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31 answers

I know the fundies would just hide in a corner, rocking back and forth twitching...hehehhee..

2007-07-12 14:50:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 2

There is proof that the Bible is false, if interpreted literally. However, when calling things metaphors and such, it really is impossible to disprove. The supernatural is impossible to disprove also - mathematically, you can't really prove a negative (like God does not exist). Similarly, I can't prove that the boogeyman does not exist. To prove God exists, however, you only need ONE piece of evidence! And there is no conclusive evidence as of today.

Personally, I believe science should stay out of religion, and religion MUST stay out of science.

2007-07-12 15:00:08 · answer #2 · answered by khard 6 · 1 0


a true believer will repent
if they can be proven that there belief is false.

however, most christians will not believe the very proof they need to proven their beliefs are false.

The same goes to all athiests as well!

I am the son of a mother who declares she is an athiest.
Yet I became a witness of Jesus christ.

I know there is a God, there is no doubt.

2007-07-12 17:58:40 · answer #3 · answered by Priestcalling 3 · 0 0

Unfortunately, the question is moot as you can neither prove nor disprove God's existence. I tried asking this about Evolution, which has proof, and the majority still stuck by their Bibles.

2007-07-12 15:00:49 · answer #4 · answered by Worzel Gummidge 3 · 3 0

Too hypothetical for me...in your mind, what would constitute "undeniable proof"? Several earlier posters suggested that there is already overwhelming evidence...could you please share some with me? I know I've never seen any evidence that was undeniable or even all that convincing (assuming you mean empirical evidence not hypothetical evidence).

2007-07-12 14:57:43 · answer #5 · answered by KAL 7 · 0 1

if our beliefs are all false then please do tell us how each living creature on earth evolved into a male and female of each animal and reproduced in exactly the same time and place ? that would be required for evolution to be true. evolution says it took billions of years but please remember that NO animal has ever lived to be BILLIONS of years old before DYING......... but for evolution to be true it MUST reproduce with the opposite sex BEFORE IT DIES so that means also that men and women started as 2 specs of dust AND fully evolved into a man and women AND reproduced within about 70 years !!!!!! all at exactly the same time and place........unless you have discovered that people lived for billions of years before dying befor than evolution is false.

2007-07-12 19:26:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

hey hiiiiiiiiii........:)......

i jusT lovE ur Passion ........ur passiOn to prove christians and other religious ppl r wrong...it's just amazing yaar......

and once again i am here to disagree with U .....:(.......

belife is just like Hope.......Hope for Good thing's........

belife as u know give's Human's strength to live even in difficult situation's .........................
not everyone is strong or independent ,strong willed ...............

u r taunting is not fair..........
think abt it .................
if ur freind belive's in something u have the right to put ur point forward but u have no right to make fun of his belife ,,nor u have the right to insult it........
anyway i know u will disagree with me.......
but yaar if a person love's or belive's in something Good there is no problem and all these God fearing ppl love there good love ppl around them ,,,,and they do many many good thing's ..............so there is no way we shd Insult there view's or belife...........

but i reallY adore ur passion .....................put that in some social cause in helping poor kid's or old ppl u wil sure be famous in very short period.........cheers mate...........
and yaa.....

God bless..:P ;).....:)).............just kidding

2007-07-12 16:40:21 · answer #7 · answered by Find out How 1 · 1 0

Now faith is the substance of things to hope for and the evidence of things not seen. I don't know about others but my faith is strong enough to believe God's word no matter what.

2007-07-12 14:55:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

They would refuse to accept it, saying it's a test of their faith. That's what they do now when shown that the bible is a mass of contradictions and outdated beliefs written by men.

Closed-minded ignorance and fear allows for not much else.

And some of the answers here prove my point.

2007-07-12 14:51:38 · answer #9 · answered by grrluknow 5 · 4 3

They would continue to deny it.

PS - FYI - I am not an Atheist just a person who can face reality.

2007-07-12 14:59:04 · answer #10 · answered by Sam 4 · 1 0

Any proof that they are given will not do them any good. Their faith is crazy strong. Which, to me, is a little weird, but who I am to judge them huh?

Anyways, nothing anybody shows them will convince them that they believe in a fairy tale

2007-07-12 14:52:16 · answer #11 · answered by Sam and I 3 · 2 1

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