May I recommend a few web sites:
2007-07-12 13:58:06
answer #1
answered by wefmeister 7
Well if there is a God then he/she is clearly not the God in which religions have promoted. It's not God that allows bad things to happen, it just happens, either by humans allowing it to happen or just plain bad luck. You are in control of your life and when something bad happens it's up to you how you choose to accept what happens, for example if someone close to you dies or gets raped, you can either get angry wallow in pity or see it as something that gives you a challenge in your life making you a better person as a result in how you deal with the tragedy that came your way, it's a life long and difficult process, alot harder than blindly following some God and putting your faith and life in something elses hands. If you want to be more spiritual then look within yourself and see both the good and the bad and realise they must co-exsist in order for you to be able to accept lifes challenges and be more open to accepting that unchristian behaviour comes from circumstance and not by choice, so to be more spiritual means less judgmental
2007-07-14 02:25:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It is nice to see that you are slowly coming to your senses.
The bible is a good read with a sad ending, the theories and information that have now been put forward about evolution tear the bibles stories to shreds.
This is my favorite bitof data,I use it a lot:-
The Anomalous Nature of Religious Diversity
The number of major gods recognized around the world and recorded in world history are in the hundreds.
The number of religions, current and past, centered on these gods, is in the thousands.
The number of lives lost in the attempts to advance or defend religious beliefs is in the millions.
The number of humans negatively affected by this cultural anomaly is in the billions.
There might be something to it , religion that is, but until anyone actually comes up with positive proof, physical proof, not just writings, then I think I am going to stick with factual information.
2007-07-12 21:03:57
answer #3
answered by FMAACMSkipppy 4
This is an age old question, fact is terrible things happen in the earth, mostly created by humans. Its our choice to lye, cheat, steal, and kill. Yes there is bad but that proves there is something more. people make the grave mistake of limiting their reality to the limitations of this life. Who's to say this is it? If I die tomorrow in a car crash, that may be viewed as a tragedy, however from my perspective I may be leaving one reality and embracing another greater reality...many attribute this as heaven, but so little is known of heaven that who knows just how great life is after death.
In the mean time its the good people in this world to bring good. Little things we do for the unfortunate can mean so much more than we give it credit. Comforting a sad person, bringing food the hungry, spreading good makes this sometimes painful world that much better. If more people let go of their bias' and ignorance our world could be much greater...unfortunately there is a lot of bad in the world but we cant dismiss the good in it either. learning and gaining wisdom is what God wanted. The more we learn to good the greater this world gets.
2007-07-12 21:00:59
answer #4
answered by Murfdigidy 4
The first thing to understand is that evil came into the world because of sin. God didn't create things this way. Adam and Eve had been given authority over Earth, and as a consequence of their sin they lost control of Earth to Satan. Since then Satan's been running things here. 1 John 5:19 says, "We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one."
It does often look as if evil is triumphing over good, but remember that's only what we see here in this evil place. God has promised that evil men will be punished, and even though they only live for 70-80 years here, their punishment lasts forever. So they've traded 70 years of evil deeds for an eternity of punishment. Believers are told to focus on the things we can't see (eternal life) instead of the things we can (the injustice of this world). (2 Corinthians 4:18) To me that's our biggest challenge. We can only see the things that happen around us, so we form opinions based on that.
But God promises eternal life for those who believe, in a place where there is no more death or mourning or crying or pain. (Rev. 20:4) Following our short lives here, we get to live eternally there in days filled with happiness and joy. He hasn't given us all the details because if we knew just how great it's going to be then we'd be even more miserable here.
2007-07-12 21:04:49
answer #5
answered by faceeternity 3
So you want Him to step in and take away out free will? I know that there is much evil in the world. But maybe He put you here to help with some of it. It is normal to go through times of doubt and despair. These can be times of learninh and growth. Search for the answers. Remember the story of the man who was crying as he was coming home from his son's funeral. He cried out to God "Where were you when my son died?" All of a sudden he heard a voice saying"The same place I was when my son died"
2007-07-12 21:23:11
answer #6
answered by David F 5
You open the door to things by the way you live and the way you speak, if it is not positive you will bring things into your life
It is not Gods fault
if you open the door doubt and other things will come in , it is your own fault
pray and live a godly and peaceable life, read Gods word and live by the word
commit your ways to the Lord, trust in him and he will help you
all things come through fasting and prayer and obedience
2007-07-12 21:08:09
answer #7
answered by Gifted 7
To become more spiritual the first step is to begin the process of turning lose of everything you have been conditioned to believe. Both religious and secular conditioning. Spirituality is about self discovery; discovery of who you are in truth, not who the church or the world has taught you that you are.
2007-07-12 20:57:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
doubts come easy for many of us, also doubt comes from satan as well, satan wants you to start doubting and get to the point of turning your back on God for the things that you see going on. If God is Love then why this and why that..We haven't the answers to the things that go on in our lives as well as others, only God has the answers to them.. Don't listen anymore to the lies of satan, get a personal relationship with God going and get it strong, strong enough to hold you up through the storms of life...Pray..
2007-07-12 21:08:13
answer #9
answered by s 2
Like what? You mean Christians giving God a bad name?
Apostasy? Hypocrisy? Or be there anything else (which I'm sure there is) This will continue unto the end....there are wheat and tares. Be sure you are wheat. Jesus will sort this out when he returns, which is soon....
"For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him." Hebrews 10:37,38
Hold on Christian, Hold on!
Grace be with you..
2007-07-12 21:02:02
answer #10
answered by aizzle 2
are you looking to become more spiritual or seeking answers to your questions as a Christian ?
I am a little unsure
but all I can advise is
to post any questions you have , search in many places , ask from other religions , other people , looking for unbiased opinions and accept only what makes sense to your heart
2007-07-12 20:55:20
answer #11
answered by Anonymous