Yes. The question should be "Just how many different reasons do we have to impeach him?"
2007-07-12 15:56:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
lol, bashing bush is becoming a religion for some. i'm for impeaching or firing anyone that needs it and there is credible evidence. americans need to focus on answers and not scape goating and we will move ahead as a society. i'm still observing politics it's going to be interesting to see what happens in 2008 and how the political climate and bashing will be up till that day. i'm a realist. how much will truly be changed and how much will be swept under the carpet by whoever succeeds bush?
2007-07-14 23:42:42
answer #2
answered by ? 4
First, this is not a religious question but I'll address it anyway.
I am speaking as a strong conservative, and a lifelong republican - until W.
Yes, he should (have been) impeached. He took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and has consistently acted in opposition to that oath and to the Constitution.
Impeaching him at this point would be a waste of time, energy and taxpayer money. No need to put a black mark on his record, he's done that himself.
2007-07-12 23:36:43
answer #3
answered by mrscjr 3
Yes! Clinton was impeached on the basis of lying--yes he did many other things that i don't agree with but he was impeached for lying. Bush lies he too should be impeached.
2007-07-12 22:55:52
answer #4
answered by I'm here for now 3
I'm not sure what everything is that qualifies for impeachmentment, but Bush is taking America in the wrong direction. I'm mostly upset with his influence on tearing apart the separation of church and state.
2007-07-12 23:01:42
answer #5
answered by khard 6
If he's committed an impeachable offense. Ignoring Liberals isn't one , in my opinion.
BTW, would impeaching Bush be a religious experience for you? If not, why ask this question on this forum?
2007-07-12 22:59:35
answer #6
answered by Champion of Knowledge 7
Yes. If he did break the law and we don't impeach him than we do a disservice to the very office from which he preaches his hipocracy.
2007-07-15 00:45:07
answer #7
answered by rich e rich 4
Hard to say. I'd like to see it happen. But on what grounds. As much as I can't stand the guy, there should be clear evidence of wrongdoing. And this group is pretty good at covering its tracks.
2007-07-12 22:57:04
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The Constitution is pretty vague about the grounds that can be used - high crimes and misdemeanors can mean a lot of things - however, I would say extreme abuse of executive powers should fall under that.
2007-07-13 02:53:21
answer #9
answered by genaddt 7
I wouldn't mind if he was, but I have YET to see any COMPELLING evidence to support that conclusion.
He's just a misguided fool.
That's not a crime.
That's just a sad state of affairs.
Now, PROVE concusively, BUSH KNEWS Saddam has NO WMD and LIED to CONGRESS and the AMERICAN PEOPLE.
PROVE THAT and you'll have my support.
2007-07-12 23:20:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous