Christians have had close to 2000 years now to demonstrate the benefits of "following Christ" but there doesn't seem to be any demonstrative difference in embracing the Christian doctrine over any number of other peaceful religions.
We warred on each other before Christ, we war on each other now. We had poverty, hunger, disease, oppression, murder, suicide, theft, and adultery before Christ, and we have these same exact problems today.
If we're going to advocate the adoption of a doctrine that is supposed to make life BETTER, shouldn't there first be some proof that this doctrine does, in fact, make life better before we make everyone convert?
The nations that have seen significant increases in the prosperity and happiness of billions of people - China & India - did so by dispensing contemporary knowledge and information to the populations, not Christianity. Former 3rd world nations now headed towards becoming global leaders, and Christ is nowhere to be found.
How is this possible?
12 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
95% of the scientists in the National Academy today reject religion. Are they a different type of human? Of course not. The answer is that the climate has changed. Scientists today are living in more liberal times, and they do not have to fear the wrath of the church. I suspect that some, if not all the people you mention would have rejected god would it not have put their professional careers (if not their lives) in jeopardy. We all know what happened to Galileo. In any case, there are many more brilliant scientists who've rejected the god belief, than embraced it. Edison, Einstein, Godard, Curie, Watson, Leakey, Chomsky, Sagan, Hawking, Dawkins
15:01:03 ·
update #1
sorry but you're simply wrong. There has been widespread improvement in the standard of living in both China and India. Around WWII, both countries' populations lived at or near poverty levels. In the last ten years, China's standard of living has improved almost 5% per year! India has seen similar improvements. Don't just Google a hackneyed phrase, actually do the RESEARCH and learn something.
15:06:25 ·
update #2
Richard S
"look around"
Are you joking? If you want to be taken seriously, try giving an objective answer, not your personal opinion.
15:08:16 ·
update #3
What an absurd question, and what jaded answers. Is Christianity perfect? No. Has Christianity brought a fair share of suffering and overall "badness" to the world over the years? Yes. The Church is made up of people, and people are not perfect. And yes, sometimes they are about as far from perfect as can be.
But consider how many people's lives have been uplifted by a simple, yet profound belief in something they cannot see with their eyes. How many of the poor are fed by these followers of Christ? How many disabled are allowed to experience a sense of normalcy where they may otherwise have found none? How many are brought medicines and healing by missionaries who live in a foreign country?
Sit there and criticize, and these good deeds will continue to be done - in Christ's name, no less. Pontificate against Christianity on a website, unwilling to offer even the respect of spelling out the religion's name, as though typing CHRISTIAN instead of Xtian will burn your fingers. Yet if you needed help, you would not be denied.
Yes, Christianity has improved society since its inception. Evidence can be see every day, all around you if you just make an effort to look.
----- In response to your irrational comment -----
Okay, Printninja - I get it. You asked a question for the purpose of validating your opinion. I'm sorry I answered. Does that make you feel better?
But perhaps you might consider reading my entire answer? Did it anger you so much to see a dissenting opinion that you couldn't even read the whole thing?
Oh, and when quoting someone, it's customary to place the actual words of that person in quotes. I guess intellect doesn't mix well with hatred.
2007-07-12 15:01:08
answer #1
answered by Richard S 3
I see your point but I find a couple flaws in your statements. I am not a Christian by the way.
1)Christianity is different to different people- some use it to improve their lives and others don't.
2)China and India? In China, within the last fifty years 75 million people were killed unneccesarily by Mao (very low, conservative estimate by the way. Many think the number is closer to 100 million). Its a semi- police state where even mild dissent is punishable by arrest, torture and execution. Healthcare is medieval, much worse than the US. As for India, tens of millions live at a level of poverty not even comprehensible to the average American. Just google "poverty in India" or something. It is absolutely horrific.
So yes, I see your point about the flaws of thinking Christianity is the answer to everything- it is not- but China and India are not examples of what's going right in the world.
2007-07-12 21:54:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Have you ever been to China... the prosperity is only for a smaller portion of the population the polution was terrible and there is a guard with a machine gun everywhere you go. The BBC just reported that a minster got 2 years for having some Bibles printed... if those are your ideals then you can move to China! I enjoyed the scenery but was happy to get out of the country.
Christianity has contributed schools, hospitals, orphanages, organizations like World Vision, Compassion etc. If you think the world is bad now it would be 100 times worse!
2007-07-12 21:51:28
answer #3
answered by Pilgrim in the land of the lost 5
The version of Christianity that I grew up with never promised to turn Christians into saints; instead it promised redemption & Heaven for Christian sinners.
I know that many modern evangelicals talk about the positive intervention of Christ in everything from personal problems to international strife. But these evangelicals don't know their own religion.
When American Christians pray for prosperity, they don't realize that they are treating their King as a servant.
People who think that the God of the Bible wants to solve humanity's current worldy problems should re-read the book of Job.
2007-07-12 22:03:38
answer #4
answered by Rainchild 3
No... Xianity has grossly retarded much scientific TRUTH...
- Galileo ~1610 - Geocentricism (for 359 years)
- Lyell ~1830 - Young Earth
- Darwin ~1859 - Creation - Life
- Hubble ~1924 - Expanding Universe - Big Bang
- Gamow ~1948 - Big Bang Theory
- Penzias & Wilson ~1964 CBR - Big Bang
- Stem Cells ~Now
Plus the Inquisition, burnings, wars, persecution and bigotry. The world has improved *despite* Xianity and *despite* other religions.
2007-07-12 21:41:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
As a whole, I would not say Christianity has helped society. However, Christianity has helped individuals contained within societies through generations up until present times, including myself.
2007-07-12 21:42:01
answer #6
answered by enarchay 2
It's because people are still sinful. No one ever said life was going to be a cakewalk; the Bible equips us on how to deal with it (life, that is).
2007-07-12 21:43:17
answer #7
answered by chrstnwrtr 7
Title questions answer. No.
2007-07-12 21:41:42
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The U. S. was founded on Christian principles and God has put His blessing on it.!
2007-07-12 21:41:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Live is better than it was before Christianity, true. But is is thanks to scientific advances, not religion.
2007-07-12 21:41:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous