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If people are born innocent why is it that we have tendency or inclination toward sin? Why do we say that nobody is perfect? Doesn’t this prove that we acquired a fallen nature?

2007-07-12 13:43:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

5 answers

Yes we are ALL born with the stain of original sin.

2007-07-12 13:49:35 · answer #1 · answered by tebone0315 7 · 1 0

We believe that babies are born sinless. How is it fair that sin if sin is inherited to a newborn baby. What makes us sin is shaitaan's whispers.. after we get used to it then it is part of our humanly desires. However we should be able to control it and not it control us. Its not whos right and whose wrong, just difference of belief. Christians believe babies are born with sin. Muslims believes babies are born sinless.

2007-07-14 03:36:01 · answer #2 · answered by AskTwice 2 · 0 0

I found this piece in an article which explains it clearly. We have tendency to sin because we have weaknessess in our faith and we are create with the power of choosing for ourselves. Satan can get into the cracks of our mind if we allow him by not seeking protection from the One who created us and praising him, which strengthen our faith and decreases the chance of us sinning, makes sense?

HE holds you responsible for what you do, and HE does not blame you for what the first human being did. But, even after you do wrong, God is always willing to forgive. HE is full of loving kindness, and HE loves to forgive. HE is willing to forgive anyone who turns to Him and seeks forgiveness. This means that if you did something wrong you can still turn back to God and He will forgive you, if you sincerely decided to give up that sin. Isn't this refreshing to know? Isn't it wonderful to know that even if we lived a whole life of sin but we decide now to change our lives and obey God HE would forgive us this minute? And that's just between us and God. We don't need any confession box, and we don't need anyone to suffer for our sins. Could we resist the loving kindness that God is offering us? God wants us to know about HIS love. He wants us to know that HE is Just. HE wants us to know the truth about HIM so that when we turn to HIM we know to Whom we are turning. But, there is so much misinformation about God. Where can we get correct information about Him? In His Book! That's so obvious, isn't it? God told us about Himself in His book. We owe it to ourselves to see what God has to say about Himself. Shouldn't you be reading God's book? Here's God's message to you in His book:

O mankind! Now has a proof from your Lord come unto you, and We have sent down unto you a clear light; as for those who believe in Allah and hold fast unto Him, them will He cause to enter into His mercy, and grace, and will guide them unto Him by a straight road. (Quran 4:174-175).

Peace to you

2007-07-12 21:07:23 · answer #3 · answered by Coexistence 3 · 0 0

i'm muslim and i think the shatan (devil in arabic) makes us want to sin. he plants the bait and most of the time we bite, so there's sin

2007-07-12 20:48:26 · answer #4 · answered by Nadine 5 · 0 0

i'm not muslim but i like this better than the christian idea.

i like the idea (and i fully believe it) that everyone is born "innocent"

2007-07-12 20:46:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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