18 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
pinkstealth believe me you wouldn't i can please you for hours
15:48:09 ·
update #1
americanhero_a1 i think you girlfriend was at my house last night lol
15:49:13 ·
update #2
RedKnight does your wife wear a bikini in public
15:50:25 ·
update #3
peek-a-boo i will give you your respect you deserve to
15:51:24 ·
update #4
Catholic women who follow the teaching of the Lord and the church dress modestly. Some still veil in the presence of our Lord in the Eucharist.
2007-07-12 15:42:17
answer #1
answered by teresa_benedicta_of_the_cross 4
I think I understand the point you are making, the ladies in your religion/culture do take a lot of critisism for their mode of dress. My own opinion and I am sure I speak for many others, is that if the ladies within your culture choose to dress that way and are happy to do so, that is democracy at work and totally up to them. There is certainly no intention of causing any women hurt.
I think it is the aspect of 'having' to cover up so that no one can see us is hard for us to understand. I dress modestly but western and would be quite offended if my husband thought I was going to run away with another man just because of the way I was dressed. By that same principle, my husband would be upset if he thought I expected him to run off with every woman in western clothes. It does not show trust.
Different cultures but by the responses you are getting I imagine you have had your question answered :)
I would close by saying that fidelity and loyalty are qualities that come from individual character rather than what clothes are worn and that goes for every culture.:)
**Adam, you are a little ahead of yourself here, no one was bashing Islam. We were talking dress here but now that you mention it, as far as I am aware, the Koran does not state that women 'have' to dress this way. My understanding is that it is a requirement of the males from this particular culture.
2007-07-12 16:03:29
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Christian women are allowed to dress the way they want to as long as it is modest as the situation requires. I would not have a problem with my wife wearing a bikini to the beach but would not to church.
I feel sorry for the women in your culture that are not allowed to have their own free will and have to live the same they did hundreds of years ago.
Why do they need to cover up? is it because your men cant control themselves when they see a bare head or arms? Then who has the problem there? the woman or the man. I think that any civilized person would agree that the man should be able to keep his mutilated/circumcised penis in his pants.
Same as when a women gets raped in your country-let me guess-its her fault. you may think that is so just to make up for the fact that you are very brutal and uncivilized.
2007-07-12 17:16:19
answer #3
answered by darth72au 4
Flaunt it? I beg to differ. Many christian women dress as in a manner becoming of God. HOW DARE YOU! These rules and outward laws are PLACED on your women.. in their hearts i am sure they wish that they could be normal and just pull on comfortable clothes and not have to worry about their lusting muslim men..
They have to bend over backwards to veil up their eyes and the rest of their bodies because their men are lustful, uncontrolled, power abusing persons.
My christian husband is satisfied with the way i dress as a christian women and my way of dressing comes from the Lord in me balancing and adjusting me INWARDLY to WHO He is .. not some outward regulation. For me its real.. I do not grudgingly obey without any inward depth or conviction.
2007-07-12 15:46:25
answer #4
answered by Broken Alabaster Flask 6
Yes because they think it's easy for their wives to leave for non believers who tempt them.
2014-07-10 02:50:33
answer #5
answered by That Wife 3
A little bit of knowledge Christian women are SUPPOSED to cover just like mulsim women do. My aunts who are devout catholics still cover. Look at old photos of religious non muslim women and u will see they cover too. A womans beauty is for her husband alone in ALL the religions....learn about your own religion before u go bashing Islam
2007-07-12 16:28:55
answer #6
answered by Adam 6
You are the jealous one. You need to cover your women because either you cannot trust them, or you men are unable to control your animalistic urges. I would never be jealous of a culture that is still in the 7th century. It hurts for you to see all our freedoms and technological advances, right? Oh, you actually believe you will get 72 virgins in Muslim heaven? So you believe spirits have human needs?
2007-07-12 15:53:08
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
What hurts is the way you treat your women. My wife is quite conservative in her dress. But at least my wife isn't treated like a slave.
2007-07-12 15:43:09
answer #8
answered by RedKnight 2
Hahahaa, not all Christian women wear revealing clothes.
2007-07-12 15:41:19
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I can't think of a Christian that would sacrifice a hangnail to marry a woman in a burkha.
2007-07-12 15:47:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous