works) cannot save anyone.
Ephesians 2:8 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God."
2007-07-12 16:18:30
answer #1
answered by Yahoo is Stupid 3
All religions, which includes all the so-called "holy books", were created by men. Jesus is a myth, and so is the ridiculous story of his supposed suicide mission to save mankind. What makes you think man needs "saving" anyway? That's a man-made concept.
2007-07-12 16:31:31
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I don't think doing the motions can save you if that is what you mean by religion. In order to be saved you need to have a relationship with God through Jesus.
2007-07-12 16:01:31
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Religion cannot save you. It is a "cut and dried" rule that only YOU can save you. Nothing or nobody else can. Pops
2007-07-12 16:00:10
answer #4
answered by Pops 6
I believe all religions have a core value of love and devotion to a greater being, and that alone should save them.
I don't think you have to be a certain religion to be saved.
2007-07-12 17:07:41
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The word religion has been thrown in the mud for various reasons. Religion is actually used to describe a belief system in a broad sense. Christian, Hindu, Buddhism, Wicca, Islam are all examples of religion. What exactly do you mean by save? To me save is to preserve and keep at bay, now and in the hereafter. With that in mind I would have to say yes... A balanced person needs something to touch that area of his makeup by whatever floats his boat. Religion is good in that it helps us focus and it can save us from alot of life's storms...
2007-07-12 16:08:36
answer #6
answered by ? 4
anyone who believes and follows a religion believes it can save them because they are on the true path*. Pretty much, the only group of people who don't believe that religion can save them are the Athiests, who don't believe in any diety or religion.
*One true path varies by religion type. Offer not valid in Ohio. Must be 18 or older to play.
2007-07-12 16:01:14
answer #7
answered by sister steph 6
Respecting religion is but one step in being saved. One who truly loves and understands Christ knows that He was/is quite passionate about religion (see Him drive the money-changers from the temple)
2007-07-12 16:01:06
answer #8
answered by Shinigami 7
It was the religious leaders of Christ's time that had him killed. The only thing that saves us is having a relationship with Jesus Christ. Sound to simple? Sorry, but that's just simply the way it is.
2007-07-12 16:06:37
answer #9
answered by A Voice 5
Romans 10
2007-07-12 16:37:21
answer #10
answered by robert p 7