First you have to understand what sin is and why there is death in the world. Sin was brought unto the earth through man. “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned.”(Romans 5:12)
Here is God’s curse to us because of Adam: To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat of it,’ “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.” (Genesis 3: 17-19) The earth was cursed because of the sin that Adam and Eve committed.
Sin is the cause of suffering. Without sin there is no suffering. Without the law there is no sin. So anything God says not to do is sin. Sin is lawlessness. Sin is simply rebelling against God. The effect of our rebelling against God is death and suffering. Sin was the biggest cancer that was brought on to the earth. Sin separates us from God. When we are separated from God we are cursed. Through the curse of our separation there is suffering and death. Now that you understand sin and death we will go on to why Jesus needed to die for us. Jesus lived a perfect life without sin. If a person sins they need a blood sacrifice to cover their sins. Jesus was without sin so he did not need a blood sacrifice for his sin. He was considered a perfect sacrifice to cover our sins. The bible says: “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”, (Romans 3:23) and “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23) So we deserve death for our sins, but Jesus took our punishment (curse) on the cross for us. When Jesus died for us on the cross our debt to God was paid in full. So to answer your question, His sacrifice covered our sins (with His blood that was shed on the cross), so God will find us innocent and not guilty on the Day of Judgment. “He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.” (Colossians 1:13-14)
9 answers
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➔ Religion & Spirituality
What did Jesus sacrifice do for us? WOWOW . what a question. It did it all. When Adam and Eve lost the blessings of God and brought curse to the world, they lost it all. No longer did that have one on one communion with God , and a life of just paradise, like Heaven will be. They lost all of that, and because of the curse, they lost the earthlease to heaven. Now, they actually had to work for a living , now their were weeds where there were none before. No longer paradise. Life became very difficult and they lost paradise. And all on earth paid the price since then, no longer paradise. BUt, When Jesus died for us, He bought back the right for our having the earthlease back and He went to hell and heaven to get the keys so that He would be able to give them to us. So now, we dont have to continue to do sacrifice of blood letting as they used to for atonement. WE are forgive because of Jesus, if we love Him and obey Him. HE gives us back the authority He has to do all He can, to call on the angles, cast out the demons, do healings and miracles, all in the name of Jesus, and not on our own. HE gave us power to overcome sin and live as He lived, by the precious indwelling of the Holy Spirit. and now, we can have a slice of Heaven right here if we are Gods true children. No need to sin and be in constant curse and misery and agony and on the way to hell. WE can overcome sin by the Holy Spirit , thru obedience to God, and we can live a live as Jesus did, Free of sin, not FREE TO SIN. We are all given choices, and each will be held accountible for the choices they make. But because of Jesus and His death on the cross, we can be set free if we want it, and will turn to Him, repent of our sins, turn from them, confess Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and then live a life of obediece to Him as He did to the Father. and we KNOW we are on the way to Heaven when we do. God is a good God, and noone goes to hell unless it is their choice. God gives us all kinds of warnings of how to avoid hell, but if ppl wont read and listen, He wont force them.
And, one more thing, I think is sokool. Did you know they didnt just kill Jesus? HE said that no man could take His life, so He gave it up for us. Thats love, and yet so many wont lvoe Him and serve Him. What more do they want of Jesus? BUt , we all need to serve HIm soon, cause we have to choose for Jesus before we die or He comes again and He is coming soon. Choose soon and wisley, you all.
2007-07-12 15:02:20
answer #1
answered by full gospel shirley 6
If you believe the premise of Jesus, then only you can decide what he did or did not do. I believe that Christians should study closely the religion that Jesus followed and once knowing Judaism, to then learn what his friends made up in order to start a new religion with less rules, less commandments, no kashruth, and no circumcisions. That is how the church became so large - people needing to believe in something without too much sacrifice of their own.
2016-05-21 02:06:26
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Romans 5
2007-07-12 16:58:57
answer #3
answered by robert p 7
Sin is someone else's of idea of what is unacceptable behavior. It's for people who don't or refuse to think for themselves. In realty there is no such thing as sin. There is bad behavior and malicious intent to harm.
2007-07-12 14:41:12
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Jesus made it possible to have fellowship with God and to have eternal life.
2007-07-12 14:42:13
answer #5
answered by Jlk 4
He gave/gives us hope, joy, and love... and everything you said
Keep Spreading the Word
God Bless :)
2007-07-14 06:42:02
answer #6
answered by Petina 5
I laid all my sins at His feet.
I have NEVER been happier, more at peace, and TOTALLY content.
Thank you for ASKING!!!!
2007-07-12 14:44:16
answer #7
answered by bettyboop 6
That's just too silly for words.
2007-07-12 14:41:42
answer #8
answered by YY4Me 7
Long rant saying nothing.
2007-07-12 14:40:53
answer #9
answered by Anonymous