Oh please. You have to be kidding me.
2007-07-12 15:53:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
God protects us by the prayers and the faith of the Christians in this nation. Also, we have enjoyed much peace and prosperity because of the tithes of God's people sending missioneries around the world. Then, we also for years have supported and sponsored Israel as a nation, since they became a nation again in 1967, during the 6-day war.
Now, lately, (and I LOVE Pres. Bush) our government has pushed Israel to give over land to the Palestinians and you see how the terrorists are using it to harm Israel. We need to LOVE Israel and stop interferring with their politics and support them in prayer and with donations for all the ones coming back to Israel that previously were scattered all over the world. This is an end-time prophesy literally being fulfilled in our generation. It is part of the happenings before the return of the Lord predicted in the prophets' of the Old Testament. We should support the nation of Israel and stop violating God's will about that land. He gave it to them and we can't mess with it ..., or we won't BE the favored nation that we have been. Pray and repent for the sins of this nation and ask the Lord to intervene in this for our sake. Everytime we do something stupid like persuade them to give more land, we have a terrible disaster here. The last time they went in and removed people from Gaza, we had Katrina..., within 24 hours. PRAY.
We WERE founded on Christian principles and every founder claimed the Bible as their guidebook. Don't let revisionests lie about our nation to you. Even our money says: In God We Trust.
2007-07-12 16:02:55
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Because, for years, we have been the biggest players on the block. Now that whole thing is starting to change.
I find it disturbing when people say that America is God's chosen nation or that God Blesses America. It seems so arrogant and so - well - rude. Just because we have the wealth and knowledge we do does not mean we are God's favorites. It means that we have bigger toys.
In the end - none of this is going to matter. Until we stop thinking America is blessed, we WON'T be.
Just my two cents.
2007-07-12 16:00:23
answer #3
answered by yarn whore 5
No. Show me in the NT where God promises protection? Did he protect Stephen from getting stoned? Did God give his protection to Babylon, Assyria, or Rome?
Just because a nation is great doesnt mean they are under Gods protection. In fact, God ensures their destruction sooner than what it otherwise wouldve been.
This was a Christian nation but it is quickly secularizing. No nation is capable of being strong for God long without evil coming in and corrupting. America is a great nation economically because of the industrial revolution and our persistance in science and technology fueled by the great economy gives the world unparalled prosperous lives.
2007-07-12 16:01:19
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
That could be a reason for sure..Its protection toward Israel. The Lord has been merciful to this country also because it has been a base FROM which the world has been evangelized over the past decades. There is the corruption for sure in the US but there are very faithful believers who are only for God's purpose and heart's desire. "That the Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached to the whole inhabited earth"
The US has the means to carry the Gospel very far.. The Lord preserves this country for the sake of His Will. America will not always be like this .. but while it is.. may the Lord richly bless this country and cause many to come to know Him in a deep abiding way because of the faithful ones who call this country home.
2007-07-12 16:02:19
answer #5
answered by Broken Alabaster Flask 6
We have a large nation that covers many economic resources. this leads to an abundance of food. Most nations that have established farming flourish. So really it's the countries with poor soil that suffer. Africa and the middle east. God isn't protecting anything. There is plenty of hardship here anyways.
2007-07-12 15:57:20
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
We have been an ally of Israel and therefore God has blessed this nation. God's Word says that if we bless Israel, He will bless us and if we curse Israel, He will curse us. But, because our nation is morally declining and are not backing up Israel as much, I believe we are seeing less of the blessings and some of the curses, which is the protective hand of God being lessened, if you will. And yes, the end times has ALL to do with Israel, God's chosen people. God bless you
2007-07-12 16:11:08
answer #7
answered by connie 6
I think it's pretty arrogant for a member of ANY religion to consider themselves "God's Chosen." Didn't the Christians' Jesus preach humility?
In answer to your question, it's because this country was blessed with an enormous amount of natural resources (water, lumber, minerals, etc.); it was industrialized when in was a relatively young country; there have been no wars on American soil since 1865. If there's a God, I can't belief he/she is one bit happy with the path this country has taken...and our "alliance" with apartheid Israel might well be our downfall.
2007-07-12 16:01:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Money. The United States can afford the safety and protection that other nations lack. I hope this helps. Best Regards, M.G.S.
2007-07-12 16:10:37
answer #9
answered by Mettle Gnosis Seraph 3
I think that if you actually believe that, there's something seriously wrong with you. I don't know how old you are, but that sounds like something only a five-year-old could believe.
But, maybe there's hope for you, since you finally realize that America was created as a secular nation. Hang in there. You may learn even more if you give yourself half a chance.
2007-07-12 16:04:50
answer #10
answered by YY4Me 7
Dear one you have been mislead. The united States is true the true decendents of Israel. Thats why we are blessed,and are a blessing to the nations. We are the stone kingdom,the last great world empire spoken of in the book of Daniel. In God we trust,this is a very christian nation. Sad what is going on now,but more and more people are beginning to come to the fact that America is the home of the true decendents of Israel.
2007-07-12 15:56:52
answer #11
answered by dispesational7 3