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I mean... Atheists are always preaching "science" and "logic" to christians.
Well how about this atheists.... The Bible was there first! The Bible was written thousands of years before your "science" and your "renaissance" and so on.

The holy men that were the vessels of our Lord's word that wrote the Bible had never heard of science, or logic, or anything your atheistic Godless religion teaches. But the point is that IT IS God's word... Therefore the REAL science is in the Bible!

You atheists talk about Charles Darwin! But he wasn't inspired by God!!! He merely used science and logic and observation to discover his so called "evolution". But the Bible was written thousands of years ago before any modern science was invented, AND it was inspired by God, and it was still able to tell us how we came to be on Earth! With no science or logic at all!!! Explain that, you silly atheists.

If you actually read the Bible, you might understand that logic has no place in religion.

2007-07-12 15:54:21 · 57 answers · asked by irishcharmer84 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

57 answers

Prove that the bible was written long ago and not two weeks before you were born... I've read it cover to cover and rate it with the best of Aesops Fables and other fairytales ...

2007-07-12 15:58:27 · answer #1 · answered by zappafan 6 · 6 0

your ignorance is so profound i just don't understand why you think an atheist would care if someone we admire was inspired by god. and no the bible was not here since the beggining of time, if it has been todays version would be so totally different from the first version it would be a totally different religion, but i do agree that the bible has no science or logic in it like you stated. we understand logic and religion don't mix, which is why you don't have any logic and can't pose a question that doesnt actually hurt your own cause

2007-07-12 16:11:49 · answer #2 · answered by Ryan, Atheati Magus 5 · 1 0

A. I never talk about Charles Darwin.

B. If only one book is required, how do you learn how to use a computer, because your holy bible has a verse that say how do you operate Windows XP?

C. Most atheists has read the bible and do understand it is totally illogical. There are other doctrines of other religion that is far more logical and compassionate then what you call a holy book.

D. The "holy men" were either schizophrenic or power hungry people that strive to use superstitions to control people.

2007-07-12 16:10:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

So your god gave me a brain but he doesn't want me to reason with it? What is the point of free will that he "granted" us with?
If you actually opened your eyes, you might understand that science has given you the ability to type this bullsh*t on your laptop. It feeds you. It clothes you. When you go live with the Amish, I'll maybe give you another chance to speak. Til then, stop pushing your opinions on other people and trying to criticize people who use reason and logic!

Oh, and one more thing, what does age have to do with whether or not something was correct? APPARENTLY Christians in the new testament of the Bible found their old ways to be outdated and have thrown out the old testament except to use it when it's convenient. Seems that wearing sacks and not being able to cut your hair in a particular style just is a worn out idea.

2007-07-12 16:41:18 · answer #4 · answered by Ash 6 · 1 0

The Bible was not there first, the Mahabharata of India predates it. And it isn't a single book, it is a collection of various writings compiled into one volume, of which several Christian groups still debate on what books belong in it (the Catholic Bible has more books in it that the Protestant, the Eastern Orthodox a couple more still, and the Ethiopian Church has even more).

If religion cannot stand up to logic, it is not worthy of study.

By the way, I DO believe in God.

2007-07-12 16:22:32 · answer #5 · answered by The Doctor 7 · 1 0

You can't read the bible and take it literally. Most stories told in it are not meant for that, they are simply meant to teach lessons and such. For example, Noah's arc. Now you can't actually believe that Noah round up MILLIONS of species and put them on a boat, and then the WHOLE earth was flooded. If there was a giant flood, wouldn't there be some written evidence? and besides if there were a giant flood then there would be significant proof found on earth. Also if the flood happened the our atmosphere would become nearly depleted making it lethal and deadly for any living thing to live there. BOOYAKASHA. Sorry bud, you bet on the wrong racing horse.

2007-07-12 16:07:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Exactly, the book was written thousands of years ago when men did not know anything about the universe. You claim that the bible was inspired by god. How do you know that? If I wrote a book today and told you it was inspire by dog, ups sorry I got my letters reversed, I meant god, would you believe me? I think not, then why would you believe that the bible was inspired by god. I don't.

2007-07-12 16:05:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Along with logic having no place in religion, you might ant to add morality.
I see you're a big fan of the Bible so perhaps you could explain to me how you can take the entire book of the Bible as holy law. When it has rules for raping young virginal girls and women. And lets not even get onto the topic of slavery.
I think you need to become jus a little more tolerant my friend, every viewpoint has it's flaws, if science and logic are what do it for atheists, then who are we to argue.

2007-07-12 16:00:03 · answer #8 · answered by farmacistdmc 3 · 4 1

WHY, do the religious believe we haven't read the bible. I've read it several times, I've also read the Quran for that matter.

You cannot prove one thing in the bible. You cannot prove christ raised anyone from the dead, walked on water, changed water to wine, healed anyone at all. Frankly it would be hard to prove he even existed.

Science it provable, if we're mistaken, as science has been, we don't have some immutable law that can't be changed. When we find out we're mistaken, we change.

Religion is dogmatic, we're told what to believe, and if the facts don't jive with it, then we're required to disbelieve the facts.

2007-07-12 16:03:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

First off I wanted to remind you to take your meds.
Second - Your joking right?
Third- Thousands of years ago before science and logic men painted crude animals on walls. Should we only accept this as art or is DaVinci still cool?
Fourth - how do you know Darwin wasn't inspired by god? Where you there? Or did god tell you?
Fifth- Really your joking right?

2007-07-12 16:03:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I don't know but I always relied on myself and what I've read in a book store but I know the different reasons for mixing different herbs, or putting certain materials together. For example: My boyfriend hurt his knee badly, I tried telling him and his father what happened, but the father didn't and force my boyfriend to the doctor, I told them it was tendinitis, and after a month of doctors and x-rays they finally came to the conclusion of tendinitis. In the meantime, I was preparing an herbal remedy for him, It takes about two hours to be fully potent. It consisted of: Almond oil, rosemary, sage, thyme, and water. The sage was for the cleaning, the thyme and rosemary helped the muscles relax and the almond oil helped sooth the tendons. In about a month he could walk and jog without the use of the cane, it was applied twice daily. I helped him till his father through a fit, yada yada. But there should be no reason to rely on books, if you dance around a fire, wouldn't they burn, lol. Needed to lighten the mood. Its possible to learn the meanings of herbs and stones through books but its what you do with them, I think everyone will agree on that.

2016-05-21 02:48:36 · answer #11 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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