Catholics act like they are the victim all the time, and i agree with you that they have done many bad things that clearly contradict their claims in faith, but one must also look at the times that it happened in and what it was like. you cannot rightfully take a time in history and compare it to todays standards or else it wont make sense and be accurate. Catholics also seem to have a habit of not remembering and accepting the actual history that is there, many prefer to forget that the faith they are apart of has made mistakes and done things opposite of their stated beliefs. There are many catholics however that see the mistakes accept them and say well we are not them and we do not agree with the actions taken before us but we will do what we can to make up in some way for those transgressions.
2007-07-12 13:43:35
answer #1
answered by Benotafraid 3
I am neither Catholic nor Protestant either and they are quite aware of their history.
I find Protestants rarely have much or any knowledge of their history but Catholics seem to be quite self reflective.
Within the perspective of Christianity, the Reformation was a tragedy. A family was torn apart.
And, if you do read the histories, Protestants were often worse than Catholics. The Catholic Church limited torture (I know that not banning it is pretty bad, but you had to live in the times --the American government is using torture and calling it a good idea, one candidate for the presidency called for its expansion). A leader of the Reformation was a prior Inquisitor and was horrified that the Protestant Reformation would not use the restraint that the Catholic Church used. Luther burned 20,000 Baptists at the stake, Baptists would kill whole cities if they didn't say they were saved and Calvin called for the death of all other non-Calvinist protestants. Before the Reformation was over one in three Germans were dead.
I am not saying Catholics were nice. I am saying that it is difficult at best to try and hold that Catholics were worse. Even the "peace churches," such as the Mennonites, whipped the skin off dissenters in Russia and in America, the penalty for missing church on purpose was to have your tongue nailed to a post. They took the nail out in a day or so, but you were nailed to the wood so that everyone understood the impact of dissent.
2007-07-12 15:08:40
answer #2
answered by OPM 7
I'm Catholic, and I have never heard anyone complain about Protestants.
I really try not to bash any religion. Not very nice, you know. So yes, people will complain about other religions, but it isn't limited only to Roman Catholics. Nor do all Roman Catholics participate.
2007-07-12 13:41:22
answer #3
answered by pamiekins 4
Catholics are forbidden by our Lord to hate others even our enemies. We are not even allowed to hate those that hate Christ's Church but to pray for them instead. What you perceive as Catholics acting like victims is really Catholics being charitable to those who hate Christ's Church..
Did not our Lord predict that the world would hate those who followed Him.? And, that we are to take up our cross and follow him in spite of this. Were not the first followers and the most faithful martyred for their faith except one. Why would we expect better treatment than our Lord or those chosen by Him to build His Church. May the Lord have mercy on those full of hatred for that which He has created and the world rejects.
In Christ
Fr. Joseph
2007-07-12 13:53:28
answer #4
answered by cristoiglesia 7
In defence of hones Catholics, Don't you know that the Protestants did just things just as evil as you mention? In fact, it was Pagan Rome, Papal Rome, and Protestantism which really persecuted and murdered Christians and those of other faiths; not to mention the fact that the Roman Catholics and Protestants murdered each other. You can not blame them for what happended during the dark ages. You can blame these systems.
2007-07-12 13:41:09
answer #5
answered by 1saintofGod 6
The too are part of what is described in the Book of Revelation as "Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion."
It is easy to be blinded by your own actions when you are part of Satan's earthly organization.
2007-07-12 13:52:06
answer #6
answered by Here I Am 7
The problems that people have with the Catholic Church are the moral conduct of it's members and have nothing to do with the Church or it's teachings.
2007-07-12 13:36:21
answer #7
answered by stpolycarp77 6
I agree with you although recently the Pope spoke as Catholics were superior. I think that any exclusivity among religions, genders, races, or nations breeds animosity. Why cant we all just be humans who try their best for peace and good will?
2007-07-12 13:37:05
answer #8
answered by barthebear 7
Watch the Catholic channel for five minutes and you will see why. It's a shame, but this is what they are being taught to say.
2007-07-12 13:37:45
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Well, if I was Catholic I'd get kind of sick of people telling me I'm going to Hell because I'm Catholic, too. Please, have you been to Mass?
2007-07-12 13:37:56
answer #10
answered by ccrider 7